Sunday, August 18, 2024

349. They call the 5000 crore rupees that would have been got in K-Rail and the 5000 crore rupees that’s going to be got in Vizhinjam Port as development; we call it corruption!


They call the 5000 crore rupees that would have been got in K-Rail and the 5000 crore rupees that’s going to be got in Vizhinjam Port as development; we call it corruption!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Zoltan Tasi. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Adani will invest Rs 2000 crore for the port. The state government will spend 2500 crores. But the port will belong to Adani for sixty years and not to the government. As the Kerala Chief Minister and Marxist leader Pinarayi Vijayan agrees to this he will be given a handsome bribe of Rs 5000 crore. What a profitable deal! It’s that simple. The loss is only to the State of Kerala and the people of the State of Kerala. In order to protect the interests of the state of Kerala, shall the people bring a person from outside the state and place him on the chief minister's chair in the secretariat? An outsider who has nothing to do with the state of Kerala or the people of Kerala sits in the chair of the chief minister of the state of Kerala (in fact Adani and other capitalists from other states and other countries sabotage the state committee and even the polit bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) years back in advance by buying them outright for money and put him there to run their errands and fulfill their needs!), conduct several sinister transactions with foreigners by surpassing the central government under tacit agreements, share the profits, and he, in addition, takes also the usual commission the government should get himself for facilitating these transactions with the government by affixing the government seal and legitimizing and formalizing these transactions!

Pinarayi Vijayan's government earlier had tried to implement the Kerala Rail Project in Kerala with borrowing at a much higher interest rate 75000 crore rupees from Japan and get hold of 5000 crore rupees as commission for arranging and consenting to this higher interest rate and buying old and obsolete rails and trains and spare parts from them. When people saw that their homes and lands were going to be seized by the Japanese and the Marxists and they evacuated, they came together to defend and that was the end of the K-rail project, though the central BJP government’s prime minister Narendra Modi and his railways minister were standing there holding the sack for Pinarayi Vijayan. When the K-rail project came to an end before the people’s furious protests, the commission of 5000 crore rupees which Pinarayi Vijayan and others in the Marxist Party and their ruling front including the CPI anticipated very much was washed away.

By taking away 2500 crore rupees which is lying in the Kerala state treasury and giving it to Adani who invests only 2,000 crore in the Vizhinjam project, and also leasing it to Adani liberally for not 30 but 60 years, what the Pinarayi Vijayan Group (PVG) will get summarily in return will also be exact amount- i.e. Rs 5000 crore rupees. When one was lost, the other was grasped! Therefore, Pinarayi Vijayan will fight an extraordinary life-and-death battle in Vizhinjam, and that extraordinary life-and-death battle has started since 27 November 2022, when the government issued an unambiguous order to abandon the K-rail project. That is what is seen today as an unusual intervention of the government against the fishermen who are opposing the port there.

But because of the opposition of the people of Kerala who know him completely, no matter how many followers, propagandists and media he has with him who share in that money, he will never get that money in his life, with his Vizhinjam dream collapsing just like his K-Rail dream was collapsed: it can only be written in his grave that he walked the land with the dream of securing that money! The people of Kerala, who have been deceived by him for so long by telling them that he is a Communist and a Marxist, have seen to that, like they are taking a personal revenge on him. If a project was started by Pinarayi Vijayan, the people of Kerala will sure wreck it without looking ahead, or back, because the people of Kerala do not see him as a Chief Minister, but as a swindler and corrupt fraud who came up with only swindling and corrupt projects and did not do any decent direct straight work in his life as a job, as an occupation, for supporting himself and his wife and children, and lived only to make money through crookèd ways.

While all the ports in India built on the basis of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) are leased for 30 years to the builders, Vijayan took the forehand lead and leased this Kerala port to Adani for a double term of 60 years. In other ports,while the operator gives the rights-holding government a dividend of one-third of the operating profit, that is 35 percent, and that too from the outset, from the very beginning of the commencement of operation, in Vizhinjam the builder and operator Adani will give the major investment-holding Kerala Government a dividend of only one percent of the operating profit, that too beginning from only after twenty years of port operations. Has there ever been such a money-hungry anti-human body in India moving only through fraudulent and artificial means?

It was because he while sitting on the chief minister's chair agreed to cheat the state and acquiesce to or even devise this enormous difference between this port and other ports in India with private capital investment that out of that a small amount- five thousand crore rupees- was given to Pinarayi Vijayan, as a similar but very small amount was given to the administrative team of Late Omman Chandi, who was the Chief Minister some time ago. The amount paid to Pinarayi Vijayan was the price for actually devising this stark contrast to other ports with private capital investment. If Kerala were not sleeping but had woken up, even if Adani who is under the protection of Prime Minister Narendra Modi could not be caught, Pinarayi Vijayan could sure have been caught and ……!

There are many people in Kerala who walked around saying that the K-rail project will be implemented no matter what happens and who opposes it, until the people rang its death knell. Pinarayi Vijayan, EP Jayarajan, Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, Thomas Isaac, VS Vijaya Raghavan, MB Rajesh, AN Shamsseer, M Swaraj, MV Jayarajan, Aanantthalavattam Anandan and MV Govindan of the Communist Party of India Marxist-CPIM and Kaanam Rajendran of their ruling partner the Communist Party of India-CPI are among that long line. And there are some women too from the Marxist Party. Of these, all of them are or were the frontline leaders of their party and their government administration in Kerala who have gone to get advantages and benefits from K-Rail in the form of commissions, appointments and contracts. When people saw to it that the K-rail and those five thousand crores rupees were gone, their chirping stopped, on account of K-Rail.

Now they are sitting around chirping that they will implement the next corruption project the Vizhinjam port whatever comes, no matter who opposes them. And when the people who know them too well not to recognize their intentions finish it, they will move on and yet again come up with another new dream plan sprouted up and unfolds in the haze of the Charas and the MDMA the party ranks sells and the leadership controls and begin piping that they will implement it no matter what, and start their next chirp. The people of Kerala have made them, reduced them to, just that- a few chirpers.

