Wednesday, July 31, 2024

338. Bearing a double cross and double insult from the Marxist Government: The deceased former Kerala Communist Chief Minister Comrade C. Achyutha Menon! A statue and a nuclear power plant!!


Bearing a double cross and double insult from the Marxist Government: The deceased former Kerala Communist Chief Minister Comrade C. Achyutha Menon! A statue and a nuclear power plant!!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Pete Linforth-TheDigitalArtist. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Comrade C. Achyutha Menon was a man who did not like statues but living things. He lived a simple, frugal and unornamented life of a leader of the Communist Party, was a lawyer and the Chief Minister of Kerala for nine consecutive years from 1969 to 1977 leading a Congress-included coalition front, and also has a place in history as a writer. He passed away in 1991. Leaving aside all other serious critical and political writings and books, his proudly translating H. G. Wells' book 'A Concise History of the World’ while he was in prison as a political detainee and publishing it in Malayalam under the title ‘Loka Charithra Samgraham’ (World History Summary) was monumental and an asset to the language and literature in Malayalam. It has been heard some wondering, had Achyutha Menon like Nehru had been imprisoned many times in later times too, how many good books would have been produced!

(This said was not to insult the current Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan who claims to have studied in college and to have walked between swords while studying in college, talking about it as if it is the only thing to be proud about while in colleges, not to mean that he has not written a single book and is full of contempt for writers who do not seek and go after money, nor to point out that as the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee lives today and as Achyutha Menon lived then, the Chief Ministers have to live and put something in their mouths and send it to their stomachs and lead their parties and lead politics not by exploiting others, not by looting the state, but out of the income from their books).

Seeing that the state was in financial crisis as a result of the Communist Party rule under them, as a start, and as the first step taken from the Government, he halved the salaries of all the ministers including him in the cabinet. Born poor without money and lived poor, and elevated to the leadership of the Marxist party, that had been formed by splitting away from the CPI and when there was a dearth of leaders in that new party, by some foreign corporates who had been lying in wait for such an opportunity in Kerala to intrude in, and now living only for money, it is an unimaginable thing for the present Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan to even think about halving his and his ministers’ salaries or even cutting it down by just a two percent. Leading the state to a financial crisis 100,000 times higher than that of that time through his own rule, and spreading the word that there was no money to pay dearness allowance to government employees and leaving it in arrears for many years, he is a dead-like-living-thing that self-ordered, billed, and encashed the same DA arrears for him and his ministers and his top-ranking officials in government.

Entangled in all the scandals that are in the Encyclopedia of the World History of Corruption and even those that are not in there, caught inescapably in the self-created web of the smuggling of gold, the smuggling of dollars, the trafficking of contraband through party members, and the murders of political opponents even in his own party besides, become the most abominably corrupt and crookèd not the least in the history of Kerala but in the history of India itself, standing there spreading heavy stench throughout the world as the biggest disgrace in history, so to put aside this humiliation and controversy from this disgrace that’s him at least for a while until the next state legislative assembly election, through the right-wing Communist Party of India, the original CPI- a partner in his ruling Left Democratic Coalition Front and a party that eventually became his lifelong slave after he got them all into all kinds of corruption and smuggling the ruling front conducted upon his instigation since when they made him their leader- and via a well-marked and auspicious slave named Jeeyaar Anil in that CPI, a decision was made to be taken in the name of the CPI, to build a very ugly, absurd and dark statue of a black Achyutha Menon with no resemblance to him, in stark contrast to what he was in his real life, (purposefully to create that intended controversy and get the needed time till the next election and divert attention meanwhile from the multitude of corruption of the present chief minister!), and to bring it to Trivandrum in a march to install it in public view at the Museum Junction. (Remember that Kerala has no black Achyutha Menon just like there is no white EMS!). As a party like CPI should never do, wasting fifty lakhs of rupees- half crore- and thousand kilos of bronze, he and they are carrying this abomination of a statue from Kannur where it was made to Trivandrum, marching it like in a mourning journey, like it’s a funeral procession! Everything is coming to Trivandrum and to nowhere else!!

Even the statues of Lenin put up like this, when the people ended the communist rule, were attacked and desecrated; people showed their anger and were even demolished piecr by piece. When everything is placed in one place, it's easier than ever to walk upto them and wreck them- one needn’t wander throughout Kerala searching for them, locating them! Like that old Moscow operation, a single Trivandrum operation would end the matter. That where they are taking it to and going to place it? To right across from the old Queen Victoria's statue opposite the Museum, the very same statue which remained as a symbol of the British rule ended by the people in 1947, even long after the British had gone, the very same statue which was bombed and demolished as a protest by the very same communists in 1975 as they got nothing else to bomb when the National Emergency was declared by Smt. Indira Gandhi, and which stood a while more with the face and torso covered and bound from public view!

