Sunday, August 11, 2024

344. Isn't the non-stop excessive propaganda of the BJP leaders that they will establish a Hindu Rashtra in India the reason for the riots in Bangladesh and the persecution of the Hindus there? When you are the ruling party of the country, don't you need some wisdom?


Isn't the non-stop excessive propaganda of the BJP leaders that they will establish a Hindu Rashtra in India the reason for the riots in Bangladesh and the persecution of the Hindus there? When you are the ruling party of the country, don't you need some wisdom?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Isn't the relentless propaganda of the BJP leaders that they will establish a Hindu nation in India the reason for the riots in Bangladesh and the persecution of the Hindus there? When you are the ruling party of the country, don't you need some wisdom and some sense? This has now forced a doubly strenuous duty on the BSF, India's border security force. India has a border not only with Bangladesh, but also long ones with many other countries including Pakistan, and they also have to protect those borders the fulfilling of which obligation has now gone under jeopardy. The reflection of this has started to be seen as more terrorist attacks in Kashmir. It can be assumed that this Bangladeshi rebellion, which has the unquestionable participation of countries including Pakistan and sometimes even Iran, must also be to create this very situation, of India becoming suddenly unable to protect all its borders through the BSF. Perhaps that’s what they wanted. Apart from that, there was nothing more urgent and serious than Sheikh Hasina's oppressive regime and human rights violations that had not been there for so long. And both of them were not as numerous and as cruel as in Pakistan and Iran. Then the responsibility for this violent and anarchic situation lands on in the very narrow policies, decisions and declarations of the ruling party in India, the Bharatiya Janata Party-BJP itself, which lacks international diplomatic insights and philosophy.

In early 2024, when the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Mrs. Sheikh Hasina visited India, she officially met BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi and unofficially Congress President Sonia Gandhi, spent time with them and held discussions. After that, what differences were there in the policies and programmes of Hasina after her return to Bangladesh, though the BJP and the Congress in India did not mind, the Muslim people of Bangladesh, particularly the military and militants there, as well as the religious fundamentalist governments of Pakistan and Iran, it seems, have taken into notice. It is also noteworthy that this riot broke out right next to it. Britain and the United States proved that even if India and its main political parties reject India's role in it the world does not reject India's role, by unexpectedly denying asylum to that woman prime minister who resigned and fled the country and making her undoubtedly a liability of India itself.

In this riot, Sheikh Hasina, herself a Muslim and the ruler, is not the only one who has fled the country- thousands of Hindus who are Bangladeshis have also taken flight and are waiting standing at the border to enter India. Among them are not only Hindus but also many Christians, and many Sikhs and Jains may also be among them. BSF has been giving them food and water but does not give them the shelter of asylum after crossing the border which is what they are after. They remain still at the border as the victims of India's foreign policy, BJP's domestic policy, and the refugee-citizenship policy created by them recently. The only reason why the Bangladeshi insurgents did not follow them there and kill them all was the fact that the Indian army was there beyond a barbed wire fence. What they could not take in is that the country that is their’s too beyond the barbed wire, a country that has a history of giving asylum to refugees even from Plato to Christ, did not take them in.

Not so long ago, just seven decades ago, these people were all part of the undivided India. They are not visitors to Bangladesh, but natives who have been there for so long. Where else should they run but to India? When religious extremists and terrorists are carrying out murders, how can they return to their homes as per India's demand? If a situation like this comes to BJP’s leaders personally, what will they do, and how will they react to India? Do not forget that many of the previous top leaders of the BJP came from Pakistan following the independence and the partition of the country seeking asylum.

As the violence in that closely neighboring country increases (and it will not fail to increase!) the number of them coming as refugees will increase, and if the Indian paramilitary forces will not be able to stop them, to contain them at borders, then the Indian Army itself will have to use force on them. And then it will forever be a disgrace to India- even if BJP does not feel that way. In any case, there is no possibility of them going to other neighboring countries like Bhutan, Nepal, which was once a part of the Indian Empire in the long past, to Burma, the old Brahma Land of the Indian Hindus, and to Afghanistan, which was the old Apa Ghana Sdhaanam of their renowned Emperor Bharata who gave India the name Bharatham!

In fact, isn’t this all a feat against BJP of the countries that existed as member states in that old Bharata Empire who united and lowered the boom on the BJP with no previous experience in the field of administration and in the ruling of India, newly entered in the Indian politics alighted on the wings of Reliance, stirred up and shook the Hindus, captured the rule of India, and challenged the whole world that they would recreate the old Bharata Empire as a Hindu Nation and show it to the world, this new challenge through Bangladesh being, then make it and show it to the world? It seems that only Sri Lanka, called Rathnaddweepam then, and Thailand, the old Siamese state called Shyamaraajyam then, which were all part of that old nation-complex, are not part of this new challenge. Or are they too?

So far, BSF has been able to treat them, this influx of refugees from Bangladesh, with dignity. But when their number increases, can they continue with this behavior? Finally, at one point, in exactly the same conditions as during the time of the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, when, unable to withstand the unsustainable influx of refugees into India due to internal strife in Pakistan, to curb it the Indian Army landed in Pakistan where the internal violence was causing the influx of refugees, defeated the Pakistani army through military operations, cut that country into two, instead of annexing that one piece to India as it was before out of international decency created and named it as Bangladesh as a new independent democratic country, will not the whole operation have to be repeated? If not cut, then through military action itself, will not the Bangladeshi army and the insurgents alike have to be suppressed, the democratic governance restored, and Bangladesh freed again, and the problem resolved?

In short, won't this lead to a stage where the Hindu India of the Bharatiya Janata Party in Bangladesh is facing the same military-political situation Israel is facing today in Palestine and Gaza due to Islamic terrorist organizations- if India's foreign diplomacy, refugee laws and policies are a smokescreen?

The Prime Minister of a small country visits the Prime Minister of a neighboring, bordering, big country, after holding consultations, discussions returns to her small country, immediately on her return a rebellion starts in that small country and the Prime Minister loses her position, has to flee the country, and by overnight seeks asylum and is installed as a refugee in that big country. Don't you feel something incredulous and dubious? Either the other adversaries of the big country are convinced of the weaknesses, inadequacies and inconsistencies in the diplomatic power, foreign relations and internal political power of the ruling party of that big country, or the ruling party of that big country, having a single majority, to prevent constituent parties from breaking up from the ruling coalition and losing power, to stay united for the time being, is warming up for a war situation!

Written on 10 August 2024 and first published on: 12 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 10 August 2024

SM1624. ഇ൯ഡൃയിലു് ഹിന്ദുരാഷ്ട്രംസ്ഥാപിക്കുമെന്നുള്ള ബീജേപ്പീനേതാക്കളുടെ നി൪ത്താതെയുള്ള അമിതപ്പ്രചാരണമല്ലേ ബംഗ്ലാദേശ്ശുകലാപത്തിനും അവിടെയുള്ളഹിന്ദുക്കളു് വേട്ടയാടപ്പെടുന്നതിനുംകാരണം? രാജ്യംഭരിക്കുന്ന പാ൪ട്ടിയാവുമ്പോളു് ഒരുവിവേകമൊക്കെവേണു്ടേ?


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