Friday, March 22, 2024

242. Today in India BJP and Election Commission are the only protectors of electronic voting machines. They are even afraid to conduct a national referendum to see apart from these two people if it has the support of the people of India!


Today in India BJP and Election Commission are the only protectors of electronic voting machines. They are even afraid to conduct a national referendum to see apart from these two people if it has the support of the people of India!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Today, the Hindu-activist Bharayiya Janata Party BJP and the Election Commission of India are the only protectors of electronic voting machines in India. It is such a shameless war that these two have been waging against the world to retain it and BJP's rule in India. The nation is waiting to see if the judiciary will also join this run. They are even afraid to conduct a national referendum to see if these machines have the support of the people of India apart from these two! What is their right and ambition over those of the people?

When the world boycotts it and stops using it, they do not let go of it and hug it like a concubine, because turning away from history they have realized how useful it is for the instigation of a corporate rule in India like the erstwhile East India Company which ruled India even ruling over and controlling the British Government which controlled more and far powerful countries than the modern India, and for the formation of a pure Hindu Nation by toppling and overthrowing the secular republican democratic constitution of India. They have proved it before the world and before the people of India. After the electronic voting machines removing ballot papers from India, did anything else come up except the formation of Hindu Rashtra and corporate governance?

With one part of one lakh volume of paper used by BJP for printing its election posters, all the ballot paper for India could be printed. That's why the BJP’s and the Election Commission’s reiteration that they want ballot paper to be removed and electronic voting machines retained to protect the forests which are the source of wood which is the raw material for making the paper to print ballot papers and to avoid paper pollution only denotes the story of the secret marriage between the two. Considering India is the largest democracy in the world and where the greatest number of people votes in an election, when the lifespan of the millions of electronic voting machines that are manufactured every year expires- which is no more than two elections!- is it not a mountain of electronic waste going to reach the whole country? Is it reusable? Is there recycling? Which is more irreversibly polluting- the electronic voting machines or the ballot paper? Which needs the spending of precious foreign money reserves for importing expensive components? The Election Commission is floundering Hindu Rashtra without answer to any of these!

Then there remains only the cost of conducting the election through ballot paper and the time to count it. How many weeks did the Election Commission drag out the election period from 2024 April 19 to June 4 for facilitating the BJP Prime Minister and Reliance Representative Narendra Modi to campaign everywhere in India? Then why speak of the time for counting all these ballot papers? Isn't it the cost that then remains? How many lakh ballot papers can be printed at the cost of a single electronic voting machine? Will someone look at the cost of setting up a government that will have the authority to take lakhs of crores of rupees from the public purse and spend it?

Written on: 19 March 2024 and first published on: 22 March 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 19 March 2024 and first published on: 21 March 2024

SM1561. ഇന്നു് ഇ൯ഡൃയിലു് ഇലകു്ട്രോണിക്കു് വോട്ടിംഗു് മെഷീനുകളുടെ സംരക്ഷക൪ ബീജേപ്പീയും ഇലക്ഷ൯കമ്മീഷനുംമാത്രമാണു്. ഇവ൪രണു്ടുപേരുടെയുമല്ലാതെ ഇതിനു് ഇ൯ഡൃയിലെജനങ്ങളുടെ പിന്തുണയുണു്ടോയെന്നറിയാ൯ ഒരു നാഷണലു് റഫറണു്ടം നടത്താ൯പോലുമവ൪ ഭയപ്പെടുകയാണു്!





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