There is a port minister in Kerala. No one has heard much about him in Kerala or Indian politics, but his name is Ahmed Devar Kovil, a member of an unimportant communal party which is a member of the Marxist party’s ruling coalition. In relation to the Vizhinjam anti-port strike and the inciting of communal riots there under the joint banner of RSS, BJP and Marxist Party for Adani, the name released by the vested-interested Kerala media as to the one who made the anti-reactionary and anti-social statement was not his but of another minister in the same cabinet- of the sports and fisheries minister V. Abdu Rahiman-, to create confusion among the people of Kerala. What does he have to do with this? It seems Mr. Kovil is an alien, probably from some remote corner of Tamilnadu- he doesn't seem to know anything about the customary morals of Kerala. It seems that he thought Kerala would devour and take whatever Pinarayi Vijayan says at face value and obey him like he does.

What he said related to the violence in Vizhinjam on 27-28 November 2022 including the attack on the police station, which the Kerala Latin Catholic Church which leads the anti-port strike say were conspired and created by BJP, Marxist Party, Adani, Police and Government, and the BJP, Marxist Party, Adani, Police and Government say were created after a conspiracy between the fishermen and the Kerala Latin Catholic Church which leads them, was that he had found the bottom of his patience. Patience for what? What bottom of patience? And who is he to see the bottom? Has no one told him that the government's patience with public matters, as opposed to individuals in whom it differs from person to person, is infinite? What he said actually was that waiting and waiting for that five thousand crores of rupees delayed due to this anti-port fishermen's strike which went on for a long time he found the bottom of his patience. Has he not any shame as a man to say it? When you walk around with a mustache, don’t you need a little self-respect?

Pinarayi Vijayan, EP Jayarajan and Kaanam Rajendran call the 5000 crore rupees that would have been got in the K-Rail project and the 5000 crore rupees that’s going to be got in Vizhinjam Port project as development; we call it corruption!

Written on 28 November 2022 and first published on: 18 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 28 November 2022 and first published on: 29 November 2022

SM1168. കെ-റെയിലിലു്ക്കിട്ടുമായിരുന്ന 5000കോടിരൂപയെയും വിഴിഞ്ഞംതുറമുഖത്തുകിട്ടാ൯പോകുന്ന 5000കോടിരൂപയെയും പിണറായിവിജയനും ഈപ്പീജയരാജനും കാനംരാജേന്ദ്രനുംപറയുന്നതു് വികസനമെന്നാണു്, നമ്മളു്പറയുന്നതു് അഴിമതിയെന്നും!

348. They are not able to answer the question whether the coast of Kerala should be completely destroyed in order to build a port for Adani at Vizhinjam. The answer they give is to look at the faces of the Christian priests and nuns and shout obscenities at them!


They are not able to answer the question whether the coast of Kerala should be completely destroyed in order to build a port for Adani at Vizhinjam. The answer they give is to look at the faces of the Christian priests and nuns and shout obscenities at them!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Dorian Mongel. Graphics: Adobe SP.

In response to the question of whether the entire coast of Kerala should be destroyed in order to build a port in Vizhinjam for the Hindu corporate Adani who shadow-runs the state administration, Pinarayi Vijayan who is the chief minister of the ruling faction of the Marxist party in the state, Adani who builds this port for him under central and state finance, and the port protection committee they hastily assembled by paying immediate money, have not been able to come up together with anything except police force and political threat for such a long time, in defense of the fishermen's strike there raising the issue of marine and terrestrial environmental destruction presently and in future from this port construction.

Their response to that question is to, looking at the faces of the Christian priests and nuns who are leading that struggle call them obscenities in the presence of the police and with their support. The Vizhinjam Coastal Police and the Trivandrum City Police Commissioner are unable to use the law to take cases against those who call them these obscenities, as this is in accordance with the orders and at the behest of the central BJP, Hindu Rashtra leader Adani and the Kerala Marxist leader and chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan. The question that perplexes them is whether law or political compliance is important.

Fishermen who were evicted and displaced for the implementation of, for making room for, this project are still living in cement warehouses years later. Even the State Human Rights Commission has not taken any case for it. Because it is Adani, they do not see any violation of human rights in it. After the construction of this project started, there has been no resettlement of those whose houses were washed away by the sea by breaking into the land and taking away the shore from Kanyakumari and Trivandrum to Quilon and Alleppey due to this unscientific and anti-environmental harbor construction. Most of them are still lying settled on the bare shore vulnerable with their babies. Where else could they go!

It is without addressing any of these issues that Adani, Pinarayi Vijayan, Kerala Police and Adani Port Protection Group are going on with the construction of this port with the intercession and blessings of the High Court, and that too on 27 November 2022 throwing stones at the fishermen protesters to provoke outrage and causing them to be beaten and arrested, and even getting the bishops who were at that time in their churches and running the church affairs arrested and taken cases against, accusing them of opposing lord Adani. The report is that the policemen themselves threw the stones and start the things and end things once and for all, whether it ended or not. If the ruling Marxist party’s youth brigade the DYFI put on the policemen’s clothes the policemen themselves gave and threw stones at the protesters, who would say anyone other than the policemen threw it? Who else is responsible other than the Commissioner of Police and his team posted there?

The people from Pinarayi Vijayan and Adani to those in the state committees of the Marxist Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Vizhinjam Port Protection Committee which they formed and is led by them, who knows that even though it is the deepest part of the sea and that’s why it is selected for an international very large ships-berthing port, it is also in such parts where obstacles placed before the sea currents by way of bunds and other obstructions to the ocean currents made are the places where the sea becomes the roughest and causes the most destructive waves and sea shore erosion, have loony waves in their heads!

