Wednesday, July 31, 2024

338. Bearing a double cross and double insult from the Marxist Government: The deceased former Kerala Communist Chief Minister Comrade C. Achyutha Menon! A statue and a nuclear power plant!!


Bearing a double cross and double insult from the Marxist Government: The deceased former Kerala Communist Chief Minister Comrade C. Achyutha Menon! A statue and a nuclear power plant!!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Pete Linforth-TheDigitalArtist. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Comrade C. Achyutha Menon was a man who did not like statues but living things. He lived a simple, frugal and unornamented life of a leader of the Communist Party, was a lawyer and the Chief Minister of Kerala for nine consecutive years from 1969 to 1977 leading a Congress-included coalition front, and also has a place in history as a writer. He passed away in 1991. Leaving aside all other serious critical and political writings and books, his proudly translating H. G. Wells' book 'A Concise History of the World’ while he was in prison as a political detainee and publishing it in Malayalam under the title ‘Loka Charithra Samgraham’ (World History Summary) was monumental and an asset to the language and literature in Malayalam. It has been heard some wondering, had Achyutha Menon like Nehru had been imprisoned many times in later times too, how many good books would have been produced!

(This said was not to insult the current Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan who claims to have studied in college and to have walked between swords while studying in college, talking about it as if it is the only thing to be proud about while in colleges, not to mean that he has not written a single book and is full of contempt for writers who do not seek and go after money, nor to point out that as the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee lives today and as Achyutha Menon lived then, the Chief Ministers have to live and put something in their mouths and send it to their stomachs and lead their parties and lead politics not by exploiting others, not by looting the state, but out of the income from their books).

Seeing that the state was in financial crisis as a result of the Communist Party rule under them, as a start, and as the first step taken from the Government, he halved the salaries of all the ministers including him in the cabinet. Born poor without money and lived poor, and elevated to the leadership of the Marxist party, that had been formed by splitting away from the CPI and when there was a dearth of leaders in that new party, by some foreign corporates who had been lying in wait for such an opportunity in Kerala to intrude in, and now living only for money, it is an unimaginable thing for the present Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan to even think about halving his and his ministers’ salaries or even cutting it down by just a two percent. Leading the state to a financial crisis 100,000 times higher than that of that time through his own rule, and spreading the word that there was no money to pay dearness allowance to government employees and leaving it in arrears for many years, he is a dead-like-living-thing that self-ordered, billed, and encashed the same DA arrears for him and his ministers and his top-ranking officials in government.

Entangled in all the scandals that are in the Encyclopedia of the World History of Corruption and even those that are not in there, caught inescapably in the self-created web of the smuggling of gold, the smuggling of dollars, the trafficking of contraband through party members, and the murders of political opponents even in his own party besides, become the most abominably corrupt and crookèd not the least in the history of Kerala but in the history of India itself, standing there spreading heavy stench throughout the world as the biggest disgrace in history, so to put aside this humiliation and controversy from this disgrace that’s him at least for a while until the next state legislative assembly election, through the right-wing Communist Party of India, the original CPI- a partner in his ruling Left Democratic Coalition Front and a party that eventually became his lifelong slave after he got them all into all kinds of corruption and smuggling the ruling front conducted upon his instigation since when they made him their leader- and via a well-marked and auspicious slave named Jeeyaar Anil in that CPI, a decision was made to be taken in the name of the CPI, to build a very ugly, absurd and dark statue of a black Achyutha Menon with no resemblance to him, in stark contrast to what he was in his real life, (purposefully to create that intended controversy and get the needed time till the next election and divert attention meanwhile from the multitude of corruption of the present chief minister!), and to bring it to Trivandrum in a march to install it in public view at the Museum Junction. (Remember that Kerala has no black Achyutha Menon just like there is no white EMS!). As a party like CPI should never do, wasting fifty lakhs of rupees- half crore- and thousand kilos of bronze, he and they are carrying this abomination of a statue from Kannur where it was made to Trivandrum, marching it like in a mourning journey, like it’s a funeral procession! Everything is coming to Trivandrum and to nowhere else!!

Even the statues of Lenin put up like this, when the people ended the communist rule, were attacked and desecrated; people showed their anger and were even demolished piecr by piece. When everything is placed in one place, it's easier than ever to walk upto them and wreck them- one needn’t wander throughout Kerala searching for them, locating them! Like that old Moscow operation, a single Trivandrum operation would end the matter. That where they are taking it to and going to place it? To right across from the old Queen Victoria's statue opposite the Museum, the very same statue which remained as a symbol of the British rule ended by the people in 1947, even long after the British had gone, the very same statue which was bombed and demolished as a protest by the very same communists in 1975 as they got nothing else to bomb when the National Emergency was declared by Smt. Indira Gandhi, and which stood a while more with the face and torso covered and bound from public view!

What the informed people see as the real contribution of Achyutha Menon is, when the first communist government in India came to power in Kerala in 1957 and the Soviet Union declared and signed an agreement with the India Government to build and donate a nuclear power plant and a reactor to Kerala as a reward to ease the energy needs of Kerala, that Kerala regime of that day fell and again came to power, and when that proposal came before him as the Chief Minister, brave, reckless and resourceful and with full scientific backing, in the name of the Communist Joint Cabinet then in Kerala and in the name of the Communist Parties, adhering to nothing else but the commitment to the future of his people, his taking the stand and deciding that Kerala never wanted it and never should have it due to the inherent insurmountable danger of never stopping it and the toxic nuclear waste emanating from it that can never be disposed of or neutralized fully at any age. Who else would donate potassium cyanide as a gift other than the Russia, which routinely uses poison as a weapon to neutralize political opponents even from the time of the Czars to even today? Achyutha Menon may have secretly received information from the others in the Polit Bureau of the Russian Communist Party! Wasn’t his party always pro-Soviet?

