Why Are Highly Intelligent People So Rare To Find?
P S Remesh Chandran
Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum
01. Article Title 1 Image By Geralt. Graphics: Adobe SP.
First published: 22 July 2013
02. Article Title 2 Image By Geralt. Graphics: Adobe SP.
Mr... • Hahahahaha!
03. Article Title 3 Image By Kelle Pics. Graphics: Adobe SP.
About the Author P. S. Remesh Chandran:
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P. S. Remesh Chandran, Editor, Sahyadri Books, Trivandrum, Padmalayam,
Nanniyode, Pacha Post, Trivandrum- 695562, Kerala State, South India.
Why Are Highly Intelligent People So Rare To Find?
P S Remesh Chandran
Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum
01. Article Title 1 Image By Geralt. Graphics: Adobe SP.
First published: 22 July 2013
Highly intelligent people are only so difficult to find, they are not rare. The world has them in plenty. They are so difficult to find because they are skilled in masking and clouding their intelligence, for fear of unnecessary exposure of their talents and interference from others in their dedicated engagements. But their combined intelligence is what always saves the world from harms. Sometimes it would be wise and safe to hide one's intelligence from the world. We all know about that most brilliant mind Cavendish who hid more things he discovered than he revealed to the world, for fear of misuse by the unphilosophic people of the world. Almost all intelligent people are dual personalities. The inner soft man would be kind and sophisticated, doing many versatile things, without having enough time to defend himself. The outer rough warrior personality assumes the responsibility of protecting the inner one from the hatred and jealousy of others so that he can continue his intelligent works uninterruptedly. The outer shell is born out of natural instincts, a gift from Nature, which makes the inner intelligence obscure and so difficult to find. The outer protective personality knows that it would be the destruction of the inner, if he makes himself the cynosure of all eyes.
I will try to explain. It is what differentiates George Bernard Shaw and Bertrand Russell from Jane Austen. It is simply, higher intelligence. Living in England, she did not seem to know or care a French Revolution was going on across the Channel and its waves were reaching the shores of England and changing the life of Englishmen in many ways. But Baroness Orzy cared and wrote Scarlet Pimpernel, celebrating the silent service English noble men did in saving many precious lives from the Guillotine.
No one has seen an eagle’s nest, that is what experienced forest-dwellers say. We needn’t take the meaning of this phrase literally but they are indeed of a lot who like to lead a solitary life. Yes, like Dr. ...... termed it, genius are such rare birds, in character, though not as a rule but generally. Our lofty bird eagle builds its nest only in the tallest tree in the most isolated spot; if available, at a spot close to the most inaccessible cliff. It is also known for its chastity, loyalty and devotion; it will never accept a second one, once its mate is dead or lost. A noble lord it is. And when it is nearing the end of its life, it will go to some lonely place and die majestically, like a magnificent landlord who will never recline in a bed in public view for fear of loosing dignity. Dear Dr. ..., real geniuses indeed are rare birds. Their loneliness and seclusion are not destiny-made but self-made. When one ascends to mountain tops and cliffs, he can see that the nearest-next is miles and miles away. That is why mountain tops, cliffs and geniuses are lonely. But when we say one is a genius, it does not necessarily mean he is a great man, in the human sense. Distance is what imparts greatness. In most cases, the nearer we go to a supposedly great man, his greatness diminishes. At close quarters, he would appear to be far worse than others, in many things. Thus, we have highly intelligent people with worse characters and great people with no mentionable intelligence, in our society. A super-charged conscience with humane greatness is a delightful rare spectacle.