While the port could be built anywhere upto and including in Tamilnadu, it is to build it in Kerala when Pinarayi Vijayan is still alive and still in power so that by taking and giving away the public land and also money from the public treasury he can get any bribe, make any appointment, that he invited the appropriate Adani to Kerala and to do it in Vizhinjam itself. Along with this, the public land involved in this which was gifted by his government to Adani, and those lands seized from the people after evicting them and handed over by his government, all becomes real estate related to and owned by the port project which could be sold at will at a thousand-times-higher price. That’s the corruption potential in this. That’s why, and it’s because of seeing which money, the Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has been sticking his tongue out and twirling it in the air and telling lies in media interviews and press conferences.

Written on 27 November 2022 and first published on: 18 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 27 November 2022 and first published on: 28 November 2022

SM1166. വിഴിഞ്ഞത്തു് അദാനിക്കുവേണു്ടിയൊരു തുറമുഖമുണു്ടാക്കാ൯ കേരളത്തി൯റ്റെ കടലു്ത്തീരംമുഴുവ൯നശിക്കണോയെന്ന ചോദ്യത്തിനു് ഉത്തരംപറയാ൯ അവ൪ക്കു് കഴിയുന്നില്ല. അതിനവ൪നലു്കുന്നയുത്തരം ക്രിസ്സു്തൃ൯വൈദികരുടെയും കന്യാസ്സു്ത്രീകളുടെയുംമുഖത്തുനോക്കി തെറിവിളിയാണു്




Thursday, August 15, 2024

347. The Vizhinjam port will have to be abandoned completely. It may not be due to the anti-port struggle, but due to some other reasons. Didn't see the Parliament giving up three farmers’ laws they brought for the much bigger Reliance?


The Vizhinjam port will have to be abandoned completely. It may not be due to the anti-port struggle, but due to some other reasons. Didn't see the Parliament giving up three farmers’ laws they brought for the much bigger Reliance?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

The Vizhinjam port project will have to be abandoned completely. It may not be due to the anti-port strike by the sea-coast dwellers, traditional fishermen and environmental agitators, but due to some other reasons. Didn't see the Parliament giving up three farmers’ laws they brought for the benefit of the much bigger Reliance? Didn't the Kingfisher Airlines and Brewery Company which had more capital investment than this fold, its artificial windfall financial empire collapse, and its boss flee the country and take shelter in London? Isn’t the central government of the BJP walking up and down and lamenting through the British courts still, pleaing that he should be returned to India- he who is a BJP’s MP in Modi’s Parliament himself? Didn't everyone see the Indian Parliament reconvening and abandoning three farmers’ laws they themselves in their arrogance and corporate slavery passed for the much bigger Reliance? Didn't Narendra Modi, the central BJP, Pinarayi Vijayan, the state BJP, the state Marxist Party and the world-Gulf-Japan capitalists have to abandon after six years the K-Rail project in Kerala which they had worked for together very hard with even harder anti-people sentiments, which cost 32.14 times more than this little port?

When it’s exactly six years since the start of construction, we can hear the news that Adani Port has stopped- not Vizhinjam Port, but the news that Adani Port has stopped! The port of Vizhinjam may sometimes continue under the government of the day and go ahead- with some changes in its functioning, facilities and scope as it had been hundreds of years ago. Let us put aside for now some people’s ignorance that the Vizhinjam Harbor was conceived after the arrival of Umman Chandy, Pinarayi Vijayan, Narendra Modi and Adani in Indian politics.

Kerala’s Marxist leader and Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his co-partnering state BJP are going to hold back what the Prime Minister real Narendra Modi and the central BJP could not hold back! All the land that were taken from the people will have to be returned in full, and the money taken from the state exchequer for this purpose will have to be returned as assigned as personal liabilities of the Chief Minister, Finance Minister, Chief Secretary etc. Fundamentally, no one has ever said anything out there about what the flaw in this project is, and not many have even realized it. What happened behind the action of the Central Government, which gave preliminary environmental clearance to this port and several associated projects without examining their exact ecological and environmental impacts on the Kerala sea coast, will also come out soon.

Strange and unnatural as it may seem, but one of the main reasons for the eventual abandonment of the Vizhinjam Adani Port Project is that it was one of this Pinarayi Vijayan's projects, that he had laid his hands on it. So far in his life, no plan to make money for himself while in power has ever succeeded. All plans failed without exception. It is even correct to say that the people of Kerala are demolishing them and handing them back to him as, in their view, they were all brought forth by an unqualified sitting in power. People have taken it as an easy game for them to win, because it is not his money involved in it, not even a single rupee of his is in it, but it is all their money, the people’s money, that has gone into it all in various ways. And he was too sure he could take corruption money from each. Therefore, they have a space to stand on and comment, oppose, interfere and destroy his plans. Had this not included public money, then they, the people, would not have had any space there to do this mischief. But then, as he has no scope now for taking public money and giving it to others as his own, and as he is not investing any of his money, he himself also would not have had any space in these public-money-stealing projects. By the way, in the meantime, if any money has come into his hands, it is the money these greedy foreigners lost by paying his share of loot in advance, which is no concern of the people, and the money diverted from the treasury for the initial costs of planning and formulating these projects, which sure is a concern of the people.

When we look at the figures of many of these dreamed up projects and evaluate the break-even-points of each, we can see that these projects were all came up with only to siphon off money from the treasury as expenses for researching, planning and formulating these projects which all were sure never would materialize, and the preliminary expenses for these were not small. Other than fleecing the treasury of these preliminary and preparatory expenses for many unmaterializable projects, if ever a sizable amount of money came into his hands, it was in the electricity scam project associated with the Canadian Lavalin company- but it was not Pinarayi Vijayan's head that hatched it, it was not a plan that he devised; it was a plan that came up from people in the previous administrations before him. If he was the one who had come up with that plan, it would have fallen apart, the people would have seen to that! They would have torn it apart and given it back to him!

Whatever his projects were, be it people's e-health data trading, electric bus manufacturing deal with a Swiss company, writing off the sea and selling it with all its marine resources to an American company, and making and running a Kerala Rail through the midst and in the land of the Indian Railway which already is there and functioning very well, were all wrecked and demolished and handed back to him by the people. It is only foolish, and childish, for someone to think that only the Vizhinjam project will escape from that primitive justice execution by people merely because it includes Adani. All the other failed projects had involved the world’s rich, far bigger than Adani.

