Saturday, August 3, 2024

339. How can the Marxist Chief Minister Stiff know that if he gets a warning from the centre that there will be excessive rain, it will be too much water, and the land will split in the mountains without being able to support it, and landslides will occur due to it! When you say three hundred human deaths, isn't that murder?


How can the Marxist Chief Minister Stiff know that if he gets a warning from the centre that there will be excessive rain, it will be too much water, and the land will split in the mountains without being able to support it, and landslides will occur due to it! When you say three hundred human deaths, isn't that murder?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Purple Ivy-Dawn Rose. Graphics: Adobe SP.

How can the Marxist Chief Minister Stiff know that if he gets a warning from the centre that there will be excessive rain, it will be too much water, and the land will split in the mountains without being able to support it, without being able to hold it, and landslides will occur due to it! What action could he have taken on that warning!! But then, if he had known that something would fall into his pocket from it, if there was a possibility of that, if the center had not come and stood looking, he would have taken many measures too. What- that had he not appointed a science and technology adviser giving a high salary? Equally ignoramus like him! When you say there were three hundred human deaths, isn't that murder?

It was in the Rajya Sabha that the Union Home Minister revealed the information and said that Kerala had been given a warning a few days earlier. It was based on the indications of the central meteorological disaster forecasting institutions and departments that the Union Home Minister and the concerned Meteorological Departments issued that warning. It was with the lightness and easiness of saying like he didn't even look whether the traffic light was yellow, green or red, so he took the car forward, and so the accident happened, that the Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on 31 July 2024 said in a hastily-summoned emergency press conference immediately after this revelation in the Rajya Sabha in Parliament that a warning had already been given to Kerala by the central government, that he did not see any red signal in the warning but felt like only something like a green signal was somewhere lying there- trying to bail himself out after this revelation in the Rajya Sabha.

Since when this Chief Minister set his foot on the chair, nay put his hind on the chair, Kerala has been experiencing natural calamities as a punishment for installing a sin-stained ruler in authority. Isn't it uncanny to be noticed that it is only in the state where he is, it continues like this, this frequently and in this much magnitudes, as long as he is seated there? Why is it that according to central statistics, sixty percent of India's nature calamities are in the small state of Kerala? Kerala, on the other hand, is not at the center of collision of tectonic plates on Earth. If there were only one or two such incidents happened since 2016 when he came to power, we could have ruled him out, but what if there are countless more? And if he is not outside the state but in the state itself, what if the people are now so sure that something like that kills the people en masse will happen?

It is to states facing not the threat of rain but the threat of the disaster of the rain that the Centre issues such warnings. Those warnings are given based on the understanding that immediate follow-up action will be taken by the state, with the special intelligence and empathy which a state government should have, and which is expected from a state government by the country. Will anyone but the paranoid, the paranormal, the delusional, the mad, the arrogant, the wicked, and those sinful who are ready to leave the country at any time and have the means to do so, dismiss those warnings, ignore them, not take action, and wait for the disaster to happen? If it was the last thing that happened, isn't that a crime that one should be hanged for? When we say three hundred human deaths, isn't that a mass murder? Shouldn't the whole cabinet have been arrested and jailed and prosecuted for intentional homicide?

It is the Geological Survey of India, Central Water Commission and Meteorological Centres that regularly issue these warnings. Even if there was no such thing, a chief minister or a political leader should have the knowledge to look at the sky and intuit how it will rain. Even when there were none of these technologies, equipment systems and instruments, didn't the kings take measures to prevent such calamities, with the counsel of his advisers of course? At least when you get notifications from the revenue authorities called Village Offices in each village that the color of the river is changing shouldn’t you understand the matter and respond? Or aren’t things to be understood even when the river is seen overflowing from the mountain tops to the valleys muddy, whirling, roaring and filled with logs, trees, tree branches, vegetation, rocks, grass, and twigs? How else should the mountains shout and say ‘I have busted and erupted’?