Thinking is a necessary evil, an unavoidable kind of biological destruction like the process of ageing. Even if mankind had not thought much, it would have survived through natural animal instincts. But thinking was what brought comfort, culture and civilization to human world. There was a time when a less primitive civilization only meant that the people of that time did not sell members of their families quite so frequently for immediate necessities such as food and wares. Thinking was what curtailed this and one day it will surely curtail wars too. Intelligence was a product of generations of human thinking. It is in all ours blood; in some it is unclouded, in some it remains clouded. Suppose we think about facing life, about facing the hardships of life, weathering the weather, sailing the stormy seas. Our knowledge tells us that unless we know more about life, we cannot face it. It is then that our intelligence, if we possess it, tells us that we cannot face life, we cannot differentiate life from us; we are life. For those with intelligence, understanding life becomes easier from then onwards. Some people will know only about the present and always remain anxious about future. Intelligence tells that our present is our future; if we are not eating now, we will not be washing our hands a while after. It tells us that future is only the present a little further away. It is in daily dealings of human beings that we have to look for higher intelligence, not in the life of figure heads. Intelligence cannot be seen or gauged. Its presence can only be felt through its manifestations in daily life. Plato devoted whole chapters in his Republic to elaborate on what is goodness and what is intelligence. He came to the conclusion that it cannot be defined or gauged but can only be felt through manifestations. It was Socrates speaking through him. The Universe, through Nature, has beautifully blended in man all faculties necessary to navigate all imaginable hardships in this Earth and in Space.
Like you would know, like Socrates put it, the best way to know about something is to make a question and arrive at the truth, discerning it from the answers and opinions others give to the question. One day we will arrive at the truth. The more these intelligent persons who contribute here are willing to open up, the earlier.
I wish to add this, after reading dear Ms.......'s observations on whether right socio-economic class with lots of familial support is needed for the success of intelligence. I cannot disagree with her words of learning but can certainly add a few facts from history. Sankara Acharya, the greatest philosopher of the Sixth Century AD and the ascetic who presented to the world the unequalled Advaita Vedanta, was born in a poor ordinary family in the southernmost state of India, Kerala. He had no particular intelligence in his family or any kind of richness except in knowledge. His monistic system of thought, Advaita or Non- Dualism, considered in the West as one of the most comprehensively developed philosophies of the modern-day world, stresses on renunciation. In his words, renunciation of all attachments and familial partialities alone would cleanse a person and help him make his Self one with the Whole. Confucius, one of the world’s greatest intellects and philosophers, was born in a very poor family in Ancient China in a family known to have no mentionable noble lineage. There has been no other person in that part of the world who more influenced, taught and moulded the mind, character, behaviour and personage of the world than him. We all know, Socrates who thrilled the world and became a master to the world’s greatest philosophers and geniuses of all times, including the present times, was a very poor and humble stone cutter, and unlike his student Plato, had no noble connections at all. The only person we know in history who had a clear princely lineage and good family promotions and support to build an intelligent career was Gautama Buddha, but we also know that he renounced everything princely and royal before becoming intelligent enough to be a philosopher. He wandered through the north Indian kingdoms begging, where not one person knew who he was in his former life. He got the ‘light’, when he renounced connections and support, while he was at Gaya, Bihar state. In England, perhaps the person most known for his brilliance and intelligence was Dr. Samuel Johnson who lived in poverty. When he ran a tutorial in London city, he got, in his words, below half a dozen students only to tutor and make a living out of. All other tutorials in his neighbourhood with lesser brilliance and lesser intelligence, were brimming with students, because those principals had noble connections and were born in well-to-do families. Parents in London would send their children to only such well-connected principals. But Johnson’s scanty students walked directly to history. Can we still say that ‘highly intelligent people, if not born in the right socioeconomic class with lots of familial support, do not succeed’? A few people of the present times who wrote fast-selling books and are propped up by publishers as very intelligent and materially productive and successful personages have not yet been tested by time, to see if they will survive at least half a century. Rich and well connected people get more leisure and therefore can pursue their studies more torment-free than poor scholars. But history of intelligent philosophers warns us that wrong socio-economic surroundings and no family support are the conditions which create higher intelligence and really productive intellectual caliber.
It is not so, dear Mr..... The discussion is actually going in the right direction. It is now like standing outside a conference room, listening to quick-wits debating on something they love, i.e., intelligence. Because it is a long way to truth, short deviations and short cuts won't matter.