Such an unusual situation of all money-making projects that the state’s chief minister comes up with collapsing has arisen because Kerala society sees Pinarayi Vijayan not as a governmental entity but as as an individual who is corrupt and anti-people to the core, unlike all the others who had ruled Kerala before him. He is hated even in his own party. It is not respect and obedience to a governmental personage, but hatred and animosity towards something unsociable that is ugly that should be isolated from society and must permanently be subjugated and defeated for ever, that the social mind has towards him. It is a wonder that when such a person was born in and was moving through politics and administration, the seditious Foreign Malayalee-Whiteman-Arab Group which was making a profit in all these through him and the Marxist party that hosted and unleashed this shame, did not expect this attitude towards him from Malayalis who has the same height, weight and breadth but without the greed as him.

Written on 03 December 2022 and first published on: 15 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 03 December 2022

SM1175. വിഴിഞ്ഞംതുറമുഖപദ്ധതി സമ്പൂ൪ണ്ണമായുമുപേക്ഷിക്കേണു്ടിവരും. അതു് തുറമുഖവിരുദ്ധസമരംകാരണമായിരിക്കില്ല, മറ്റുചിലകാരണങ്ങളു്കൊണു്ടായിരിക്കും. ഇതിനേക്കാളു്വലിയറിലയ൯സ്സിനുവേണു്ടി പാ൪ലമെ൯റ്റുതന്നെകൊണു്ടുവന്ന ക൪ഷകനിയമങ്ങളുപേക്ഷിക്കേണു്ടിവന്നതുകണു്ടില്ലേ!




Tuesday, August 13, 2024

346. Who doesn’t know Adani is entering fisheries! The Vizhinjam project is the Kerala’s Marxist Government’s reviving the selling of the sea to the Adani Company instead of to that old American Company!!


Who doesn’t know Adani is entering fisheries! The Vizhinjam project is the Kerala’s Marxist Government’s reviving the selling of the sea to the Adani Company instead of to that old American Company!!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Michael Heck. Graphics: Adobe SP.

The new Marxist party culture and its Pinarayi Vijayan style in Kerala of eating upto their noses’ fill and then kicking the person who cooked that food, pulsates and trembles to stir up racial riots in Vizhinjam coast! Even at such a stage, the executive, legislature, judiciary and the media who are not worth even the price of a drop of blood falling in a communal riot, are not even able to understand and respond to this- four shadowy figures, the birds in the Adani's sky!! Who doesn’t know Adani is entering the fisheries sector!!! Prior to this entry the fishing community in Kerala had to be destroyed, the local traditional fishing industry pulverized with it, and Adani made to be able to sell raw as well as canned and tinned fish in a state where no one upto now buys them except seeing them as TV advertisements. Preparations ahead of that are what are going on in the name of development as Vizhinjam port.

That is why the organizations and parties like the RSS, BJP, Marxist Party, Muslim League, media like the Kerala Kaumudi, Mathrubhumi, Police, beneficiaries like Pinarayi Vijayan, Adani and their appendages are jumping with enthusiasm in advance, leaping towards sky, and such varied and politically rivalling leaders of parties and such other absurdities of history such as Anavoor Nagappan and Vathsan Tillankeri, V. V. Rajesh and V. Shivakutty, EP Jayarajan and M. V. Jayarajan, and Sasikala and M. V. Govindan walk hand in hand raising the same slogans. In a sense this is good- all the filth in Kerala is churned out and being taken out in the name of the Adani port protection movement opposing the fishermen of Kerala who give fish to Kerala to devour and relish to the fill- the biggest poison extraction, release, catharsis, Kerala has ever seen!

Kerala exports more than Rs 6000 crore worth of marine and other sea-related products every year and earns foreign money. Local fish trade is more than 166 percent of it, at least at ten thousand crore rupees. It's a war to capture that market, and remain a monopoly- the port is just a cover, just a start. When looked at and compared to this vast market, what will you get out of a berthing port, what will it bring, after the many years taken for it to break-even? Don’t you remember that lowly man named Pinarayi Vijayan once making his lowly attempt to sell the entire sea of ​​Kerala to an American company? And don’t remember how the vigilant Kerala rose up as a whole and defeated him thouroughly? This is a continuation of it, the second attempt disguised as a port. This precedes an attempt and action to betray the fishermen of Kerala and sell out the seas and the marine products which are their birthright to the Adani Company instead of to that old American company.

When a sensible government comes in Kerala, in India, the first thing they do will be nationalizing this Vizhinjam Project like the many banks which did not give loans to the common people were did in 1975, and restructuring it after removings its eco-disastrous effects, for it is not just a port but a comprehensive project to exploit the abundant wealth of the Kerala’s seas. Ninety percent of its infrastructure including the land and capital is government-gifted anyway- either by the state government or by the central government. He is just an executing bailiff who can be removed anytime, with will of course.

Written on 03 December 2022 and first published on: 13 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 03 December 2022

SM1174. മൂക്കുമുട്ടെത്തിന്നിട്ടു് ആ ആഹാരമുണു്ടാക്കിയവനെച്ചവിട്ടുന്ന കേരളത്തിലെ പുത്ത൯പിണറായിസംസു്ക്കാരം വിഴിഞ്ഞത്തു് വ൪ഗ്ഗീയകലാപമുണു്ടാക്കാ൯ വെട്ടിവിറയു്ക്കുന്നു- അദാനി ഫിഷറീസ്സിലേക്കുകടക്കുന്നുവെന്നു് ആ൪ക്കാണറിഞ്ഞുകൂടാത്തതു്!


Monday, August 12, 2024

345. To summarize in one sentence, because Adani has money in his hands, the greedy incarnations from Pinarayi Vijayan downwards in the Marxist Party and the BJP run in as a crowd as the Vizhinjam Port Protection Committee!