What the informed people see as the real contribution of Achyutha Menon is, when the first communist government in India came to power in Kerala in 1957 and the Soviet Union declared and signed an agreement with the India Government to build and donate a nuclear power plant and a reactor to Kerala as a reward to ease the energy needs of Kerala, that Kerala regime of that day fell and again came to power, and when that proposal came before him as the Chief Minister, brave, reckless and resourceful and with full scientific backing, in the name of the Communist Joint Cabinet then in Kerala and in the name of the Communist Parties, adhering to nothing else but the commitment to the future of his people, his taking the stand and deciding that Kerala never wanted it and never should have it due to the inherent insurmountable danger of never stopping it and the toxic nuclear waste emanating from it that can never be disposed of or neutralized fully at any age. Who else would donate potassium cyanide as a gift other than the Russia, which routinely uses poison as a weapon to neutralize political opponents even from the time of the Czars to even today? Achyutha Menon may have secretly received information from the others in the Polit Bureau of the Russian Communist Party! Wasn’t his party always pro-Soviet?

According to the Indo-Russian agreement executed between the Indian government and the Soviet Union which still remained not cancelled, it is that same atomic plant Kerala said which could not be here and said no-to, without looking to and seeking for conventional energy sources or sunlight which were available in plenty in the country for generating electricity, and which if built and installed the atomic waste and spent reagents from it should have been to be collected and stored for tens of thousands of years (based on the half-life period for degeneration of atomic radioactive materials) before the age would come when they could be permanently and safely disposed of, that the Central Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party government, to fill the entire country with nuclear reactors as part of their diabolical nationwide brutal revenge and retaliation against the people in India who are Christians, Muslims and poor non-Brahminic Hindus, raced with to and gave to another state, Tamil Nadu, to be located exactly at Kudamkulam right next to Kerala, despite Tamil Nadu having vast stretches of barren and desolate lands and long seashores and being a state three and a half times the size of Kerala, making it a perpetual threat to the Trivandum, Quilon and Alleppey districts in Kerala, with that danger still existing there and the millions of poor people including fishermen still agitating against it.

Saying there is an acute electricity shortage and crisis in Kerala, the traitors in the Marxist coalition government of Kerala, through the persons of its Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and the central BJP’s state power minister K. Krishnan Kutty in his cabinet, have decided to set up a nuclear power plant worth 10,000 crore rupees in Athirappalli in Trichur district or Cheemeni in Kasaragod district in Kerala, to get commissions in thousands of crores of rupees from the manufacturers, suppliers, transporters, installers, commissioners and whoever are beneficiaries. If there is a power crisis in Kerala, where is that share of electricity that the pushed-into-the-danger-zone-Kerala must get from that closely located danger that’s Kudamkulam?

It can be said with absolute conviction that it was comrade Chelattu Achyutha Menon, who was the former state secretary of the Communist Party of India CPI and former chief minister of Kerala, through his actions while he was alive, prevented for so long a nuclear accident that could have occurred anyway anyday in Kerala, and avoided the formation and subsequent eruption and pouring out of a lake of commission corruption within the Communist Party itself. And it goes without saying that it is Pinarayi Vijayan, the former state secretary of the Communist Party of India-Marxist CPIM, and the current Chief Minister of the Marxist-led and supposedly left and supposedly democratic present coalition cabinet, who is the one who caused that nuclear accident becoming a nearly possible reality and precipitating, forming and opening that lake of commission corruption through full participation of the current leadership of that very same CPI in his coalition ruling front. In the whore’s embrace of money, through these leaders today, these two communist parties reached there!

It was the Communist Soviet Russia which preached disarmament to bring socialist peace to the whole world manufactured and sold and distributed the most weapons in the world, made money and gave jobs to the people through it without causing riots in the country due to unemployment, and the leaders with that money led opulent, leprous and lecherous lives, engaging in orgies with little girls in party and government-provided riverside and forest area dachas. In the matter of anti-nuclear also, there are no official opposing and counter opinions or policies in those parties other than the vague resolutions that come out from time to time which no one minds including them; wherever they can build more reactors and sell them to, Russia does it, and exports heavily made-up and face-lifted old nuclear waste under the guise of assistance as they once intended and tried to do with Kerala which Achyutha Menon effectively prevented, in spite of his party being pro-Russian.

It is only the science-oriented ecological and environment-favored convictions of each and every leader at each time in that party that forbids them from taking measures that are harmful to society, detrimental to the interests of the people, which would bring disasters to mankind in future, at least for a time being. When that leader is gone, that policy is also gone. That is why the history of communist parties is striated and is different from country to country and not uniform. That is what is happening in Kerala today through Pinarayi Vijayan and his BJP’s coalition-representative Power Minister Krishan Kutty as instigated by the central BJP. They have pasted photos of such leaders including Achyutha Menon on the walls of their party offices. They live with the comfort that they who are sitting on the walls as pictures will not come down and no longer stop their decisions. That’s their courage.

From one side looms the ghostly statue of Achyuta Menon- originated from the cabinet. From the other side comes the nuclear power plant condemned by Achyutha Menon and expelled from the state by him, from the same cabinet, on the same days. Suppose you may have understood the depth of the conspiracy!

Written on 28 July 2024 and first published on: 31 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 28 July 2024 and first published on: 29 July 2024

SM1619. മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റിലു്നിന്നുള്ള ഇരട്ടയപമാനംപേറി പരേതനായ പഴയകമ്മ്യൂണിസ്സു്റ്റുമുഖ്യമന്ത്രി സഖാവു് സി. അച്ച്യുതമേനോ൯! ഒരു പ്രതിമയും ഒരു ആണവവൈദ്യുതിനിലയവും!!






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