Dear Mr....., you asked, 'That doesn't actually mean anything, does it?', when I wrote about standing outside and listening to a good lecture. Yes, I did mean something. I know what your good mind implicates, but it is not so actually. I really enjoy this conversation. When I was in undergraduate class in a college with up to Post Graduate classes, I was saddened by the fact that I had only too little English to learn except Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Our college principal was, Rev. Father Dr. Geevargheese Panicker, an excellent English teacher. My father who was also a British Council-trained English teacher, had high esteem for this Father. In fact, he also was taught by the same Father once. The Rev. Father did not come anywhere near low classes like ours and I very much longed to sit in one of his classes for which he was renowned. But he would only teach P. G. English students. I sometimes cut my class, went to the P. G. Building, stood in the corridor outside and listened secretly to his fine lecture. I still remember and enjoy the sweetness and thrill of his oration before a selected assemblage of intelligent and brilliant Post Graduate Students, the 'liquidity of diction and fluidity of movement' of his flowing speech on English literature still thrilling me. But he caught me red handed one day and sent me away to my own class. I hoped that I too would one day enjoy what those higher-ups enjoyed. Our father, but, soon resigned, founded a Seminary on a river bank in a distant place, and became an ascetic. Remember, every good thing is for only once in a life time, even listening to good conversations.
I agree, culture do play a part in moulding the character, outlook and behaviour of a person. As Madame ..... pointed out, in present day circumstances, one cannot simply flee from proper education or disappoint his or her parents by shattering their hopes for a materially visual intellectual excellence for their child. In other words, in short, one cannot denounce academic achievements and become an ascetic overnight at a very young age, like those seers, saints and prophets who did it in old times. Our dilemma here is, we are trying to find, recognize or accuse intelligence in the present day world, not in the old one. In the old world, exceptional intelligence was more visible because perhaps it was more illuminated against a background of comparative darkness. But today, finding exceptional intelligence is like finding a star in daylight. As I observed, I think, in the original posting, the intelligent ones are not at all rare but in plenty; it is only that it is hard to find them: we try to see light, against a background of light.
Ms..... said it right. Tattoos have been remaining with human society for long, through millenniums. In the old times, it was essential to identify a clan from others. It was also used to mark professions. Sailors invariably had anchors tattooed on their arms. The most bizarre signs, in most unwanted places, have been tattooed. This customary practice of tattooing one’s body which waned for a time seems to be reappearing in many societies. In some countries it is becoming acceptable again or becoming the current vogue. We needn’t unnecessarily argue over if it is healthy, hygienic or beautiful. From what Ms. .... and Ms. ....say, so many people are antagonous and intolerant to tattooing and discriminations exist on this account. Perhaps, a few people like to see others bodies always unblemished, I don’t know. It is a great business and industry there, to keep human body unblemished. How can they tolerate tattooing?
Ms..... wrote knowledge and intelligence are different. It is exactly so. Knowledge does not bring wisdom; knowledge does not supply wisdom but only supplements it. In the absence of wisdom, there can be no use to knowledge; knowledge can even be harmful on occasions. We can cite so many instances in the history of science to validate this argument. Intelligence stands far distant from knowledge but closer to wisdom. If it is an attire, offspring, ingredient or cause of wisdom, we can debate. Intelligence is a virtue, independent of knowledge.
Ms..... asked the crowd to get her ice and questions were asked about where they could find ice, which illustrates both- absence of quick thinking and absence of intelligence. Thinking out where one could get ice in a large shopping mall and bringing it in no time is positive quick thinking and intelligence. Perhaps one who finds the place will still have problems in securing it from that place quickly, but then again his intelligence and positive quick thinking will help him jump the hurdles. She is right.
Some people do not like intelligent people to be anywhere near them; they are the Romans of this world who loathe the Greeks of this world. Intelligence is a super-heated stone, shocking to be picked up with hands, but warming whatever is around it. Such men of intelligence, constantly shed light around them, illuminating the path of others. Intelligence is nothing but clear consciousness, which functions friction-free, without inhibitions of corpuscular stupor, in circumstances where shadows of fallibility and unwisdom fall on human life. When all are asleep but one is sitting awake, it has the function of all being awake. That is the use of an intelligent man for society; it never goes comatose. Due to his presence, the society is ever alert and watchful. That is how intelligent people save the world in times of peril. And it happens continuously around us day and night in our everyday lives. In every society, village and town, we can see several such men; we can even name them. We will wonder what we will do and how we will go on without them. Oliver Goldsmith's poem The Deserted Village and Thomas Gray's poem Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard were odes to them.