According to the Indo-Russian agreement executed between the Indian government and the Soviet Union which still remained not cancelled, it is that same atomic plant Kerala said which could not be here and said no-to, without looking to and seeking for conventional energy sources or sunlight which were available in plenty in the country for generating electricity, and which if built and installed the atomic waste and spent reagents from it should have been to be collected and stored for tens of thousands of years (based on the half-life period for degeneration of atomic radioactive materials) before the age would come when they could be permanently and safely disposed of, that the Central Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party government, to fill the entire country with nuclear reactors as part of their diabolical nationwide brutal revenge and retaliation against the people in India who are Christians, Muslims and poor non-Brahminic Hindus, raced with to and gave to another state, Tamil Nadu, to be located exactly at Kudamkulam right next to Kerala, despite Tamil Nadu having vast stretches of barren and desolate lands and long seashores and being a state three and a half times the size of Kerala, making it a perpetual threat to the Trivandum, Quilon and Alleppey districts in Kerala, with that danger still existing there and the millions of poor people including fishermen still agitating against it.

Saying there is an acute electricity shortage and crisis in Kerala, the traitors in the Marxist coalition government of Kerala, through the persons of its Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and the central BJP’s state power minister K. Krishnan Kutty in his cabinet, have decided to set up a nuclear power plant worth 10,000 crore rupees in Athirappalli in Trichur district or Cheemeni in Kasaragod district in Kerala, to get commissions in thousands of crores of rupees from the manufacturers, suppliers, transporters, installers, commissioners and whoever are beneficiaries. If there is a power crisis in Kerala, where is that share of electricity that the pushed-into-the-danger-zone-Kerala must get from that closely located danger that’s Kudamkulam?

It can be said with absolute conviction that it was comrade Chelattu Achyutha Menon, who was the former state secretary of the Communist Party of India CPI and former chief minister of Kerala, through his actions while he was alive, prevented for so long a nuclear accident that could have occurred anyway anyday in Kerala, and avoided the formation and subsequent eruption and pouring out of a lake of commission corruption within the Communist Party itself. And it goes without saying that it is Pinarayi Vijayan, the former state secretary of the Communist Party of India-Marxist CPIM, and the current Chief Minister of the Marxist-led and supposedly left and supposedly democratic present coalition cabinet, who is the one who caused that nuclear accident becoming a nearly possible reality and precipitating, forming and opening that lake of commission corruption through full participation of the current leadership of that very same CPI in his coalition ruling front. In the whore’s embrace of money, through these leaders today, these two communist parties reached there!

It was the Communist Soviet Russia which preached disarmament to bring socialist peace to the whole world manufactured and sold and distributed the most weapons in the world, made money and gave jobs to the people through it without causing riots in the country due to unemployment, and the leaders with that money led opulent, leprous and lecherous lives, engaging in orgies with little girls in party and government-provided riverside and forest area dachas. In the matter of anti-nuclear also, there are no official opposing and counter opinions or policies in those parties other than the vague resolutions that come out from time to time which no one minds including them; wherever they can build more reactors and sell them to, Russia does it, and exports heavily made-up and face-lifted old nuclear waste under the guise of assistance as they once intended and tried to do with Kerala which Achyutha Menon effectively prevented, in spite of his party being pro-Russian.

It is only the science-oriented ecological and environment-favored convictions of each and every leader at each time in that party that forbids them from taking measures that are harmful to society, detrimental to the interests of the people, which would bring disasters to mankind in future, at least for a time being. When that leader is gone, that policy is also gone. That is why the history of communist parties is striated and is different from country to country and not uniform. That is what is happening in Kerala today through Pinarayi Vijayan and his BJP’s coalition-representative Power Minister Krishan Kutty as instigated by the central BJP. They have pasted photos of such leaders including Achyutha Menon on the walls of their party offices. They live with the comfort that they who are sitting on the walls as pictures will not come down and no longer stop their decisions. That’s their courage.

From one side looms the ghostly statue of Achyuta Menon- originated from the cabinet. From the other side comes the nuclear power plant condemned by Achyutha Menon and expelled from the state by him, from the same cabinet, on the same days. Suppose you may have understood the depth of the conspiracy!

Written on 28 July 2024 and first published on: 31 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 28 July 2024 and first published on: 29 July 2024

SM1619. മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റിലു്നിന്നുള്ള ഇരട്ടയപമാനംപേറി പരേതനായ പഴയകമ്മ്യൂണിസ്സു്റ്റുമുഖ്യമന്ത്രി സഖാവു് സി. അച്ച്യുതമേനോ൯! ഒരു പ്രതിമയും ഒരു ആണവവൈദ്യുതിനിലയവും!!






Saturday, July 27, 2024

337. Either the institutions built by the old governments are sold and cashed in and the commissions collected, or the old buildings built by others are renamed, and the PM of BJP is sleeping with the relish that he has built a new India, feeling fulfillment!


Either the institutions built by the old governments are sold and cashed in and the commissions collected, or the old buildings built by others are renamed, and the PM of BJP is sleeping with the relish that he has built a new India, feeling fulfillment!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Zanyar Ibrahim. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Either the institutions and industries built by the old governments are being sold and cashed in and the commissions collected collectively, or the old buildings erected by others are being renamed, and the PM of BJP is sleeping with the relief and relish that he has built a new India, feeling fulfillment! Why should a person who has no contribution of his own to the country and people other than hatred and alienation among the people and a number of motionless statues go for the job of this Prime Minister?

