Tuesday, August 6, 2024

340. Atlantic and New York Times and Open AI: If there is a wall of a house built by someone, it is easy to climb up there and sit, showing feats and chirping! Haven’t seen the house lizard?


Atlantic and New York Times and Open AI: If there is a wall of a house built by someone, it is easy to climb up there and sit, showing feats and chirping! Haven’t seen the house lizard?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Not only is Atlantic magazine in America in cooperation, actually in collaboration, with Open AI, but they also signed a licensing agreement with that company and the journalists and writers of Atlantic started protesting because they fear that they would lose their jobs gradually on account of this. At the same time, the New York Times in America is in an open battle with Open AI. They are conducting a case also against that company, regarding copyright. Because it is corporate America, no one is sure whether they won’t cooperate in the future. So, Open Artificial Intelligence is in its true objective competing with magazines in creating content, creating reading materials and learning materials. Shouldn’t they have to go beyond competing with magazines and turn to creating magazines on their own without human assistance and participation, generating their content, printing their magazines, creating subscribers, and building distribution networks, to prove their own identity, existence and independence which they claim? How will it sabotage the future of writers if Amazon Books, who already have a vast store of good books of any kind, too go the same way and facilitate the AI scan of their stores to develop new ways of independent writing?

If there is a wall of a house built by someone, it is easy to climb up there and sit, showing feats and chirping! Haven’t seen the house lizard? What point is there in saying it was the old dinosaur?

From to help finding an article or something on the Internet, to create meta tags related to the most used ideas, concepts and terms in articles and other content, to create sub titles, to generate summaries, to detect whether plagiarism or piracy or idea or information bootlegging has taken place in it, to find and recommend content looking at one's region, language, domain of indulgence, sphere of interest and reading history and according to the particular and specific tastes of that reader, to bring forward the most current and most searched-for content real time on the internet, to, in the Generative AI category to create that content itself without human help or intervention, even to the point of selecting that subject itself if necessary- there are a multitude of ways, possibilities, to use artificial intelligence in the media world, and it is used too. (One of the companies that make the most use of this personal preference detection is the video-movie streaming company Netflix). For example, Google's Magenta is an AI melody composer used to compose music artificially. Open-AI's defunct MuseNet also was it. Our culprit is also used in the media world to detect and prevent fake news, including its source.

It is also used in editing videos and finding the best frames in them for preparing trailers. In Imaging Technology, be it paintings or photographs, this technique is used to convey or even create an etherealness in the images, by altering, enhancing, reducing or changing their depth, earthiness, color combinations or proportions or by even bringing elements from outside or combining them like a collage. It can change or modify other characters of images too, like disposition, emotion, expression and even intention.

After someone creating a hybrid or crossbreed of humans, elephants and tigers through genetic mutation and manipulation and it, with the cunning, ingenuity and imagination of humans, the strength of an elephant and the ferocity and blood-lust of a tiger begins hunting humans, can the government, saying ‘it’s the new technology and we cannot do anything about it’, get away without creating and setting proper regular boundaries? Even the creators and co-founders and financiers of AI have expressed such concern.

How far back will artificial intelligence go? How old are its roots and sources? It is sure older than Christ or even Mosses. Its roots go back six hundred years Before Christ to Aristotle's arithmetic and mathematics- at least. From the discovery of zero and then passing on from geometry, logic, and algebra to trigonometry, computing, and digital technology- it has grown and reached its present stage, developed to what it is today, by accepting and divesting each one of these free gifts to mankind at their time as food and nourishment. They have not paid any money or paid any royalties to those sources or those inventors. But the Artificial Intelligence of the world's corporates must be compensated for; royalties must be paid- to use it! It’s like a self-originated invention that governments have recognized it and pay tribute to- like it’s a unique corporate gift!

Written on 04 August 2024 and first published on: 06 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 04 August 2024 and first published on: 05 August 2024

SM1623. അറ്റു്ലാ൯റ്റിക്കും ന്യൂയോ൪ക്കു് ടൈംസ്സും ഓപ്പണു് എഐയും: വല്ലവനുംകെട്ടിയ ഒരു വീടി൯റ്റെ ചുവരുണു്ടെങ്കിലു് അവിടെക്കയറിയിരിക്കാ൯ എളുപ്പമാണു്!







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