To summarize in one sentence, because Adani has money in his hands, the greedy incarnations from Pinarayi Vijayan downwards in the Marxist Party and the BJP run in as a crowd as the Vizhinjam Port Protection Committee!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Claudia Peters-Husky Herz. Graphics: Adobe SP.

It is evident from the fact that the fishermen who are protesting against the Vizhinjam port in Trivandrum are being beaten in the strike area that the Kerala chief minister and Marxist leader Pinarayi Vijayan and his BJP-associated ruling team will go to any extreme and do anything for Adani Corporation and the central BJP government to protect their corporate interests and his personal interests as well by forming and letting loose a group called the Vizhinjam Port Protection Committee. As for him, either jail in the Lavalin corruption case which is now in the hands of the BJP through the Central Bureau of Investigation, or port for Adani who is the controller of the BJP, is the situation. A corporate slave without any freedom! If a people do not want corruption in the name of development, why thrust it on them?

A slave of Adani, a slave of Reliance, a slave of Narendra Modi, a slave of Amit Shah, a slave of Nitin Gadkari, a slave of RSS, a slave of BJP, a slave of Yousafali, a slave of Ravi Pillai, a slave of all the errant church priests in the country, a slave of all the kitchen groups in the house, a slave of the Muslim Mullahs who make nine demands at one time, a slave to all counterfeiters, a slave to China, a slave to Cuba! When you look at the numbers, the lowest position of all among the people of Kerala!! It’s him who insists that the people of Kerala who are free men should obey this slave, and for that, engages his group of MLAs in the state assembly who do not have the freedom which even he has, to bake laws for subjugation of the people and harnessing the media including the social media! Let him first declare independence from all bondage and come as a human being like the common people of Kerala... Then people will think about which list to put him on.

What functions under the name of the Adani Port Protection Committee at Vizhinjam is a strange joint group of Muslim fundamentalists and local criminals of the BJP and the Marxist Party who jump at any chance for violence. They work under the direction of Adani and Pinarayi Vijayan. The money belongs to Adani and the police to Pinarayi Vijayan. The dirt of both is brought down on the head of the DGP who is accused of raping the child of a policeman while he was in a lower position. What a mesmerizing crowd! Isn’t decency there only if it’s born with? All of them joined together and hugging each other, held a march also to the Government Secretariate in Trivandrum shouting slogans literally saying if any one dared to touch Adani they will fix them, that they will be beat them to death! The participation in this march was mostly governmental!!

This is a political mercenary group. What is publicized as their work is acting in the interests of the political ruling group of Adani and Pinarayi Vijayan, stating that Vizhinjam port is needed by the people of Vizhinjam. Will a major port in a country be built for satisfying the needs of a village? What is actually their work is wrecking and demolishing as a warning to all the homes of the fishermen, who are protesting against the Vizhinjam port in the name of environmental damage, raising valid economical and ecological reasons, and along with that confronting them on the streets as groups, and calling them abusive words of profanities that only exist in the Marxist party’s leaders’ dictionary.

To summarize in one sentence, because Adani has money in his hands, the greedy incarnations from Pinarayi Vijayan downwards in the Marxist Party and the BJP run in as a crowd as the Vizhinjam Port Protection Committee!

Written on 27 November 2022 and first published on: 12 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 27 November 2022 and first published on: 28 November 2022

SM1165. ഒറ്റവാചകത്തിലു്ച്ചുരുക്കിപ്പറഞ്ഞാലു് അദാനിയുടെകൈയ്യിലു്പ്പണമുള്ളതുകൊണു്ടു് പിണറായിവിജയ൯മുതലു്താഴോട്ടുള്ള മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുബീജേപ്പീയാ൪ത്തിപ്പണു്ടാരങ്ങളു് വിഴിഞ്ഞംതുറമുഖസംരക്ഷണസമിതിയെന്നുംപറഞ്ഞു് ഓടിക്കൂടുന്നു!


Sunday, August 11, 2024

344. Isn't the non-stop excessive propaganda of the BJP leaders that they will establish a Hindu Rashtra in India the reason for the riots in Bangladesh and the persecution of the Hindus there? When you are the ruling party of the country, don't you need some wisdom?


Isn't the non-stop excessive propaganda of the BJP leaders that they will establish a Hindu Rashtra in India the reason for the riots in Bangladesh and the persecution of the Hindus there? When you are the ruling party of the country, don't you need some wisdom?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Isn't the relentless propaganda of the BJP leaders that they will establish a Hindu nation in India the reason for the riots in Bangladesh and the persecution of the Hindus there? When you are the ruling party of the country, don't you need some wisdom and some sense? This has now forced a doubly strenuous duty on the BSF, India's border security force. India has a border not only with Bangladesh, but also long ones with many other countries including Pakistan, and they also have to protect those borders the fulfilling of which obligation has now gone under jeopardy. The reflection of this has started to be seen as more terrorist attacks in Kashmir. It can be assumed that this Bangladeshi rebellion, which has the unquestionable participation of countries including Pakistan and sometimes even Iran, must also be to create this very situation, of India becoming suddenly unable to protect all its borders through the BSF. Perhaps that’s what they wanted. Apart from that, there was nothing more urgent and serious than Sheikh Hasina's oppressive regime and human rights violations that had not been there for so long. And both of them were not as numerous and as cruel as in Pakistan and Iran. Then the responsibility for this violent and anarchic situation lands on in the very narrow policies, decisions and declarations of the ruling party in India, the Bharatiya Janata Party-BJP itself, which lacks international diplomatic insights and philosophy.

In early 2024, when the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Mrs. Sheikh Hasina visited India, she officially met BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi and unofficially Congress President Sonia Gandhi, spent time with them and held discussions. After that, what differences were there in the policies and programmes of Hasina after her return to Bangladesh, though the BJP and the Congress in India did not mind, the Muslim people of Bangladesh, particularly the military and militants there, as well as the religious fundamentalist governments of Pakistan and Iran, it seems, have taken into notice. It is also noteworthy that this riot broke out right next to it. Britain and the United States proved that even if India and its main political parties reject India's role in it the world does not reject India's role, by unexpectedly denying asylum to that woman prime minister who resigned and fled the country and making her undoubtedly a liability of India itself.