The Ashoka Hall of the President’s residence in New Delhi was renamed as Ashoka Mandapam and the Durbar Hall as Gana Tantra Mandapam in July 2024, as notified by the President herself. The President's statement says that the names from the British Pre-Independence Era have been changed to protect and keep up with the country's culture and customs, notwithstanding these two beautiful halls having been built combining the Pre-Indian Moghul, the Indian and the Italian architecture. It looks like the next name change will be that of New Delhi! India's name had already been changed to Bharatham by them. Why are these who are afraid that if they change the English names in the country to Hindi names or other Indian language names ​​and not to Sanskritized names, they will lose the support of a number of Hindu ghost souls and evil spirits who are still existing in the body of the nation by embracing and clinging to this language which was not ready and never willing to grow up with the world by assimilating new words from other languages like an untouchable outrage and is dead cold long past, and that if so they will fall from power, not closely following if not strictly adhering to, the old true Indian Hindu tradition and custom which they shout they are following and holding on to and protecting, not following that one single Hindu tradition that, though foreigners can be welcomed and received by them, they will lose and will be out of Hinduism if they cross the Indian seas and go abroad? Isn’t that what the President and the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who are making so much noise and clamor and claiming they are doing so many things in the name of the country's culture and customs, should have done in the first place personally?

Shouldn't they have in the first place taken the Hindu Bharatha pledge that they will not cross anymore the Indian seas and go to England, America, Russia or China for a dinner party, not even for attending a conference, and will spend the rest of their lives lying on the special native soil of India? Why show all this farce without doing just that? Don't they remember that even Gandhi was expelled from the Hindu community for crossing the seas when he went abroad for studying law? So that’s the Hindu tradition, the Indian custom they say. These people who mention and speak in the name of Hindu tradition, Indian customs and Indian history and follow only those of them which they can pleasurably follow without inhibitions on their making money and enjoying pleasure, and completely reject those by following which they cannot do both, are people who think if they take the clothes of Patel and Chandra Boss and put them on, they will become Patel and Boss.

If a country like Hindu Rashtra is considered to be a welfare state, if it is self-sufficient in all respects as envisioned, then why does one pass the boundaries and go across the sea even for pleasure! Isn't happiness part of self-sufficiency like in neighboring Bhutan?

Written on 26 July 2024 and first published on: 27 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 26 July 2024 and first published on: 27 July 2024

SM1618. ഒന്നുകിലു് പഴയഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റുകളുണു്ടാക്കിയ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങളു് വിലു്ക്കുന്നു, പണമാക്കുന്നു, കൂട്ടമായി കമ്മീഷനടിക്കുന്നു, അല്ലെങ്കിലു് മറ്റുള്ളവരുണു്ടാക്കിയ പഴയകെട്ടിടങ്ങളുടെ പേരുമാറ്റുന്നു, പുതിയ ഇ൯ഡൃ കെട്ടിപ്പടുത്തെന്നു് ആശ്വാസമടഞ്ഞു് നി൪വൃതികൊണു്ടു് ബീജേപ്പീയുടെ പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിയുറങ്ങുന്നു!




336. A life, walking with the dream of becoming a Prime Minister, and so it is a Foreign Affairs Department that is creating within his own state government, but even in the small state of Kerala there is no influence among the people!


A life, walking with the dream of becoming a Prime Minister, and so it is a Foreign Affairs Department that is creating within his own state government, but even in the small state of Kerala there is no influence among the people!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Gerd Altmann. Graphics: Adobe SP.

A life, walking with the dream of becoming a Prime Minister, and so it is a whole and complete Foreign Affairs Department that is creating within his own little state government, but even in the small state of Kerala has no influence among the people; at the first opportunity they get, the people are it’s defeating and throwing him out they do- just like they did in the 2024 parliamentary elections even while he was sitting on the Chief Minister's chair! What foreign affairs are in Kerala except the smuggling that is related to the Chief Minister and his family and a number of expatriate foreign residents with him?

It’s like the old lecherous fools who, when their given up old concubines kick-jumps into the administration settling old scores and taking too much freedom goes wild, have to stand watching not being able to do anything, the Prime Minister who was vested with the sole power by the people to open and oversee a foreign affairs department in India is standing watching this anti-national aboriginal orgy going on in Kerala, like the state committee of the ruling Marxist Party stand and watch without a bone in their body moving the spectacle of the queens of flesh used up and thrown away by the lepers in that party and lifted to seats of power as a consolation reward by them run amok the land leaving trails of gross corruption and violence.

The Chief Secretary of the State and the woman IAS officer who accepted the appointment as the Secretary of this phantom mirage department are equally guilty, their main crime being to dance with a person suffering from Delusional Fantasy and Grandiosity. The Chief Secretary of the state responded in this matter of alleged anti-national and totally illegal government action in a manner like saying nowhere has it been specifically mentioned that a state should not appoint its Prime Minister and President in the state, therefore they opened that department and made that appointment! And he made this response by holding a press conference in Trivandrum on 25 July 2024 as if such a thing had the permission and direction of the Central BJP. May be they had! Only the Union Foreign Affairs Secretary and the Ministry of Personnel are the more to blame than these two central government servicers for not taking immediate action against these two and creating this anarchist situation.

The Union Home Secretary also shall not forget that, since coming to power in 2016 the Pinarayi Vijayan government in Kerala has a background of wherever it is possible to create an opportunity to travel abroad with diplomatic passports and protection, they doing it in order to carry out smuggling safely, this information has reached throughout the world through several crime investigations in India and abroad and is now known to almost anyone anywhere in the world, and those old faces- official or unofficial- from Kerala landing anywhere there are under immediate observation and surveillance by the watchful eyes of the intelligence agencies there and their governments no sooner than they touch the ground, so they are in a position of torment of not being able to either continue the smuggling or stop the smuggling operations altogether without replacing the old faces and bringing in new green ones, and that they are coming up now with new ways for making it possible.