I did not know this idea, intelligence is nothing but clear consciousness, was already discussed and elaborated on by others. I thought it was my patented thought. Alas, the best of more of my thoughts are stolen again by the ancients! I have not read the Heart Of Darkness but I will. Thank you dear Mr.... for the suggestion. I have read his supreme masterpiece The Secret Agent which tells the daring story of counter espionage, in my youth, but did not take a fancy to him. Joseph Conrad, through his character Charles Marlow in the Heart Of Darkness, may have dispelled the notion that intelligence is nothing but clear consciousness, but I still keep a ray of hope on others perhaps having contradicted him. I base my hope on two things: This London-born Polish aristocrat who self taught and commanded ships in the Oriental East and the African Congo, and told the tales of oceans and mysterious lands on ocean shores, spoke out of experience with human beings in far distant lands indeed, but was a perpetually gloomy character, according to his innumerable friends who admired him for his genius. This might perhaps have been one of his gloomiest observations. And, writing was an agonizing experience for him, unlike sailing seas and navigating unknown latitudes, again as observed by his friends. His consciousness might not have been clear when he wrote about intelligence.
It is very good to see that, in civilized societies, especially by disciplined teachers, intelligent people are taught to be attributed as imaginative, modern and creative, which is not the situation in all societies and it has not been so in all decades, generations and ages. What Ms. Natasa Radulovic advised was, the right approach and healthy attitude other members of society should take towards people of uncommon intelligence. The intelligents in her country and society are lucky. But not that has been the case everywhere. In most societies, in most times, what people of higher consciousness constantly hear around them wherever they happen to walk are exactly those words which Mr. Michael Segal recorded: weird, intimidating, or some other apt and amusing negative words. It reminds us of our famous Professor Challenger whom Arthur Conan Doyle created, who is giving in the City Hall an introductory lecture on the unbelievable stagnation of biological evolution he found in The Lost World.

We save human lives in hundreds, to take them away in millions. That is what scientific research in atomic energy has finally led us into. Energy is much needed indeed and nuclear energy is an efficient though unhealthy answer. But wherever atomic power plants have been built, they are actually military installations. Their ultimate aim is not to supply continuous energy but make and keep in reserve as much plutonium as can be kept, as a security against other countries. It not only makes other countries fear them but also serves as a security which is better and fearsome than gold. Due to plutonium, gold is losing its standard as security. A country which has one tonne of plutonium now has more bargaining power than a country which has a thousand tonnes of gold. While serving mankind dutifully in hundreds of kinds of medical equipments and in vehicles travelling through unimaginable distances in space, nuclear technology has emerged as the greatest threat to the continued existence of mankind. The number of no-nuclear countries in the world is increasing each year. More technically advanced countries are turning non-nuclear each year. Countries which set up gigantic nuclear plants are, due to people’s opposition, learning how to decommission and dismantle them safely and economically. It is true, discovery and development of atomic fission and fusion technology was a mile stone in the history of science, a discovery which is only five or six decades old, but setting up atomic power plants everywhere possible, even before discovering methods to dispose of their waste or even to store the residual plutonium cocktail safe at least for a thousand years, was what was folly, born out of the greed and unwisdom of human beings. The real story of the inadequacies in storing nuclear waste is a horrible tale, untold. Wherever there is a nuclear plant- research, industrial or military- their records and data are classified, along with details of the ‘incidents’, not accidents, happening there. That is how governments keep the fallacy of nuclear energy a secret, though every intelligent and conscious man in the world knows now about it. Higher intelligence is, imagining what an unripe human society will make out of a discovery in future and being conscious about its future consequences to mankind, weighing gains and losses, and finally deciding to keep it a secret, keeping it back from circulation, as Cavendish did, as told in the beginning of this discussion. Scientific discoveries in microbiological research, biotechnology, metallurgy, all have their pros and cons, unweighed still by generations because they are still very young. Already we live in fear of loathsome effects of gene mutation, bio-engineered food and hormone induced breast milk. Look closely and impartially, and we can see unconsciousness, unwisdom and un-intelligence in what human society use every scientific discovery for.
