Tuesday, May 26, 2020

207. The news paper article that never appeared. P S Remesh Chandran


The news paper article that never appeared

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Image by Free-Photos. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Each day thousands of newspapers use tons of precious newsprint to publish news of dengue outbreaks in different parts of the world. Accompanying these news reports there will be the standard charts of occurrence of the disease in previous years, picture of the life cycle of mosquitoes, pictures of dirty and stagnant water pools, and photos of patients lying in hospital beds with tubes passing through whatever orifices there are and equipments of every size and shape connected to not part exempted. Dengue and other viral diseases is now news, not concern. When we read these articles appearing in the world’s newspapers, we will normally think these papers are anxious about the welfare, safety and security of people. It is nothing of the kind. They are only after news available at no cost. Every newspaper in the world is very careful to not include the following paragraphs in their reports: 

The news paper article that never appeared.

While commenting on the unnecessary death of people due to dengue and other animal-borne diseases, leading research scientists in the biological, epidemiological and microbiological fields and the health officials in the country condemned the usual practice of going after the mosquitoes after each outbreak of the disease, instead of going after the real carrier and the reason for this disease which is dog. Our staff members were asked by the editor to look into this new argument and validate if there is any truth in it. After consulting the noted biologists and virologists of the country, and also through televised consulting of the specialists at the United States Army Medical Research Institute on Diseases (USAMRID), they learned quite a few facts and came up with the a few unpleasant inferences which are laid out here for our readers’ information: 

Dengue and other similar diseases including chikungunya are not ordinary fevers but viral infections. The viruses responsible for this disease have to be carried to places by arthropod vectors- six-legged insects like ticks- and that is why these infections are called Arbo Viral Infections. State Health Authorities and prominent scientists working in noted University Biology Departments told our reporters that though all Arboviral infections have to be contracted through the direct bite of a mosquito, the virus cannot complete its life cycle inside that mosquito. The virus has to have an animal reservoir host to live in for a time before they ripen and become powerful and virulent enough to cause the disease. Usually these animal reservoir hosts are mammalians among whom monkeys and dogs are the commonest. They have the most chance of providing a home to these viruses for a time. 

It was proved beyond doubt that even after killing a considerable number of mosquitoes (which is never) and taking basic measures to prevent their breeding (which also is never), as you know they will still breed in great numbers and as great clouds in the Amazon Rain Forests and the great African Swamps, these arboviral infections can never be controlled and dengue and other similar fevers will continue, unless their animal reservoir hosts are brought under control in numbers as well in habitats. 

Since dengue is now a national threat in countries and large chunks of national revenue are spent on preventing and treating this disease, it would a total waste of effort and money if the real culprit behind is left behind. Anyway why these cycles of viral diseases traverse the world and decimate millions of people cannot be left unexplained or met with explanations touching neither here nor there. Why these waves of diseases sweep the globe at unprecedented rates has to be brought to daylight. 

Revealing that the popularity of dogs, the unending enactment of dog laws, and the resultant multiplication of the dog population in the world are responsible for this spread of disease can have serious consequences not only on the peacefulness of the country but also on the very existence of our newspaper. Therefore the heads of the finance, circulation, legal and editorial departments of our paper met in confidence and deduced that putting responsibility on dogs as a carrier for arboviral infections will certainly anger the world animal lovers’ organizations and groups and may sure bring down the circulation of the paper, but if all staff perish due to ignorance in these worldwide waves of diseases, then there will be no newspaper at all. And hence this appeal to our readers! 

Editorial Team.

Written on: 19 February 2012
First published on: 19 February 2012

Images Courtesy: Pixabay.


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About the Author P. S. Remesh Chandran:

Author Profile Of P S Remesh Chandran By Sahyadri Archives.

Editor of Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum. Author of several books in English and in Malayalam. And also author of Swan: The Intelligent Picture Book. Born and brought up in the beautiful village of Nanniyode in the Sahya Mountain Valley in Trivandrum, in Kerala. Father British Council trained English teacher and Mother University educated. Matriculation with distinction and Pre Degree Studies in Science with National Merit Scholarship. Discontinued Diploma studies in Electronics and entered politics. Unmarried and single.

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E-Mail: bloombookstvm@gmail.com

Post: P. S. Remesh Chandran, Editor, Sahyadri Books, Trivandrum, Padmalayam, Nanniyode, Pacha Post, Trivandrum- 695562, Kerala State, South India.

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