Even when through the state committee of the Marxist Party he sabotaged the votes and facilitated the BJP candidate Suresh Gopi’s winning from the Thrissur constituency as the BJP's first MP in Kerala in the 2024 Parliament elections, and diverted almost all his party’s votes to BJP in everywhere in Kerala so that the BJP had the highest number of votes in Kerala in its history to escape from the various financial crimes the BJP’s central government is pursuing against him, it was expected from the beginning that he would do something like this. It is the Central BJP that has to answer to the people and inform the people and the Parliament what action or punishment they have taken on this.

Written on 25 July 2024 and first published on: 27 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 25 July 2024

SM1617. പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിയാകാനുള്ള സ്വപു്നവുംകൊണു്ടുനടന്നുള്ളജീവിതം, അതുകൊണു്ടു് സ്വന്തം സംസ്ഥാനഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റിനകത്തു് ഒരുവിദേശകാര്യവകുപ്പങ്ങു് ഉണു്ടാക്കിയിടുകയാണു്! പക്ഷേ കൊച്ചുസംസ്ഥാനമായ കേരളത്തിലു്പ്പോലും ജനങ്ങളു്ക്കിടയിലു് ഒരുസ്വാധീനവുമില്ല!!


Friday, July 26, 2024

335. Wasn’t it because they were sure that there was a criminal regime in UAE where there is royal rule the Kerala Marxist administration boldly took away eight crore rupees from the twenty crores they gifted for the Life Mission Poor People’s Housing Project?


Wasn’t it because they were sure that there was a criminal regime in UAE where there is royal rule the Kerala Marxist administration boldly took away eight crore rupees from the twenty crores they gifted for the Life Mission Poor People’s Housing Project?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Engin Akyurt. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Wasn’t it only because they were sure that there was a criminal regime in the UAE where there is a monarchical royal rule Pinarayi Vijayan’s the Kerala Marxist administration boldly took away eight crore rupees from the twenty crores they gifted for the Life Mission Poor People’s Housing Project? Isn’t it meaningful that of those eight crore rupees, four crore rupees were given back to the officials of the UAE Consulate in Trivandrum, they escaped with it from Kerala and India and reached UAE safely with it with the help of the central BJP, the UAE government is protecting them without showing them to the outside world, and keeping them without being thrown to the involuntary mockery of an investigation by the Indian government?

Isn't the role of the UAE government in this clear? Is it actually a government? Where is the international decency and decorum of UAE as a sovereign state in this? What if the condition from the first was that out of the twenty crore rupees, four crore rupees should be returned to the UAE through the officials of the UAE Consulate in Trivandrum? And didn’t it indeed reach back UAE too as intended to and agreed upon? What if it was to ensure the keeping of that condition that many expatriate Indian businessmen and industrialists were present when the deal was sealed?

How many times has the BJP-protected Kerala’s Marxist ruling team smuggled gold into India through their diplomatic channels and through their diplomatic bags under the control of their foreign affairs department, involving their embassy and various consulates in India- fifty or one hundred or five hundred? How many times has this group converted corruption and bribes money collected in India into dollars and smuggled them to UAE as freely as they wished? Why is the origin and destination of smuggling to and from India, especially to and from Kerala, always the same United Arab Emirates? Are there no governments both there, or are not both those sovereign governments?

Isn’t it like it is their wife’s house or father-in-law’s house that these criminals, smugglers and corruptors pick up UAE and use it for corruption, smuggling, money laundering and other criminal activities? Doesn't this all prove that the UAE cities and member states are laid open to smugglers, criminals, corruptors and anti-nationals? Why are not Pinarayi Vijayan and his Kerala Marxist administration smuggling to Saudi Arabia and back through their foreign affairs department, embassies, consulates and diplomatic channels?

How many crores of rupees worth of gold is being brought to Kerala every year by the central BJP government’s looking the other way with its eyes closed? How many other transactions like this are being conducted by the central BJP government, the Marxist government in Kerala and the top UAE government officials jointly? Why is it that all the major gold and dollar smuggling and money laundering activities involving India, especially Kerala, is from or to the UAE?

Even in the gold smuggling through the airports and diplomatic bags conducted by the Embassy of the UAE and the ruling team of Kerala jointly many times continuously since 2016 when they came to power in Kerala, is it because the relationship with a foreign country needn’t be worsened further, or because the current smooth and already comfortable relationship with a convenient ally country fit for smuggling to and from needn’t be deteriorated, strained and aggravated that the central investigation agencies by going there or summoning them to India lift those foreigners there who are involved? What obstacle is foreign diplomatic relations to lifting anti-nationals and international criminals- if those criminals and anti-Indians are not members of those foreign ruling families? Even if it be so, if foreign diplomatic ties with a ruling family are severed, how does that break the long-standing diplomatic ties with that country? Can a family become a country? Even the Muslim fundamentalist states like Saudi Arabia and Iran do not promote such smuggling into India! Isn't the UAE ruling team that destroys India's economy through such anti-Indian deals the central point of the BJP-Marxist smuggling syndicate and thereby the enemy of India?

Why doesn’t UAE catch this incessant smuggling into India at its source itself there? Isn’t that how they curtail the flow of contraband to America through their friendly countries? If UAE does not do that, then why is it presumed and promoted as a friend to the India government? If the UAE rulers who promote smuggling to India are friendly with the centre-ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the state-ruling Kerala’s Marxist Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan to make it easy, how is it becoming a friendship with India? Isn't it just a classy and clandestine business partnership?

Not this being written without seeing the tens of thousands of Indians working in that country and living with dignity and pride, and forgetting the help with body and soul the UAE’s people and the ruling royal family gave to Kerala in times like flood, but what does UAE have to say about even that help completely disappearing in the hands of Pinarayi Vijayan's administration like the rain that fell in the desert sands of the UAE? Did not hear anything about it from there! Isn't it the truth that that money was diverted back to UAE itself to private accounts as black money by this Kerala administration? Or did it go as such to private accounts even without reaching there? If there was a royal government in the UAE that asked for an accounting too of the money when it was given, or if there was a democratic government there, would the Kerala administration led by Pinarayi Vijayan, who is only a state people’s representative elected for only five years, have had the courage to do this?