Before we attempt to define higher consciousness, let us simply try to imagine one of its effects. Suppose, all of a sudden, the continuously happening process of thinking inside(?) us stops. Every other sound happening around us would be magnified, including the cooing of birds in thickets and trees, the twittering of sparrows in bushes, the chirping of crickets in the underbrush and the croaking of frogs in water spots. It is because our inner voice is nullified and still then. Now, what will it be like if it happens in the reverse, when all external voices are stilled? If you are a simple man, you will feel your consciousness, perhaps for the first time. Do not think experiencing a fuller conscience is a pleasant experience. It can at times and on certain occasions be unbearable. We may even faint if it prolongs for more time. Human conscience is not designed to remain fully operational at all times, in all places. Only a small percentage of its alertness is needed to live, which may vary in accordance with the challenges to life that exist in that particular society, country, era or age. Distractions in the form of external voices, that of any or all other life forms inhabiting around us if we are estranged in an isolated place, is the guarantee that we will happen to continue our existence. A higher consciousness has its price, paid in the form of inability to respond biologically and logically to surroundings. Do not take it lightly; it is a step closer to gaining higher faculties, in addition to the five we human beings already have, in the present stage of our evolution and development. Intelligence is a light thing, compared to higher consciousness. Skilled ones can keep their consciousness higher, even in the midst of mayhem in a market place, like Socrates did. Theoretically speaking, higher intelligence is a pre-requisite to gaining faculties from the earth where we came from, the earth where man with his five senses and the first primitive life form with no senses at all originated and gained faculties from. They are still lying there for evolution to proceed and for man to take. If somebody through his skill gains one of them earlier, like the faculty to walk over water, our first response would be to deny it. What we cannot understand, we deny.
In most debates and discussions, it would appear that we are speaking to automatons because there would be no hint of the person on the other side being a human being, leading a life, married, rearing children and doing jobs. To know the person on the other side does these things, relieves us. What is most attractive in reading Ms. .... is this constant feeling she creates in us readers that an active dutiful person living in a home and doing a job is speaking to us. She does teach children and prepare them for examinations, she does look after and attend to kids in her home and does go for a good night's sleep. That is what relieves us. How I would have loved to make a discussion lively and colourful and personal that way!
The chief handicap of a debate is that the side who lost the argument has no obligation and liability to follow the arguments of the side who won, in cases where there is loss and win in that particular debate. He is free to preach his arguments as before in his daily life. It has been so everywhere, since the time of the ancient Greeks. So, the virtue and goodness of an argument in a discussion is, it is a pointer to others, pointing to where their arguments have weak points, loop holes, vulnerability. It makes us learn and correct all the while and improve our arguments. A person who comes to a debate with uncouth notions will be leaving the debate with straightened viewpoints, such that he can continue to preach his own visions more strongly, more emphatically and more majestically. That is the purpose of debates. There is no loss or win, defeat or victory, just dissemination of information and ideas as if in an university in air.
Like gods who lay upon the lofty Olympus and laughed upon the follies of man down below, we too can have our hearty laughter dear Mr..... We do not know or we do know what we are writing or speaking in our angry moments or in our sane moments. An angry man makes many mistakes; we all do when we are. I sometimes am tempted to compile and edit everyone's observations on a subject like this, make it into a PDF and post it at least in my profile page for all of us to read, to read in calm and leisure what we told others in our calm, exhilaration or temper. Releasing it as a book for all the world to read would have been wiser for future generations to learn but rules of confidence, privacy and personal rights forbid it. Another discussion, Does A Poem Need To Follow Rules, posted in this same group by Ms. Sonia Sicat, highly edited as of today, comes to a neat 40 pages book, with a highly explosive subject like this one in the middle. This one is now nearly 30 pages.
