Thursday, August 15, 2024

347. The Vizhinjam port will have to be abandoned completely. It may not be due to the anti-port struggle, but due to some other reasons. Didn't see the Parliament giving up three farmers’ laws they brought for the much bigger Reliance?


The Vizhinjam port will have to be abandoned completely. It may not be due to the anti-port struggle, but due to some other reasons. Didn't see the Parliament giving up three farmers’ laws they brought for the much bigger Reliance?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

The Vizhinjam port project will have to be abandoned completely. It may not be due to the anti-port strike by the sea-coast dwellers, traditional fishermen and environmental agitators, but due to some other reasons. Didn't see the Parliament giving up three farmers’ laws they brought for the benefit of the much bigger Reliance? Didn't the Kingfisher Airlines and Brewery Company which had more capital investment than this fold, its artificial windfall financial empire collapse, and its boss flee the country and take shelter in London? Isn’t the central government of the BJP walking up and down and lamenting through the British courts still, pleaing that he should be returned to India- he who is a BJP’s MP in Modi’s Parliament himself? Didn't everyone see the Indian Parliament reconvening and abandoning three farmers’ laws they themselves in their arrogance and corporate slavery passed for the much bigger Reliance? Didn't Narendra Modi, the central BJP, Pinarayi Vijayan, the state BJP, the state Marxist Party and the world-Gulf-Japan capitalists have to abandon after six years the K-Rail project in Kerala which they had worked for together very hard with even harder anti-people sentiments, which cost 32.14 times more than this little port?

When it’s exactly six years since the start of construction, we can hear the news that Adani Port has stopped- not Vizhinjam Port, but the news that Adani Port has stopped! The port of Vizhinjam may sometimes continue under the government of the day and go ahead- with some changes in its functioning, facilities and scope as it had been hundreds of years ago. Let us put aside for now some people’s ignorance that the Vizhinjam Harbor was conceived after the arrival of Umman Chandy, Pinarayi Vijayan, Narendra Modi and Adani in Indian politics.

Kerala’s Marxist leader and Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his co-partnering state BJP are going to hold back what the Prime Minister real Narendra Modi and the central BJP could not hold back! All the land that were taken from the people will have to be returned in full, and the money taken from the state exchequer for this purpose will have to be returned as assigned as personal liabilities of the Chief Minister, Finance Minister, Chief Secretary etc. Fundamentally, no one has ever said anything out there about what the flaw in this project is, and not many have even realized it. What happened behind the action of the Central Government, which gave preliminary environmental clearance to this port and several associated projects without examining their exact ecological and environmental impacts on the Kerala sea coast, will also come out soon.

Strange and unnatural as it may seem, but one of the main reasons for the eventual abandonment of the Vizhinjam Adani Port Project is that it was one of this Pinarayi Vijayan's projects, that he had laid his hands on it. So far in his life, no plan to make money for himself while in power has ever succeeded. All plans failed without exception. It is even correct to say that the people of Kerala are demolishing them and handing them back to him as, in their view, they were all brought forth by an unqualified sitting in power. People have taken it as an easy game for them to win, because it is not his money involved in it, not even a single rupee of his is in it, but it is all their money, the people’s money, that has gone into it all in various ways. And he was too sure he could take corruption money from each. Therefore, they have a space to stand on and comment, oppose, interfere and destroy his plans. Had this not included public money, then they, the people, would not have had any space there to do this mischief. But then, as he has no scope now for taking public money and giving it to others as his own, and as he is not investing any of his money, he himself also would not have had any space in these public-money-stealing projects. By the way, in the meantime, if any money has come into his hands, it is the money these greedy foreigners lost by paying his share of loot in advance, which is no concern of the people, and the money diverted from the treasury for the initial costs of planning and formulating these projects, which sure is a concern of the people.

When we look at the figures of many of these dreamed up projects and evaluate the break-even-points of each, we can see that these projects were all came up with only to siphon off money from the treasury as expenses for researching, planning and formulating these projects which all were sure never would materialize, and the preliminary expenses for these were not small. Other than fleecing the treasury of these preliminary and preparatory expenses for many unmaterializable projects, if ever a sizable amount of money came into his hands, it was in the electricity scam project associated with the Canadian Lavalin company- but it was not Pinarayi Vijayan's head that hatched it, it was not a plan that he devised; it was a plan that came up from people in the previous administrations before him. If he was the one who had come up with that plan, it would have fallen apart, the people would have seen to that! They would have torn it apart and given it back to him!

Whatever his projects were, be it people's e-health data trading, electric bus manufacturing deal with a Swiss company, writing off the sea and selling it with all its marine resources to an American company, and making and running a Kerala Rail through the midst and in the land of the Indian Railway which already is there and functioning very well, were all wrecked and demolished and handed back to him by the people. It is only foolish, and childish, for someone to think that only the Vizhinjam project will escape from that primitive justice execution by people merely because it includes Adani. All the other failed projects had involved the world’s rich, far bigger than Adani.

Such an unusual situation of all money-making projects that the state’s chief minister comes up with collapsing has arisen because Kerala society sees Pinarayi Vijayan not as a governmental entity but as as an individual who is corrupt and anti-people to the core, unlike all the others who had ruled Kerala before him. He is hated even in his own party. It is not respect and obedience to a governmental personage, but hatred and animosity towards something unsociable that is ugly that should be isolated from society and must permanently be subjugated and defeated for ever, that the social mind has towards him. It is a wonder that when such a person was born in and was moving through politics and administration, the seditious Foreign Malayalee-Whiteman-Arab Group which was making a profit in all these through him and the Marxist party that hosted and unleashed this shame, did not expect this attitude towards him from Malayalis who has the same height, weight and breadth but without the greed as him.

Written on 03 December 2022 and first published on: 15 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 03 December 2022

SM1175. വിഴിഞ്ഞംതുറമുഖപദ്ധതി സമ്പൂ൪ണ്ണമായുമുപേക്ഷിക്കേണു്ടിവരും. അതു് തുറമുഖവിരുദ്ധസമരംകാരണമായിരിക്കില്ല, മറ്റുചിലകാരണങ്ങളു്കൊണു്ടായിരിക്കും. ഇതിനേക്കാളു്വലിയറിലയ൯സ്സിനുവേണു്ടി പാ൪ലമെ൯റ്റുതന്നെകൊണു്ടുവന്ന ക൪ഷകനിയമങ്ങളുപേക്ഷിക്കേണു്ടിവന്നതുകണു്ടില്ലേ!




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