It was proved from this that there is no means, equipment and skilled manpower, nothing at all, in the hands of the farce that is going on in the name of the Government of Kerala led by Pinarayi Vijayan to reach the people within Kerala, the people who vote within Kerala, if they are stranded and isolated somewhere within Kerala, no matter what on account of a natural disaster or not. The policemen who thrust their chests and sneer and sneaking down the alleys or standing straight in the middle of the roads and capture small things like non-helmet wearers and smokers on roads and those sitting on culverts on roadsides with double strength, as well as the fire brigade, and similarly the disaster response and relief forces created as if they are mega creations who have no experts in them, it turned out, were just images dipped in paint like him. (Not forgetting the service done by them later when they saw that the central government had landed immediately in Kerala with Army, Air Force and Navy and begun search and rescue works!). Wasn’t it by giving publicity and creating a justification and making a mess of an excuse that it was to be used in such crises like this for emergency search and rescue operations that taking a lot of public money out of treasury the chief minister brought a helicopter for carrying and delivering his bags? After all, is it enough to fly in a helicopter and have aerial views of the calamity after everything is over?

Why didn’t it go and rescue the people stranded and trapped in places where it could have reached within one or two minutes? Why didn’t it bring at least medicine and water to those who were still alive and were mourning the dead, as a consolation, for temporary salvation, as a little bit of help to hold on for a little more while? Why didn’t the chief minister who is also the Head of the Assembly airlift his party’s MLAs who howl for him in the state legislative assembly and drop them to stand among the people as a surety that help will come, as a relief to the people, even though Kerala has no use for these inanimate materializations except for howling for him?

In search of votes to win the elections, do not they overcome bigger obstacles, climb bigger mountain tops, cross canyons and gullies, and wade through muddy fields and rushing rivers to reach and stand among the people, to prove they are one of them? Why was the Prime Minister's intervention and military action needed? Why had rescue and hope to arrive from New Delhi before rescue and hope arrived from Trivandrum? Since when did rescue operations and regional relief were moved from the list of the state to the list of the centre? Is it collecting taxes from these people, embezzling them, and ministers, chief ministers, and officials with women and children walking around with boxes like government spendthrifts abroad and robbing them the only the responsibility of the state?

In India massive landslides such as these in which the earth breaking and sliding and washed away have occurred in many states including Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, but what occurred between 2:00 am and 4:00 am on 30 July 2024 near Meppadi in the Wayanad district of Kerala with this large areas swept away and so extensive is reported nowhere to have happened ever in India before. Three villages, Punchirimattam, Mundakkai and Chooralmalai, were swept away by the massive torrential flow of mud, water, trees, soil and rocks- and according to unofficial estimates, besides more than six hundred people, millions of plants, hundreds of trees and thousands of cattle and wildlife, not to mention the square miles of precious top soil which it took hundreds of years to form. Thus it became the first in India in extent and power.

In the midst of this, meanwhile, a chief minister is heard standing somewhere there shouting- but just no one is listening. What's the point of shouting now? The chief minister's only contribution in this before and after was his issuing a circular through the chief secretary which effectively stilled the relief works undertaken by Non-Governmental Agencies, Whats-app and Face Book groups and individuals, and threatened the officials not to speak to the press and television media about the extent of this disaster and why and how it was expected, because, any following opinion, question or debate based on them that arises among the public finally arrives at their conclusion, evaluation, commenting and judgment that the Chief Minister is an incompetent fiend who is tied to dirty money.

Written on 31 July 2024 and first published on: 03 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 31 July 2024

SM1620. അമിതമഴപെയ്യുമെന്നു് കേന്ദ്രത്തിലു്നിന്നു് മുന്നറിയിപ്പുകിട്ടിയാലു് അതു് അമിതവെള്ളമാണെന്നും അതുതാങ്ങാ൯കഴിവില്ലാതെ മലകളിലു് ഭൂമിപിളരുമെന്നും അതിലൂടെ ഉരുളു്പ്പൊട്ടലുണു്ടാകുമെന്നും മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുമരങ്ങോടമുഖ്യമന്ത്രി എങ്ങനെയറിയാനാണു്! മുന്നൂറുമനുഷ്യമരണമെന്നുപറയുമ്പോളു് അതൊരുകൊലപാതകമല്ലേ?

Article Title Image By Beasternchen. Graphics: Adobe SP.





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