Mr... • Hahahahaha!
It is a person who knows that he knows not is the person who is intelligent. As a descendent of true Athenians, what Ms. .... from Greece who studied in Athens is saying is true. The insatiable lust of Socrates for rich and ripe knowledge to be got by counsel with the wise and his desire for engaging more and more in debates with knowledgeable persons in his city of Athens as he became older and older is well known, pictured graphically by Plato in his Republic. Glaucon, pictured as a learned old man, actually thought to be younger than Socrates, tells him that as he grows older, his lust to immerse deep in debates is only increasing and young men like Socrates shall not stay too long in cities but try to visit old men like Glaucon in the village more often and lead them in debates and enlighten them. It is like a mirrored door inside a mirrored door inside a mirrored door. We will be confused as to who is speaking to whom, who is actually young and who is actually aged. But in their debates, through their dialogues, Socrates draws truth and wisdom out of them, painted in words by Plato in his book equally skillfully. This lust for knowledge, which we can call a manifestation of intelligence, has been majestically painted in poetry by such worshipers of knowledge as Alfred Lord Tennyson in his Ulysses, the learned old man wishing to sail beyond the sunset and the stars in pursuit of knowledge. To read this poem, which is a tribute to this Greek idea of pursuit of knowledge, will be like entering the threshold of an ancient temple of knowledge. We know Plato devoted whole chapters to discuss this issue of the pursuit of knowledge, defining morality in literature, characteristics of ideal literature, acceptable metrics and forms of literature and how intelligence can be cultivated in future citizen guardians, the chapters being titled 'The Initial Stages Of The Education Of The Ideal Citizen.
After reading Ms. ....'s observations on the ancient Greeks' thirst for knowledge, and the next Mr. ....'s liking that comment and response to it, reminded me what actual Socrates would have done, if he read the first. Mr. .... is Socrates reborn, the real man with the right expression and response, which Socrates was. But suppose Socrates reappears among us and makes this kind of a comment, we will not distinguish him for this kind of too much simplicity in the face of truth, the joy of finding truth, the ultimate answer to our quest for the highly intelligent man, who is rare for us to find.
Everyone knows that intelligence exists and that there are persons with clouded intelligence and clear intelligence. Supposing we are about to define intelligence, to explain what its characteristics and manifestations are, who can do it is the question we face primarily. How can one with lesser intelligence or with no intelligence define it, for we cannot understand a thing which we are not familiar with, let alone explain it? We try to define intelligence but are we intelligent enough to know what intelligence is and how to define it? We know, generally, that sky is an expanse, stretching to unknown distances, and some believe it can be stretched infinitely. How can one who has never travelled through and lived in sky know what it exactly is and explain it except in vague terms? How can he know where to demark sky from space? We will have to arrive at the logical conclusion that non-intelligent people can never know about intelligence and define it. Do we too belong to that category? Intelligent people can know about intelligence and know how it is like but would even they be qualified to define it? All our knowledge about intelligence is based on observations made by people whom we consider one or two steps higher than us in supposed intelligence. But if they know about the true character of intelligence and the implications of having intelligence, or know what intelligence really is, would they be such unitelligent to expose it unnecessarily, if they have a notion that it cannot be cultivated through education?
There truly can be higher intelligence. In the field of science, as pointed out in the beginning of this discussion, thinking about the possible and future consequences of an invention or discovery and the dilemma as to reveal it or hide it has been an active concern of scientists. Cavendish hiding his many discoveries for fear of misuse by future generations was cited in the beginning of this discussion. If it can be called higher intelligence, he did had it. But Albert Einstein could not help revealing to the world his equations on energy which he later highly regretted after seeing the misuse of his discovery resulting in the deaths of hundred thousands of people in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It is still misused for filling this small world with thousands of nuclear reactors which have only a meagre fifty years of life time but which produce waste which lasts for several thousand years. Cavendish did not have to regret on account of his discoveries but Einstein had to. You can have now a rough estimate of how higher intelligence works. Like in the poem by Alexander Pope, a happy man is not easy to be found but by looking around us among people for characteristics of a happy life such as satisfaction, self sufficiency and piety, we can spot happy man. Higher intelligence can be spotted by looking for its characteristics among people around us and we can see many. As we already have noted in the discussion, they are not at all rare to find but we do not know what characteristics to look for. There have been healthy and positive references to what characteristics to look for in our search for the intelligent man, made by several writers including 'Clemen Corbalan' but unfortunately we did not pursue the leads.
