Tuesday, August 13, 2024

346. Who doesn’t know Adani is entering fisheries! The Vizhinjam project is the Kerala’s Marxist Government’s reviving the selling of the sea to the Adani Company instead of to that old American Company!!


Who doesn’t know Adani is entering fisheries! The Vizhinjam project is the Kerala’s Marxist Government’s reviving the selling of the sea to the Adani Company instead of to that old American Company!!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Michael Heck. Graphics: Adobe SP.

The new Marxist party culture and its Pinarayi Vijayan style in Kerala of eating upto their noses’ fill and then kicking the person who cooked that food, pulsates and trembles to stir up racial riots in Vizhinjam coast! Even at such a stage, the executive, legislature, judiciary and the media who are not worth even the price of a drop of blood falling in a communal riot, are not even able to understand and respond to this- four shadowy figures, the birds in the Adani's sky!! Who doesn’t know Adani is entering the fisheries sector!!! Prior to this entry the fishing community in Kerala had to be destroyed, the local traditional fishing industry pulverized with it, and Adani made to be able to sell raw as well as canned and tinned fish in a state where no one upto now buys them except seeing them as TV advertisements. Preparations ahead of that are what are going on in the name of development as Vizhinjam port.

That is why the organizations and parties like the RSS, BJP, Marxist Party, Muslim League, media like the Kerala Kaumudi, Mathrubhumi, Police, beneficiaries like Pinarayi Vijayan, Adani and their appendages are jumping with enthusiasm in advance, leaping towards sky, and such varied and politically rivalling leaders of parties and such other absurdities of history such as Anavoor Nagappan and Vathsan Tillankeri, V. V. Rajesh and V. Shivakutty, EP Jayarajan and M. V. Jayarajan, and Sasikala and M. V. Govindan walk hand in hand raising the same slogans. In a sense this is good- all the filth in Kerala is churned out and being taken out in the name of the Adani port protection movement opposing the fishermen of Kerala who give fish to Kerala to devour and relish to the fill- the biggest poison extraction, release, catharsis, Kerala has ever seen!

Kerala exports more than Rs 6000 crore worth of marine and other sea-related products every year and earns foreign money. Local fish trade is more than 166 percent of it, at least at ten thousand crore rupees. It's a war to capture that market, and remain a monopoly- the port is just a cover, just a start. When looked at and compared to this vast market, what will you get out of a berthing port, what will it bring, after the many years taken for it to break-even? Don’t you remember that lowly man named Pinarayi Vijayan once making his lowly attempt to sell the entire sea of ​​Kerala to an American company? And don’t remember how the vigilant Kerala rose up as a whole and defeated him thouroughly? This is a continuation of it, the second attempt disguised as a port. This precedes an attempt and action to betray the fishermen of Kerala and sell out the seas and the marine products which are their birthright to the Adani Company instead of to that old American company.

When a sensible government comes in Kerala, in India, the first thing they do will be nationalizing this Vizhinjam Project like the many banks which did not give loans to the common people were did in 1975, and restructuring it after removings its eco-disastrous effects, for it is not just a port but a comprehensive project to exploit the abundant wealth of the Kerala’s seas. Ninety percent of its infrastructure including the land and capital is government-gifted anyway- either by the state government or by the central government. He is just an executing bailiff who can be removed anytime, with will of course.

Written on 03 December 2022 and first published on: 13 August 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 03 December 2022

SM1174. മൂക്കുമുട്ടെത്തിന്നിട്ടു് ആ ആഹാരമുണു്ടാക്കിയവനെച്ചവിട്ടുന്ന കേരളത്തിലെ പുത്ത൯പിണറായിസംസു്ക്കാരം വിഴിഞ്ഞത്തു് വ൪ഗ്ഗീയകലാപമുണു്ടാക്കാ൯ വെട്ടിവിറയു്ക്കുന്നു- അദാനി ഫിഷറീസ്സിലേക്കുകടക്കുന്നുവെന്നു് ആ൪ക്കാണറിഞ്ഞുകൂടാത്തതു്!


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