What the Central Investigation Agencies and the newspapers and television media who are secret members of the Pinarayi Vijayan's drug-dollar-gold smuggling ring in Kerala both trying to establish now is, even though UAE promised 20 crore rupees to the Life Mission housing project in Vadakkamcherry, Thrissur, only 19 crore rupees was released and received, and only 4.5 crore rupees from it have been stolen by the Chief Minister's administration team. If it is made to be so, they hope that it can be proved that of this amount one crore rupees was recovered from the joint bank locker kept by one of the accused Smt. Swapna Suresh, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s right-hand man and special Principal Government Secretary Mr. Shivsankar, and his private chartered accountant, that the remaining three and a half crores rupees were distributed among the ruling politicians and high-ranking officials in government, and the Chief Minister saved by establishing that the Chief Minister did not get anything.

But Swapna Suresh, the co-accused and the one who they all say sitting next to Pinarayi Vijayan as his specially and personally-appointed Space Park Officer with the highest salary conspired, planned and organized this heist, sabotaged this grand scheme of saving the Chief Minister and imprisoning all except him, by stating before the media and also signing it as an affidavit before the investigation agencies and before the court both that there indeed was twenty crores rupees exactly, and out of this, eight crore rupees was taken away by the Chief Minister and his family. Kerala can assume that the four crore rupees which is in the accounting by the co-accused and not in the accounting by the investigators and the media, has been directly taken away by the Chief Minister.

There is also another deal of twelve to fifteen crore rupees which has been so worked up and made to disappear from this picture. It is an amount close to what is said here which the Government of Kerala has given the Administrative Sanction for and released funds under the prescribed head of account as in any other normal government scheme for building this Life Mission Poor People’s Housing Project, even before bringing the UAE into this picture and their offering to fund this very same project.

It is the method in the corruption-saturated Kerala government, especially with the Marxist Party in administration, to withdraw the funds from the treasury immediately, probably within hours if not in minutes, no sooner than the A. S. (Administrative Sanction) was accorded and along with it the funds allotted, usually both done simultaneously in a single order. After the funds collected from the people of UAE were allocated for the purpose of construction of the same building in Vadakkamcherry and the amount released through the UAE Red Cross which in itself was illegal, the Kerala Government or the Chief Minister or the Finance Minister or the Central investigative agencies which supposedly investigated this or the media, even though it has been 4 years since the incident, have never mentioned anywhere whether funds previously sanctioned by the Government for the same purpose and drawn from the treasury had been surrendered, and the administrative sanction against it has been cancelled or withdrawn. The amount in the administrative sanction and the funds in the specified head of account is the amount that comes closest to the said amount.

Written on 21 March 2023 and first published on: 26 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 21 March 2023

SM1245. രാജഭരണമുള്ള യൂയ്യേയ്യീയിലൊരു ക്രിമിനലു്ഭരണമാണെന്നുറപ്പുള്ളതുകൊണു്ടല്ലേ ലൈഫു്മിഷ൯ഭവനപദ്ധതിയിലവ൪നലു്കിയ ഇരുപതുകോടിരൂപയിലു് എട്ടുകോടിരൂപയും പിണറായിഭരണസംഘം ധൈര്യമായടിച്ചുകൊണു്ടുപോയതു്?






Thursday, July 25, 2024

334. Like the ships and planes that fall into Bermuda and disappear, aren’t all who laid hands to the Kerala corruption vortex hit and vanishing in their first real test of life after six years? The blow that started by hitting Adani by the world corporates continues!


Like the ships and planes that fall into Bermuda and disappear, aren’t all who laid hands to the Kerala corruption vortex hit and vanishing in their first real test of life after six years? The blow that started by hitting Adani by the world corporates continues!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Geoffroy. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Like the ships and planes that fall into Bermuda and disappear, aren’t all who laid hands to the Kerala corruption vortex hit and vanishing in their first real test of life itself after six years? The blow that started by hitting Adani by the world corporates is continuing! Their stand is, Reliance can be excluded if necessary, but India’s central government must themselves remove all small and rotten fish from the international scene. That is how, and why, the central government is now sweeping away all the big ones who have laid their hands on the corruption vortex in Kerala and have been licking for the past six years. Not willingly, not by choice- but that is the only way before them to save at least Reliance from these foreign consortium of corporates, the only way before them is to give in, to yield. In the midst of these, the Kerala Marxist Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, a small fish, did not become relevant, nor his enlisting himself to join the centre-ruling BJP’s Hindu Rashtra project.

Included swept up in the central BJP government’s now sweeping though unwillingly through the Enforcement Directorate in this way to set piece with the global corporates who intervened in, cluttered, and made a mess of the peaceful honeymoon celebrations of the Indian corporates and the ruling BJP and their second side-line wife, the Marxist Party of India, are the noted chief executives of the Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan's administration- many of his foreign expatriate investors including Ravi Pillai, Yousaf Ali, and Faris Abu Baker who were exempted from these investigations for six years were since February-March 2023 either sent notices to by the Income Tax Department to present themselves to give evidence for the black money investigations initiated since the world corporates crushed the Indian corporate Adani, or raids are going on in their companies- around fifty of them-, offices and residences since March.