Military intelligence did reveal that Japan was on the brink of collapse and it was the general consensus among military echelons that no drastic actions were needed to be taken for their surrender. But participants in the Manhattan Project which devised the atom bomb was eager to see it in action and learn more about it's biological effects on human beings. This was the reason why they started the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission functioning in defeated Japan since 1946, as ordered by President Harry S. Truman. ABCC which was instituted to study radiation effects on atomic bomb casualties as a scientific research agency was distrusted by most of the world's people and finally became disfunct in 1975. There will be any number of people who would advocate for the continued existence of such establishments as was proved by it's binational incorporation as Radiation Effects Research Foundation with the help of a few misled scientists, but the people of Japan wanted it to go. Bombing the crowded cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima was one fine example of knowledge going without wisdom and intelligence in spite of the finest brains in the world having been involved.

This topic for discussion was first posted in the Linked In group ‘Language, Literature and Criticism’ by this author which is not available to readers now due to change in Linked In policies. Many learnèd scholars contributed to this discussion including Dr. Jane Humphries, Elizabeth Vangel, Natasa Radulovic, Susan Vozniac, David, Daniele Cunningham, Michael Segal, Gary Pegoda, Kim Parrish, Athina Malapani and of course your editor, P S Remesh Chandran Trivandrum, and challenged me with questions and inspired me with ideas. I am grateful to them all. Only what I contributed to this discussion is included in this article. The original link which was ‘http://lnkd.in/b4S9CC’ is not available now. That is why my views are re-published this way.
04. Author Profile of P S Remesh Chandran By Sahyadri Archives.
Editor of Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum. Author of several books in English and in Malayalam. And also author of Swan: The Intelligent Picture Book. Born and brought up in the beautiful village of Nanniyode in the Sahya Mountain Valley in Trivandrum, in Kerala. Father British Council trained English teacher and Mother University educated. Matriculation with distinction and Pre Degree Studies in Science with National Merit Scholarship. Discontinued Diploma studies in Electronics and entered politics. Unmarried and single.
Editor of Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum. Author of several books in English and in Malayalam. And also author of Swan: The Intelligent Picture Book. Born and brought up in the beautiful village of Nanniyode in the Sahya Mountain Valley in Trivandrum, in Kerala. Father British Council trained English teacher and Mother University educated. Matriculation with distinction and Pre Degree Studies in Science with National Merit Scholarship. Discontinued Diploma studies in Electronics and entered politics. Unmarried and single.
of several books in English and in Malayalam, mostly poetical
collections, fiction, non fiction and political treatises, including
Ulsava Lahari, Darsana Deepthi, Kaalam Jaalakavaathilil, Ilakozhiyum
Kaadukalil Puzhayozhukunnu, Thirike Vilikkuka, Oru Thulli Velicham,
Aaspathri Jalakam, Vaidooryam, Manal, Jalaja Padma Raaji,
Maavoyeppoleyaakaan Entheluppam!, The Last Bird From The Golden Age Of
Ghazals, Doctors Politicians Bureaucrats People And Private Practice,
E-Health Implications And Medical Data Theft, Did A Data Mining Giant
Take Over India?, Will Dog Lovers Kill The World?, Is There Patience And
Room For One More Reactor?, and Swan, The Intelligent Picture Book.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/PSRemeshChandra
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Blog: http://sahyadribooks-remesh.blogspot.com/
Site: https://sites.google.com/site/timeuponmywindowsill/
E-Mail: bloombookstvm@gmail.com
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