In this riot, Sheikh Hasina, herself a Muslim and the ruler, is not the only one who has fled the country- thousands of Hindus who are Bangladeshis have also taken flight and are waiting standing at the border to enter India. Among them are not only Hindus but also many Christians, and many Sikhs and Jains may also be among them. BSF has been giving them food and water but does not give them the shelter of asylum after crossing the border which is what they are after. They remain still at the border as the victims of India's foreign policy, BJP's domestic policy, and the refugee-citizenship policy created by them recently. The only reason why the Bangladeshi insurgents did not follow them there and kill them all was the fact that the Indian army was there beyond a barbed wire fence. What they could not take in is that the country that is their’s too beyond the barbed wire, a country that has a history of giving asylum to refugees even from Plato to Christ, did not take them in.

Not so long ago, just seven decades ago, these people were all part of the undivided India. They are not visitors to Bangladesh, but natives who have been there for so long. Where else should they run but to India? When religious extremists and terrorists are carrying out murders, how can they return to their homes as per India's demand? If a situation like this comes to BJP’s leaders personally, what will they do, and how will they react to India? Do not forget that many of the previous top leaders of the BJP came from Pakistan following the independence and the partition of the country seeking asylum.

As the violence in that closely neighboring country increases (and it will not fail to increase!) the number of them coming as refugees will increase, and if the Indian paramilitary forces will not be able to stop them, to contain them at borders, then the Indian Army itself will have to use force on them. And then it will forever be a disgrace to India- even if BJP does not feel that way. In any case, there is no possibility of them going to other neighboring countries like Bhutan, Nepal, which was once a part of the Indian Empire in the long past, to Burma, the old Brahma Land of the Indian Hindus, and to Afghanistan, which was the old Apa Ghana Sdhaanam of their renowned Emperor Bharata who gave India the name Bharatham!

In fact, isn’t this all a feat against BJP of the countries that existed as member states in that old Bharata Empire who united and lowered the boom on the BJP with no previous experience in the field of administration and in the ruling of India, newly entered in the Indian politics alighted on the wings of Reliance, stirred up and shook the Hindus, captured the rule of India, and challenged the whole world that they would recreate the old Bharata Empire as a Hindu Nation and show it to the world, this new challenge through Bangladesh being, then make it and show it to the world? It seems that only Sri Lanka, called Rathnaddweepam then, and Thailand, the old Siamese state called Shyamaraajyam then, which were all part of that old nation-complex, are not part of this new challenge. Or are they too?

So far, BSF has been able to treat them, this influx of refugees from Bangladesh, with dignity. But when their number increases, can they continue with this behavior? Finally, at one point, in exactly the same conditions as during the time of the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, when, unable to withstand the unsustainable influx of refugees into India due to internal strife in Pakistan, to curb it the Indian Army landed in Pakistan where the internal violence was causing the influx of refugees, defeated the Pakistani army through military operations, cut that country into two, instead of annexing that one piece to India as it was before out of international decency created and named it as Bangladesh as a new independent democratic country, will not the whole operation have to be repeated? If not cut, then through military action itself, will not the Bangladeshi army and the insurgents alike have to be suppressed, the democratic governance restored, and Bangladesh freed again, and the problem resolved?

In short, won't this lead to a stage where the Hindu India of the Bharatiya Janata Party in Bangladesh is facing the same military-political situation Israel is facing today in Palestine and Gaza due to Islamic terrorist organizations- if India's foreign diplomacy, refugee laws and policies are a smokescreen?

The Prime Minister of a small country visits the Prime Minister of a neighboring, bordering, big country, after holding consultations, discussions returns to her small country, immediately on her return a rebellion starts in that small country and the Prime Minister loses her position, has to flee the country, and by overnight seeks asylum and is installed as a refugee in that big country. Don't you feel something incredulous and dubious? Either the other adversaries of the big country are convinced of the weaknesses, inadequacies and inconsistencies in the diplomatic power, foreign relations and internal political power of the ruling party of that big country, or the ruling party of that big country, having a single majority, to prevent constituent parties from breaking up from the ruling coalition and losing power, to stay united for the time being, is warming up for a war situation!

Written on 10 August 2024 and first published on: 12 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 10 August 2024

SM1624. ഇ൯ഡൃയിലു് ഹിന്ദുരാഷ്ട്രംസ്ഥാപിക്കുമെന്നുള്ള ബീജേപ്പീനേതാക്കളുടെ നി൪ത്താതെയുള്ള അമിതപ്പ്രചാരണമല്ലേ ബംഗ്ലാദേശ്ശുകലാപത്തിനും അവിടെയുള്ളഹിന്ദുക്കളു് വേട്ടയാടപ്പെടുന്നതിനുംകാരണം? രാജ്യംഭരിക്കുന്ന പാ൪ട്ടിയാവുമ്പോളു് ഒരുവിവേകമൊക്കെവേണു്ടേ?


Saturday, August 10, 2024

343. Is there a political leader in Kerala apart from in the Marxist party and the chief minister's chair who has the reviling guts to cut and eat and gulp down like this even in the name of disaster and calamity relief?