It is when investigation on their black money takes place that most big industrialists and businessmen in the world fall. That is what the central BJP government and the Prime Minister Narendra Modi are doing through various central financial crime investigation agencies now, though unwillingly, to prevent the world corporates from catching Reliance also. It is the secret economic empire that has been created since 2016 in Indian and abroad by the BJP government at the center and the Marxist party government in Kerala in the state that is crumbling, it is the secret financial deals that were made with and kept going in many countries, including the UAE which is the world center of their gold smuggling and where nothing happens without the knowledge of the ruling dynasty, that is collapsing, because the evidence including surveillance video evidence of the relationships and transactions made roaming around for a long time abroad in foreign countries by these entities from the said Pinarayi Vijayan to these expatriate industrialists and businessmen who are supported and backed by the central BJP after they got control of the government in Kerala by carrying out a coup d'état in the Marxism Party and capturing it, is in the hands of world corporations and many foreign intelligence agencies who sure are anti-communist and anti-Hindu theocorporatocratic. All of these activities fall under the category of industrial espionage, where corporations collect information for later use, which is now considered legitimate.

When it was time for the Parliament Elections in 2024, when there was as much evidence as they needed, first there was the anti-Modi BBC video, then the Hindenburg report on Adani’s frauds in the stock market, then the direct attack on Adani, and with it the crumbling of the BJP’s secret financial empire, and then the wavering and weakening and near-shut down of related administrations such as the Pinarayi Vijayan’s in Kerala. And then began the leaks of clues about Reliance's fraudulent activities, the demanding immediate action against black money laundering groups such as the Lulu which are the favorites of both the central BJP and the state Marxist Party- a multi-pronged attack without giving them time to catch their breath! A report from a research agency such as Hindenburg from any country in Europe about the election processes in India, about the electronic voting machines of the Election Commission, and about the BJP and their their protected partner and serf Marxist Party alone winning in the elections, forming governments and staying in power, can be expected soon.

Written on 11 March 2023 and first published on: 25 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 11 March 2023

SB1241. ബെ൪മ്മുഡയിലു്വീണപ്പ്രത്യക്ഷമാവുന്ന കപ്പലുകളുംവിമാനങ്ങളുംപോലെ കേരളയഴിമതിച്ചുഴിയിലു്ക്കൈവെച്ചമുഴുവനെണ്ണവും ആദ്യജീവിതയഥാ൪ത്ഥപരീക്ഷണത്തിലു് ആറുവ൪ഷത്തിനുശേഷമടിയുകയല്ലേ? ലോകകോ൪പ്പറേറ്റുകളുടെ അദാനിയെയടിച്ചാരംഭിച്ചപ്രഹരംതുടരുകയാണു്!


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

333. To study the change in India after Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, just look at the way the gold and dollar smuggling cases went in Kerala- what there was something called law, disappeared totally!


To study the change in India after Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, just look at the way the gold and dollar smuggling cases went in Kerala- what there was something called law, disappeared totally!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Dima Pechurin. Graphics: Adobe SP.

To study the change in India after Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, just look at the way the gold and dollar smuggling cases went in Kerala- what there was something called law, disappeared totally!

Even though there have been countless such cases of gold smuggling in Kerala, what now being called ‘the gold smuggling case of Kerala’ is the smuggling of gold from abroad to Kerala under the initiative and the control of the high-ranking officers including the principal secretary to the chief minister who is also the senior-most government secretary to the Marxist party leader, polit bureau member, and the chief minister of Kerala, Pinarayi Vijayan, which they were carrying out continuously through airports since they took the reigns of the government in 2016, by giving official chairs to people from outside the government and positioning them near or around or at the centre of the administration, and by engaging willing and corrupt staff through and with the help of the consulates and embassies of foreign countries like the UAE.

That this is going on like this was well known to the Indian Customs, Central Intelligence Agencies, the Department of Revenue Intelligence and the Bharatiya Janata Party which rules at the centre. Using the chaos and opportunism in both these official criminal investigation areas created since this BJP which runs a very loose administration in the country and uses these investigating and intimidating agencies for political objectives came to power, this smuggling rampage which is chiefly centered on the state of Kerala and the Marxist party that is ruling there continued, destroying the financial system of the country and using the money obtained from these sales for anti-national as well as terrorist activities.

In 2019, through a hint received from abroad, the Indian Customs was forced to come to grips with this. Only a few people standing next to the administration and one person inside the administration itself were arrested and charged by the Customs, and because black money was involved the Directorate of Enforcement also had to take a case, but before being forced to arrest the person in the central position of the administration who is the planner and the beneficiary of these deals, they had to end the investigation with whom they already got and leave the state, upon strict directions from the centre-ruling BJP. Though the Hindu-activistic Bharatiya Janata Party and the Communist Party of India-Marxist are ideologically supposed to be in the opposites, it happened so, because the top leaders of both are parties to the Hindu Rashtra. It also came out through this brief and unfruitful investigation that the customs centers of the Centre are full of mercenary agents and fraudsters of the Marxist party and that the central BJP government tolerates them in those agencies for political and Hindu theocratic preferences. Therefore, through them, the smuggling of including dollar and contraband and the flow of gold continue still through the airports like Kozhikode and Kannur in Kerala without any hindrance from the center or the state.

The investigation of the Directorate of Enforcement was shaken and the Central Government itself dispersed it in many ways. Among many other things, this festival of investigation revealed that one of the former officers of the National Investigation Agency which was investigating the anti-national activities of various magnitudes in this was a serving DGP of Kerala and that he was hanging on the tail of the Marxist party and its government and swinging for obvious reasons. There is terrorism in Kerala according to the statements of this investigating agency in public and in court, but that the Kerala government is not responsible for it! Then who is responsible- the opposition? Yet, a long list of officers in the Kerala government and the police who are involved in terrorist activities came out!

