Wednesday, August 7, 2024

341. What does the Digital India, which said it will monitor all money movement in the country, have to say about the Enforcement Directorate’s investigating where did the thousands of crores of black money that flowed into Kerala go?


What does the Digital India, which said it will monitor all money movement in the country, have to say about the Enforcement Directorate’s investigating where did the thousands of crores of black money that flowed into Kerala go?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Narendra Modi created something called Digital India within what were previously known as Republican India, Democratic India, Secular India, etc, etc. It was created saying it is a comprehensive and proud programme of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party to bring India into the next era. The two things that were needed most in this Digital India are the conceptualization that since he, and his new-found cousins Adani and Mukesh have smart phones in their hands, so all the people in India will have Android phones in their hands, and from now on, all the money transactions in the country will be done by the people by giving money to Google and so on for their intermediary services, and all the government administration of the country including file movement and communicating with the people will transition from paper to cyber space for convenience such that anyone anytime could erase or delete them or their trails and make the evidence of corruption vanish, i.e. easy destruction of evidence, whenever and wherever he wants. As far as the rulers are concerned, it came to be implemented in India. As far as the people are concerned, it did not work in India.

Now, without an Android phone or a most-modern computer with sophisticated operating systems paid for and installed in, it came to that unlike they used to in the old days to write it on paper and send by post or deliver by hand, people cannot submit anymore even a single application or complaint to the government. In the days of yore, one could write an application or complaint on paper, put it in an envelope, go to the Central Post and Telegraphs Department, pay twenty-five rupees, simply ask them to please deliver it and keep the records too, and they would do it too. Terrified at people waking up against corruption and sending complaints, Narendra Modi woke up and created something called Digital India and altogether stopped this decades-old system.

Thus on the one hand, Narendra Modi rescued the entire rotten in the government. On the other hand he made it that if the people of the country wanted to do these digital transactions with the government, they should go and enslave themselves with the world corporate companies such as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft and obtain and furnish free e-mail addresses provided by them as a gesture of their kindness and symbol of slavery, only through which could these government dealings of theirs be proceeded with and made possible. Citizen e-mail addresses are one of the most sought-after, the most in demand, most marketable, and most valuable assets in the world that fetches the highest price if sold. It was the easiest way to forcefully collect and sell them that the BJP, which sold away to corporates national assets of the country from the railways to airports and shipyards and harbors which the Congress governments that ruled the country till now built, and came to power alighted on the wings of Adani and Reliance without even kneeling down to pick up a refuse and without ever moving their bodies to make and build something except making built a multitude of lifeless statues, made and came up with since they came to power in 2014.

Thus today, named as Digital India, it fills and spreads throughout the country as the biggest financial source of BJP. Giving maximum freedom to exploit people and make their own money through this they have subjugated and tamed all their serf governments also in the country who stick to them and lick and rub their toes like the Marxist Pinarayi Vijayan’s in Kerala. Of these various government agencies none has ever been heard by people till now of sending a reply to citizens’ e-mails despite Digital India.

There was a hint the Narendra Modi government and the Reserve Bank of India gave to the people of India when the Digital India was launched- that all money movement within the country will be under the surveillance of the central government and the Reserve Bank of India and that the movement of black money will become impossible. After that, thousands of crores of rupees that flowed to Kerala from many countries like the UAE through various government schemes and otherwise were stolen, whoever touched it took away a part, and vested-interested-parties took away their share. For some of these crimes, some state government civil service officials themselves under the control of the central government, such as Shivashankar, none other than the right-hand man and the Principal Government Secretary of the Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, are captured and held in jails in Kerala. These agencies and the central government say that the central government's economic crimes investigation agency, the Directorate of Enforcement, has been investigating for five years since 2019 as to where in Kerala has all this money gone into. What do Digital India, BJP's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Reserve Bank who told people that Digital India is being instigated, from now onward it will be easy to monitor all the money movement in the country and also to and from the country, that the surveillance has already begun, have to say about where all this money went? If the Digital India existed as it was said to be, then why was this investigation necessary? Was it necessary despite Digital India? Wasn't Digital India itself the search?

Was there actually such an observation going on as proclaimed or were they turning a blind eye to the activities of their subservient Marxist party and their ruling coalition front in Kerala and their black money movements, as part of their scheme for protecting participants in the formation of Hindu Rashtra? Hasn’t the Digital India, which said it would monitor all the money movements in the country, has nothing to say about the ED investigating into where the thousands of kilos of gold smuggled and the ten thousands of crores of black money that flowed into Kerala has gone?

Written on 08 March 2023 and first published on: 08 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 08 March 2023 and first published on: 27 March 2023

SM1250. രാജ്യത്തെസ്സകലപണനീക്കവും നിരീക്ഷിക്കുമെന്നുപറഞ്ഞ ഡിജിറ്റലി൯ഡൃയു്ക്കു് കേരളത്തിലേയു്ക്കൊഴുകിയ ആയിരക്കണക്കിനുകോടിരൂപയുടെകള്ളപ്പണം എങ്ങോട്ടുപോയെന്നു് ഈഡീയന്വേഷിക്കുന്നതിനെക്കുറിച്ചു് എന്താണുപറയാനുള്ളതു്?

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