Sunday, August 18, 2024

349. They call the 5000 crore rupees that would have been got in K-Rail and the 5000 crore rupees that’s going to be got in Vizhinjam Port as development; we call it corruption!


They call the 5000 crore rupees that would have been got in K-Rail and the 5000 crore rupees that’s going to be got in Vizhinjam Port as development; we call it corruption!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Zoltan Tasi. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Adani will invest Rs 2000 crore for the port. The state government will spend 2500 crores. But the port will belong to Adani for sixty years and not to the government. As the Kerala Chief Minister and Marxist leader Pinarayi Vijayan agrees to this he will be given a handsome bribe of Rs 5000 crore. What a profitable deal! It’s that simple. The loss is only to the State of Kerala and the people of the State of Kerala. In order to protect the interests of the state of Kerala, shall the people bring a person from outside the state and place him on the chief minister's chair in the secretariat? An outsider who has nothing to do with the state of Kerala or the people of Kerala sits in the chair of the chief minister of the state of Kerala (in fact Adani and other capitalists from other states and other countries sabotage the state committee and even the polit bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) years back in advance by buying them outright for money and put him there to run their errands and fulfill their needs!), conduct several sinister transactions with foreigners by surpassing the central government under tacit agreements, share the profits, and he, in addition, takes also the usual commission the government should get himself for facilitating these transactions with the government by affixing the government seal and legitimizing and formalizing these transactions!

Pinarayi Vijayan's government earlier had tried to implement the Kerala Rail Project in Kerala with borrowing at a much higher interest rate 75000 crore rupees from Japan and get hold of 5000 crore rupees as commission for arranging and consenting to this higher interest rate and buying old and obsolete rails and trains and spare parts from them. When people saw that their homes and lands were going to be seized by the Japanese and the Marxists and they evacuated, they came together to defend and that was the end of the K-rail project, though the central BJP government’s prime minister Narendra Modi and his railways minister were standing there holding the sack for Pinarayi Vijayan. When the K-rail project came to an end before the people’s furious protests, the commission of 5000 crore rupees which Pinarayi Vijayan and others in the Marxist Party and their ruling front including the CPI anticipated very much was washed away.

By taking away 2500 crore rupees which is lying in the Kerala state treasury and giving it to Adani who invests only 2,000 crore in the Vizhinjam project, and also leasing it to Adani liberally for not 30 but 60 years, what the Pinarayi Vijayan Group (PVG) will get summarily in return will also be exact amount- i.e. Rs 5000 crore rupees. When one was lost, the other was grasped! Therefore, Pinarayi Vijayan will fight an extraordinary life-and-death battle in Vizhinjam, and that extraordinary life-and-death battle has started since 27 November 2022, when the government issued an unambiguous order to abandon the K-rail project. That is what is seen today as an unusual intervention of the government against the fishermen who are opposing the port there.

But because of the opposition of the people of Kerala who know him completely, no matter how many followers, propagandists and media he has with him who share in that money, he will never get that money in his life, with his Vizhinjam dream collapsing just like his K-Rail dream was collapsed: it can only be written in his grave that he walked the land with the dream of securing that money! The people of Kerala, who have been deceived by him for so long by telling them that he is a Communist and a Marxist, have seen to that, like they are taking a personal revenge on him. If a project was started by Pinarayi Vijayan, the people of Kerala will sure wreck it without looking ahead, or back, because the people of Kerala do not see him as a Chief Minister, but as a swindler and corrupt fraud who came up with only swindling and corrupt projects and did not do any decent direct straight work in his life as a job, as an occupation, for supporting himself and his wife and children, and lived only to make money through crookèd ways.

While all the ports in India built on the basis of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) are leased for 30 years to the builders, Vijayan took the forehand lead and leased this Kerala port to Adani for a double term of 60 years. In other ports,while the operator gives the rights-holding government a dividend of one-third of the operating profit, that is 35 percent, and that too from the outset, from the very beginning of the commencement of operation, in Vizhinjam the builder and operator Adani will give the major investment-holding Kerala Government a dividend of only one percent of the operating profit, that too beginning from only after twenty years of port operations. Has there ever been such a money-hungry anti-human body in India moving only through fraudulent and artificial means?