Before BJP came to power at the Centre, such an incident had never happened in India, and would not have happened also. Even before Pinarayi Vijayan who is the first party politburo member to have his own corruption case in the Marxist Party of India came to power as the Chief Minister in Kerala, there were no such cases either. What gained through these investigations by multi agencies is that the people of India and the foreign intelligence agencies that got hold of that information and handed it over to India understood well with that that he is totally corrupt, and that Narendra Modi is his absolute protector. These agencies were not even willing to find out where all this gold went and was sold. It was not because it was not possible, not because they can’t, but because Pinarayi Vijayan's BJP-Marxist government in Kerala would fall. Why is this kind of information from abroad given to those who have no interest in investigating and to those who are going to protect people who are the prime suspects? Wasn’t it enough for them to sit there and advertise that information in the first place?

The same thing happened in the case of dollar smuggling in Kerala, which directly involved Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. Since 2016 when the Marxist government came to power in Kerala, the money collected through various corruptions and bribes will be in the thousands of crores. This cannot all be kept in Kerala. If you do that, you will not be able to use it when you escape from the country. So, it were illegally converted into American dollars through their own unauthorized and illegitimately functioning money-exchanges (when Marxist Party’s state secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan's son was arrested for drug dealings in Bangalore, the existence and activities of many such money-laundering exchanges even in Trivandrum came to light in the investigations by the Narcotic Control Bureau and the Enforcement Directorate!) and smuggled abroad to foreign countries during the chief minister’s official foreign trips itself, using the unregulated diplomatic protection afforded by the BJP's central government, and a part invested there, while a lot of it is used to buy gold from there and bring it back to India through the same smuggling routes. The BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi tried to make us believe that India's Foreign Affairs Department, Finance Department and Home Department were not aware of this despite these having been going on for a very long time.

In the case of the gold smuggling, through the statements of the accused who were arrested from the UAE Consulate in Trivandrum by the central investigating agencies, it came out that when this smuggling was got caught for the first time after such smuggling being carried out through airports and ship ports for so many years, the CM set out for a foreign trip, a bag was taken from his official residence by others as if he had forgotten to take it along with him on that trip but let it behind or presuming nothing at all and pretending it is normal for him as usual and part of the routine, and was delivered to the nearby Consulate of a foreign country- the UAE’s- as if it was the house of his father-in-law, they X-rayed it as usual and on finding stacks of US dollars inside, without reporting it to their government and the Government of India as well as if they had received orders from their ambassador himself, got that bag into their diplomatic bag and air-delivered it to the CM’s destination through their own diplomatic channel which reached there even before the Chief Minister had arrived there. It was predicted that earlier that finding the presence of the central government there unnecessary if not inconvenient for his smuggling operations this liar and thief will set up his own Foreign Affairs Department of his state!

Don't forget that the first thing one takes with him when embarking on a foreign trip is the bag containing money and the travel ticket! The accompanying wife, relatives or secretary would have reminded it exactly. Isn't there a limit to how much one can carry abroad? Only that afraid of being caught on the way if he carried too much on his person, he used the nearby and convenient way of the UAE’s embassy whose consulate in his state or even their embassy in his country is lying loose and opens like an inn for anyone to enter and do things! It was not him who was caught but the consulate staff and the person who brought the bag there. Which country is said to be ruled by Narendra Modi?

Written on 08 March 2023 and first published on: 24 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 08 March 2023 and first published on: 10 March 2023

SM1238. നരേന്ദമോദി പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിയായശേഷമുള്ള ഇ൯ഡൃയിലെമാറ്റംപഠിക്കാ൯ കേരളത്തിലെ സ്വ൪ണ്ണ-ഡോള൪ക്കടത്തുകേസ്സുകളു്പോയവഴി അന്വേഷിച്ചാലു്മതി- നിയമമെന്ന ഒന്നുണു്ടായിരുന്നതു് അപ്രത്യക്ഷമായി!



Tuesday, July 23, 2024

332. Seeing no other way to save the Hindu corporate Adani who is crumbling throughout the world after share market manipulation, as usual, freshly brewed news that lithium has been found in Kashmir and dropped rumor that mining is for Adani!


Seeing no other way to save the Hindu corporate Adani who is crumbling throughout the world after share market manipulation, as usual, freshly brewed news that lithium has been found in Kashmir and dropped rumor that mining is for Adani!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Manuel Cortés Núñez. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Seeing no other way to save the Hindu corporate Adani who is crumbling throughout the world after share market manipulation, as usual, the centre-ruling BJP freshly brewed news that lithium has been found in Kashmir and dropped rumor that the mining rights are for Adani!

It was known long ago that there is lithium in Kashmir. The British Government, which conducted very detailed studies on the mineral wealth of undivided India before the partition of India into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, kept many of them secret, considering their industrial potential and future competition for it in the world. Many of the most important study reports were never published anywhere, even in India. However, studies had come out in the last hundred years that there is lithium in Kashmir. The extent to which lithium mining is viable in troubled and conflict-ridden Kashmir and how hard the mining, refining and marketing of this mineral on an industrial basis is in the political conditions there was realized even at that time, because Kashmir which was located at the crossroads of world cultures and world trade routes, not only during the time of the British era but even before that was always full of complex problems.

The demand for lithium which is essential for making electric vehicle batteries has skyrocketed in this century as the world moved into the electric vehicles market. Even a long ago, based on old studies, many world industrial giants had thought of mining lithium in Kashmir, but the political instability of the region pulled them back. It was then that the Adani Hindu Corporate Group, which is one of the pillars of BJP's Hindu Rashtra construction programme, collapsed in the world market after revelations of its manipulations in the stock market, and the Hindu Rashtra dreams of Reliance Industries, Adani and BJP fell apart. The BJP’s Narendra Modi’s central government's attempt to save Adani by taking government money and investing it in the Adani's market through national institutions and public sector banks was exposed, thwarted, defeated and doing so was thus made impossible by the opposition Congress Party's relentless intervention- though the effort is still going on. It was the attempts to help finance and save the fallen-apart Adani by bypassing the angry and agitated shareholders in his companies that failed.