Is there a political leader in Kerala apart from in the Marxist party and the chief minister's chair who has the reviling guts to cut and eat and gulp down like this even in the name of disaster and calamity relief?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

We call some people beastly. When a partly man-made and partly nature-made disaster occurred in Wayanadu in Kerala in July 2024 in which more than 600 people drowned in mud suffocating for breathe and died swept away by the mountain flood, asking for money to help in the relief works, a chief minister of the state demanding in person through media that it should be given by people never to the State Disaster Management Fund which is subject to the audit of the Central Auditor and Accountant General of India but directly to his own the Chief Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund which is not subject to any audit, has a history of he doing whatever he is pleased to do with it, and there is also a case for it in which the state corruption-prosecuting agency Lokayukta throwing to winds all judicial propriety and decency after partaking and relishing in his dinner party scratched his hind and saved his neck by acquitting him (actually not acquitting him because it was impossible due to the strength of evidence but by deciding that the Lokayukta was not empowered to prosecute him), and insisting publicly by coming before the media that such monies should pass only through the hands of the chief minister, what else should he be called by except bestial? What else is there in that language him to be called by? Then what is that word which is not obscene, though a little harsh, made for? Isn’t it the vibrant and ever-growing Malayalam language with enough apt words in it to pinpoint and describe anything and everything and anyone?

It was even while knowing that the centre also has a fund for this and that if relief donations were given to it, it will not go astray or get lost but will quickly reach the hands and homes of those who needed it, that this politician, this pseudo-communist, this chief minister, came in front of the public and raised such a demand. Isn't the central government his also? Is he outside India? Whether it is funds given to the centre or the state by people and institutions for relief, does it not reach the same place as the disaster victims? What if it reaches through whose hands? Isn’t it enough to see if it reaches where it should?

When a man sitting on a chair that the people gave and counts money as wages that the people gave (let him deny it!) comes and publicly stands before the people and says that he has no audit and so all people’s donations should be made to him or through him, instead of as he is obliged to of telling the people, if the people do not know it, that if it is given to the government agencies that are specifically created for disaster management, relief and prevention, they both have audits and so are accountable, that even if the leader cuts from it his rank-and-file officials who permit it will have to put it back when the audit is over, and so that's why the people should give it to the specific National and State Disaster Response Funds, then the people who do not seek and find a sharp stone or something like are more mentally disturbed than him. It happens, such a situation arises, when anarchy is rampant and at the peak of it in the state due to him and his high-ranking officials including his chief secretary and his police chief. What if this directly contributing to the chief minister’s relief fund is being used by criminals and manipulators to pay direct bribes to the government and the chief minister? Or is it even now being used for it?

It is with the threat to the public the Chief Minister has come forward that if they do not agree with and consent to this reaping of money through relief fundraiser campaigns and drives by him for his spendthrift life-style-doings and favoritism, if they raise objections that cause obstacles in his path to money and luxury, cases will be filed against them making their lives hell through the police and many other state governmental investigation and case-charging agencies who have lost their identity, personality and patriotism under him. Somewhere, it was heard too, that some cases have been taken against some individuals and some media to scare others. All these cases will come back as punishments for these officers for abuse of power. It is to a Chief Minister who has never studied law except those of corruption that the DGP of a state goes to study law- not to the Advocate General of the state! This is when even the state police force has thousands of brilliant law graduates! That law of corruption said about here which is the only law the chief minister has learned, like the Eleventh Commandment of Moses, is ‘even if you commit all the other ten crimes, you shall not be caught...!’

If you are enamored with and want certain public money and do not get it you will be disappointed and envy and lust for it will remain, like when the people of Kerala, whom he himself had declared as his enemies, interfered in everything from the Kerala-Rail to Selling-the-Sea to which all self-devised projects he lay his hands to for making personal money, and set out and worked hard and defeated them all and took revenge on a single day of voting in 2024 in the Parliament Elections by giving him back as a gift of disappointment and grief for all they had received as cruel administrative measures from him during the seven years since when he came to power in 2019. When there is such disappointment and grief on account of public money that could not be touched, those with common sense will remember that it is society that is on the opposite side and forget it. People who do not have such common sense but jumping down and setting out with a threat to the society for not allowing them to appropriate that public money is but the first time in Kerala.

The three and a half crores of people in Kerala have understood very well whose ass his high-ranking retinue of officers including the Chief Secretary and the DGP of the state, who have been pumped with air to remain in power till sixty years of age and for another three years if he remains as chief minister as a part of the BJP's Hindu Rashtra formation program are carrying on their shoulders and heads. As shown in the Lok Sabha elections in 2024, it is plainly shown that Kerala is now united against that single power-toxicated apolitical figure named Pinarayi Vijayan, and if these retinue of rowdies do not recognize this change and shift of allegiance in Kerala, that too is good for the people because in 2024, it was against these crowd of politically degenerated officers also those people passed their judgement. It became clear on that day of election whether the people bornè what this crowd proudly carried or trampled it.

It is clear with this, with this threat raised by the Chief Secretary, Home Secretary and the Chief Minister against people, that the anti-corruption movement in Kerala is entering one of its most severe stages. It is getting to the stage of, sitting on the official chair of the Chief Minister and growing like a mountain of corruption under the ardent and careful protection of a more corrupt and national-assets-selling Central BJP, one threatening the people. That dire stage is nothing for his Marxist party which is already drowning in corruption and struggling frenzied for a bit of a breather with nothing left for them in the future, but what about the BJP ruling at the centre?

What the little Kerala has to say to this small bureaucratic force in Kerala is that the anti-corruption movement in India is very strong except perhaps under the BJP's rule, it is because of their protection of the corrupt like this that the BJP which was monolithic until the said election has now become a shambles and a party dependent on all its very small coalition parties even for taking small decisions, that anti-corruption movement in India through their searching for and securing concrete evidence has led to much richer chief ministers in much bigger states including Lalu Prasad Yadav in Bihar being caught for corruption along with their larger than this army of high-ranking officials, convicted and sent to and locked up in jails, and that even though they fought all the way to the Supreme Court, no matter how much money they had, no matter how many crowds of people were behind them in their parties and in society, no matter how many corporate forces backed by money and legal power tried to save them, they remained there on the strength of that evidence.

Even in this little Kerala, late Balakrishna Pillai who was the Minister of Power involved in the Idamalayar Dam Case, was got arrested and punished by the anti-corruption people of Kerala in their relentless struggle, and the then highest official of the Electricity Board who collaborated with him and became a co-accused, one Ramabhadran Nair, who was already at the age of eighty-six or ninety-two years after his retirement and convicted, was lifted with his hospital bed while lying sick and debilitated and transported to and locked up in jail. During the former Chief Minister Karunakaran's time, they fought brutally and did more against the complainants than what these bureaucrats and their Chief Minister are doing now during Pinarayi Vijayan's time.

