Monday, April 22, 2024

249. The jackals and jackasses who dreamed of communism coming to Russia were shocked when the Soviet Communist Party banned the citizens’ right to own private land. They don't know what Hindu Rashtra will be like... yet they are waiting...!


The jackals and jackasses who dreamed of communism coming to Russia were shocked when the Soviet Communist Party banned the citizens’ right to own private land. They don't know what Hindu Rashtra will be like... yet they are waiting...!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Sebastian Nikiel. Graphics: Adobe SP.

When communism came to Russia, the jackals and jackasses who dreamed of communism coming to Russia were shocked when the Soviet Communist Party banned the right of citizens to own private land. With that, the Communism that had gone into their heads short-circuited and came down. And then followed the dictatorship of Communism, trampling people’s lives and making them suffer in multiple ways while its leaders led luxurious, opulent and lusty life in party-and-government-owned Dachas in secluded places in ice-clad forests and riverbanks with hordes of little girls. The land that was in the hands of the people was completely taken over by the new type of administration. The land that was in the hands of individuals became the property of the State, i.e., the property of the party's government which they could use in anyway they desired. Only that people could live in those houses built by them but only after paying rent to the party’s government. They did not know this was the way things were going to be, that this was communism. It was at that time, when there were as many jackasses even as they are today in Kerala, who wrote poems like 'Heard there is a country named Soviet, If only one could go and live there’. One among them was Comrade KPG Namboothiri Master, the headquarters poet of the present-day Marxism Party and a fountain head of their Chintha Publishing House.

The same is what will be happening in India in the Hindu Rashtra too. The entire land will belong to either Reliance or Adani- including existing buildings people constructed in those lands. What a joy it would be for those who are eagerly waiting for the coming of the Hindu Rashtra to hand over their homes built by their fathers and grandfathers to the Adani Corporation or the Reliance Industries! They can give rent to these corporations and live in their own homes, as they do in many of the world's corporate-owned industrial towns. No new houses can be built- one has to pay rent to the corporations and live in houses constructed by them on land confiscated from people by the Hindu Rashtra and bequeathed to these corporations, working for low wages for their companies! These corporations have so many wonderful ideas about developing their business empires. Did you think by Hindu Rashtra they meant just cows and saffron?

The three Agricultural Reforms Amendment Acts formulated by the central BJP government and openly as well as tacitly promoted and backed by such constitutional institutions as from the Supreme Court to the Parliament, taking from the farmers’ hands and handing over the agricultural land and the agricultural resources in the country to corporate bodies like Reliance and Adani, passed and approved and finally put on the road to implementation but finally had to be repealed following a monumental farmers’ strike, was only a preface to this corporate conception of ‘their’ development which the BJP’s Hindu Rashtra Government tried to make the country’s vision of development. (And so was the case with dividing Kashmir into three parts and opening them as markets to anyone from anywhere).

After their victory in this struggle, the farmers who were involved in it, stroking their long-flowing beards and seeing that the Hindu Party BJP’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi who enforced these anti-farmers bills on them also had a beard, changed their minds and betrayed the Indian National Congress who were the only party who remained alongside them in this struggle and brought the Aam Aadmi Party who came from elsewhere and were nowhere in the picture in this struggle to power in Punjab, and finally finding that the central BJP government is going back on implementing the decisions in the settlement of the struggle are again on the path of struggle though the old strength and unity are gone and this resumed struggle is falling. They still don't know whether their earlier struggle was won and those three laws were repealed due to the powers of the Congress or their own power. No wonder there are so many stories in the world about Sardarji foolishness! Whether they are farmers or Sardarjis, except for a number of Khalistanis in Canada, every one of them who once originated from Hinduism are ready to join the Hindu Rashtra today.

There are still many doubts among some people about Hindu Rashtra like whether the executive will disappear completely and how the administration will go on without an executive. If you need a building permit for construction of a house you will have to apply to the local Reliance or Adani office. There will be no Executive except the corporate office's executives. Their offices are there throughout the country anyway (it’s presumed that every BSNL office in the country will become a Reliance or Adani office!) though not in every local Panchayat and Village as those old Panchayat and Village Offices used to; you'll find at least one in every Taluk or District Headquarters! So why should there be other unnecessary, expensive and encumbrous government offices? You can even take a ticket and get into the next bus run by Reliance or Adani which comes when they wish and go to their office with your application! You may wonder whether there will not be government offices anymore even to apply for a worker's pension, widow's pension, old-age pension or unemployment benefit, and there being no one including people’s representatives or state ministers to listen to your words, you may even raise your head and voice your question to the mute sky. If there will not be any kind of welfare pension for anyone in corporate rule, what should then be government offices there for? Who isn’t aware under corporate rule there’s no payment to anyone unless productivity-related?

If there is no government, then why should there be an Executive consisting of government offices, employees and their pensions? When landlords ruled the land what executive was there except a few local goons and their bodyguards to assist them (whose place when the Hindu Rashtra comes will be taken up by a handful in the RSS for a time till being disbanded later). If there is no government, then why should there be government employees and their pensions? They will have to slog and sweat hard for a pittance, for very low salaries, in institutions owned by the corporates, and in retirement leave with a small sum they allow. That's all there is in corporate governance. It is doubtful whether there will be as much in a theo-corporate regime.

There are many reasons such as these for them not even starting or allowing a discussion in the media or in political parties about what this Hindu Rashtra will be like.

Written on 18 April 2024 and first published on: 22 April 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 18 April 2024 and first published on: 21 April 2024

SM1573. റഷ്യയിലു് കമ്മ്യൂണിസംവന്നെങ്കിലെന്നു് സ്വപു്നംകണു്ടുനടന്ന ഊള൯മാ൪ക്കു് ഇരുട്ടടികിട്ടിയതു് പൗര൯മാ൪ക്കു് സ്വകാര്യഭൂമിയു്ക്കുള്ളയവകാശം സോവിയറ്റുകമ്മ്യൂണിസ്സു്റ്റുപാ൪ട്ടി നിരോധിച്ചെന്നറിഞ്ഞപ്പോളാണു്. ഹിന്ദുരാഷ്ട്രം എങ്ങനെയിരിക്കുമെന്നറിഞ്ഞുകൂടാ... എന്നിട്ടുമവ൯മാ൪ കാത്തിരിക്കുകയാണു്...!



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