It was because he while sitting on the chief minister's chair agreed to cheat the state and acquiesce to or even devise this enormous difference between this port and other ports in India with private capital investment that out of that a small amount- five thousand crore rupees- was given to Pinarayi Vijayan, as a similar but very small amount was given to the administrative team of Late Omman Chandi, who was the Chief Minister some time ago. The amount paid to Pinarayi Vijayan was the price for actually devising this stark contrast to other ports with private capital investment. If Kerala were not sleeping but had woken up, even if Adani who is under the protection of Prime Minister Narendra Modi could not be caught, Pinarayi Vijayan could sure have been caught and ……!

There are many people in Kerala who walked around saying that the K-rail project will be implemented no matter what happens and who opposes it, until the people rang its death knell. Pinarayi Vijayan, EP Jayarajan, Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, Thomas Isaac, VS Vijaya Raghavan, MB Rajesh, AN Shamsseer, M Swaraj, MV Jayarajan, Aanantthalavattam Anandan and MV Govindan of the Communist Party of India Marxist-CPIM and Kaanam Rajendran of their ruling partner the Communist Party of India-CPI are among that long line. And there are some women too from the Marxist Party. Of these, all of them are or were the frontline leaders of their party and their government administration in Kerala who have gone to get advantages and benefits from K-Rail in the form of commissions, appointments and contracts. When people saw to it that the K-rail and those five thousand crores rupees were gone, their chirping stopped, on account of K-Rail.

Now they are sitting around chirping that they will implement the next corruption project the Vizhinjam port whatever comes, no matter who opposes them. And when the people who know them too well not to recognize their intentions finish it, they will move on and yet again come up with another new dream plan sprouted up and unfolds in the haze of the Charas and the MDMA the party ranks sells and the leadership controls and begin piping that they will implement it no matter what, and start their next chirp. The people of Kerala have made them, reduced them to, just that- a few chirpers.

There is a port minister in Kerala. No one has heard much about him in Kerala or Indian politics, but his name is Ahmed Devar Kovil, a member of an unimportant communal party which is a member of the Marxist party’s ruling coalition. In relation to the Vizhinjam anti-port strike and the inciting of communal riots there under the joint banner of RSS, BJP and Marxist Party for Adani, the name released by the vested-interested Kerala media as to the one who made the anti-reactionary and anti-social statement was not his but of another minister in the same cabinet- of the sports and fisheries minister V. Abdu Rahiman-, to create confusion among the people of Kerala. What does he have to do with this? It seems Mr. Kovil is an alien, probably from some remote corner of Tamilnadu- he doesn't seem to know anything about the customary morals of Kerala. It seems that he thought Kerala would devour and take whatever Pinarayi Vijayan says at face value and obey him like he does.

What he said related to the violence in Vizhinjam on 27-28 November 2022 including the attack on the police station, which the Kerala Latin Catholic Church which leads the anti-port strike say were conspired and created by BJP, Marxist Party, Adani, Police and Government, and the BJP, Marxist Party, Adani, Police and Government say were created after a conspiracy between the fishermen and the Kerala Latin Catholic Church which leads them, was that he had found the bottom of his patience. Patience for what? What bottom of patience? And who is he to see the bottom? Has no one told him that the government's patience with public matters, as opposed to individuals in whom it differs from person to person, is infinite? What he said actually was that waiting and waiting for that five thousand crores of rupees delayed due to this anti-port fishermen's strike which went on for a long time he found the bottom of his patience. Has he not any shame as a man to say it? When you walk around with a mustache, don’t you need a little self-respect?

Pinarayi Vijayan, EP Jayarajan and Kaanam Rajendran call the 5000 crore rupees that would have been got in the K-Rail project and the 5000 crore rupees that’s going to be got in Vizhinjam Port project as development; we call it corruption!

Written on 28 November 2022 and first published on: 18 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 28 November 2022 and first published on: 29 November 2022

SM1168. കെ-റെയിലിലു്ക്കിട്ടുമായിരുന്ന 5000കോടിരൂപയെയും വിഴിഞ്ഞംതുറമുഖത്തുകിട്ടാ൯പോകുന്ന 5000കോടിരൂപയെയും പിണറായിവിജയനും ഈപ്പീജയരാജനും കാനംരാജേന്ദ്രനുംപറയുന്നതു് വികസനമെന്നാണു്, നമ്മളു്പറയുന്നതു് അഴിമതിയെന്നും!

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