In the case of Idamalayar, after not stopping and discouraged by a high court verdict setting the accused free, the one who appealed to the Supreme Court and obtained this sentence was comrade V. S. Achyuthanandan who was a part of the anti-corruption movement in Kerala and also another more senior and serious leader and the then Chief Minister of that very same Marxist Party. In the later SNC-Lavalin Electricity Corruption Case also which is exactly similar, as the present chief minister and Marxist leader Vijayan followed suit by sidelining even the High Court Judges and getting himself acquitted temporarily for a time-being (the CBI’s appeal against this high court judge’s controversial verdict is going on in the Supreme Court!), it is not surprising that who went to the Supreme Court with an appeal was again the same com. V. S. Achyuthanandan from that very same party. And that Vijayan who was the Minister for Power then in the Lavalin Case is the Chief Minister now, for that Supreme Court appeal is pending and the central BJP is helping by postponing it indefinitely through the same CBI without ever coming for hearing. Although the Chief Minister and these officers of his who sprang up today through the intervention of a few foreign and indigenous investors have forgotten this, the activists in this party did not but remembered it, and that's why even laying axe to the very roots of their own party and not to the branches, the workers of this party in the said election defeated thoroughly and laid in whites this Pinarayi Vijayan and this team of his officials, asking them if they were going to try again. Now that little official team and that little minister are trying again!

It is for the people to know and get information that the people have taken their money out of exchequer and paid salaries to and appointed officials like the chief secretary and the government secretaries; they are not for the chief minister to make obey and comply with his private agenda. The people have now realized that this flock of pea-brained and flawed bureaucrats who are said to have studied for and passed such all India civil service examinations like the IAS and the IPS are not even able to understand what a danger the bureaucracy of the state will be in, will face, if these officials move and drift into the the dangerous and reactionary misconception that it is the chief minister, not the people, who is the centre of power and start programmes accordingly that way and in that belief and threaten the members of the public like this, and the people begin to give them the same value they are now giving this chief minister. Anarchy is the term given to that condition, and called.

It was to avoid this, to avoid this state of anarchy, that the society has tolerated bureaucracy at least a little. Guess what will happen if this bureaucracy including the police too collapses and what will be the state of affairs! The most this bureaucracy expected trouble so far for them from was the three or four Naxalites who were said to be in the state of Kerala. But can the protection given to the chief minister be given to these officials also throughout the state through the police? It seems it is impossible to tell what will happen if their official car given by people were stopped at a traffic light at any intersection in the midst of people in the present conditions.

Even small children all over the world know what the yellow, green and red colors at the traffic lights mean and what the signal is for. If the central government issues an orange alert about the weather, rains, landslides and the earth splitting away in a place, it means they should start preparing, don't wait until the red alert, and this known to everyone except those who surround themselves with insolent rowdies by taking heavy salaries from people’s hands and giving it to them and lives in careless wantonness in their midst without a government's vigilance or guard.

Of the considerable amounts that were given by people as relief funds for the victims of calamities that have occurred many times, through purposeful laxity in spending them for real needs, several crores of rupees are still remaining with the government, which is kept as a loose fund that can be laid hands on and stolen from anytime. It is kept as reserve money for corruption and embezzlement. A large part of it lies in the Chief Minister's relief fund. The society does understand their fear that if they take from it for new relief work without replenishing it with new donations, and if new donations do not come, then eating into it will stop without anything to eat into, the body will shake, hands will tremble, and mental stupor, discomfort, disorder and illness will follow.

But people don't have any medicine for it. What they have in their hands is the medicine to save the rest of the public money which is in the state as theirs. Because of this, those who understand that the society, which now has a public debt of close to three and a half lakh crore rupees, will go to any lengths to survive without loosing even a penny more from what it has now, may be able to survive and remain in Kerala with certain conditions in the future. Society has no constitutional obligation to maintain delinquents, only mechanisms to terminate them.

It was mainly two things that came out as happened around the first of August 2024 raising people's protest. One, natural disaster scientists or officials in Kerala should not visit calamity-strewn areas, study, or talk to anyone except the dumb-witted foolish and the ignorant at the top without their permission. Two, if people call to pay only to audited central and state disaster relief funds instead of paying money to the chief minister's relief fund, which has no audit, they will be sued and crushed and broken. It's only natural that one occasionally forgets how much severe a spotlight and searchlight the people have already put him under after his many anti-people activities! That's why both of these actions have come from the Chief Minister. He will have to pull both of these back as fast as he opens and shuts his eyes.

We all know that the Marxist Party is now a money laundering and cheating private group after being in the hands of him and some of his collaborating foreign corporate capitalists, but if he sits on the chair of the Chief Minister and does this, does anyone expect the people will stand mute and watch? Only everyone's Kerala is here... not just anyone's. Even if the Kerala Lokayukta which ate his dinner, head spinned and brain and conscience upturned did not investigate, the Supreme Court should investigate what was done with all the funds that passed through his hands previously.

The people of Kerala have understood that if this particular disaster is removed, all other disasters will fade away, stop on its own by itself, and will be over. Isn't it better to tie and seal this tragedy inside a fitting coin sack and throw it into the very flood water?

Written on 01 August 2024 and first published on: 10 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 01 August 2024 and first published on: 02 August 2024

SM1621. ദുരിതാശ്വാസത്തി൯റ്റെപേരിലായാലു്പ്പോലും ഇതുപോലെവെട്ടിത്തിന്നാ൯ കുത്സിതമുള്ളൊരുരാഷ്ട്രീയനേതാവു് കേരളത്തിലു് മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുപാ൪ട്ടിയിലും മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിക്കസേരയിലുമല്ലാതെയുണു്ടോ?