So it was when the stage reached when all the ways to save Adani were closed, the old news that there are lithium reserves in Kashmir was re-released. The news of lithium reserves in not only there but in many other parts of the country also was released again immediately after. As in all things with BJP and the Narendra Modi’s government, there was no need for spreading the rumor also that it’s mining, refining and marketing will be handed over to Adani or Reliance: it was understood. Everyone knows it now.

After the stock market system came along, by spreading as illegal insider information before it is officially released and is available to others that there is oil in that part of the sea that is his, and gold has been found in his piece of the desert, how many people in how many parts of the world have saved how many such fraudulent and collapsing companies like these from total collapse for a while! But the ambition that the money of the usual greedy people, who mistakenly believe that good times have come for Adani and join and invest money in shares of such companies who they think have good times to make a good profit, could be got hold of was not fulfilled in this. That dream did not take off because it still remains a bad claim because it is rooted in the politically turbulent and volatile Kashmir.

Even when the Modi-Adani Syndicate released this news, the indigenous terrorist groups inside Kashmir have already come forward claiming the right theirs. By the time Adani is moved there and plants for mineral extraction and processing are set up as a long-term project, it will take at least ten years if it is in Kashmir and that too only if the unexpected and unpredictable battles with the local people are won. Even long before that Adani’s enterprises will have disappeared from this earth! So the current program is not to open that plant and operate it there, but to spread new promises and hope that the good times have come for Adani and just grab a few more bucks before the sunset from the stock market which he has already collapsed. It means that despite the collapse, the manipulation of him and his close friend BJP’s for him does not stop but continue.

Written on 11 February 2023 and first published on: 23 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 11 February 2023 and first published on: 18 February 2023

SM1217. കൃത്രിമംകാണിച്ചു് ലോകംമുഴുവ൯തക൪ന്നുകൊണു്ടിരിക്കുന്ന ഹിന്ദുക്കോ൪പ്പറേറ്റദാനിയെരക്ഷിക്കാ൯ മറ്റൊരുവഴിയുംകാണാതെ കാഷു്മീരിലു് ലിഥിയംകണു്ടുപിടിച്ചെന്നു് പുതുതായിവാ൪ത്തയുണു്ടാക്കി, പതിവുപോലെ ഖനനം അദാനിയു്ക്കാണെന്നു് ശ്രുതിയുമിറക്കി!



331. If BJP cannot give the post of Speaker to the constituent parties, why not give them the post of Prime Minister? Why should RSS need BJP for its survival? Why not end that political experiment?


If BJP cannot give the post of Speaker to the constituent parties, why not give them the post of Prime Minister? Why should RSS need BJP for its survival? Why not end that political experiment?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Mana 5280. Graphics: Adobe SP.

If the BJP cannot give the post of Speaker to the constituent parties, why not give them the post of Prime Minister? Why should the RSS need BJP for its survival? Shouldn’t the RSS end that political experiment called BJP? Was it not a big mistake of theirs almost a quarter-century earlier like once-deciding not to partake in India's Freedom Struggle? What did this political experiment of theirs achieve except that it could tire and wear down the Indian National Congress which gained independence for India, alienate India from the rest of the religious world, and make people's lives more miserable by bringing in a corporate-controlled society, not to mention the alienation the Rashtreeya Swayam Sevak Samgh feels from the people of India?

If when a man named Adityanath in Uttar Pradesh, the BJP’s present chief minister in UP, with the blessings of the RSS locked horns with his supposed leader Narendra Modi BJP's seats fell in UP and it lost the majority to rule singly at the Centre without depending on other parties for suppor in the Parliament- it should be noted here that this happened when Narendra Modi’s team stood together healthy and was strongly ruling India-, what if within the BJP and still with the blessings of the RSS other Adityanaths rise up in other parts of the country in today’s situation where Narendra Modi is totally dependent on the constituent parties and remains weak with barely a majority in the Parliament? Because, unlike BJP, is not the RSS spread and strong and deep-rooted in all the states in India? Except for the RSS, who can guarantee that this will not happen in these circumstances of today? Seeing that the RSS did have to subjugate the BJP in the parliamentary elections in 2024 in their stronghold that is UP, can even the RSS make such an assurance? Isn't it the meaning of this last heavy-handed defeating of the BJP by the RSS in UP that there are other powerful forces too in Indian politics and economy and they can bring about the fall of the BJP- and even that of the RSS- if necessary?

Who is going to make sure that those who shifted allegiances and came together from different parties into the Bharatiya Janata Party to seek power won't fight each other in the name of that power and split? When a tiger gets wounded, don't all the other creatures in that forest attack it- sometimes singly and sometimes in groups? Isn't that what happens in that division of BJP where sectors other than the RSS are segregated? Doesn't what happened in UP mean that without any homogeneous elements including ideology but with only heterogeneous components, the cement that was RSS that united them so far has peeled off and broken away? Was there any cement other than that?

It was predicted long ago by sensible and knowledgeable people that the work of stopping Narendra Modi at where he should be stopped will have to be done anyday by the RSS! The question whether the BJP can survive without any government as the RSS did in India for decades also tells us the answer to that question. The implication is that in order for RSS to survive and move forward, there is no need for them not to drag down Narendra Modi and the BJP from the Prime Minister's chair and administration. That signal has already been given too from their Nagapur meet, because with ten years of BJP’s rule and corporate servitude, rot and disintegration have arisen and spread in the ranks and leadership of the RSS too. It is also predicted that if it does it, if it cuts off BJP and ends that political experiment which never should have begun, it will be able to survive for a longer period of time.

Written on 18 June 2024 and first published on: 23 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 18 June 2024 and first published on: 19 June 2024

SM1606. ബീജേപ്പീയു്ക്കു് സു്പ്പീക്ക൪പ്പദവി കൂടെയുള്ള ഘടകകക്ഷികളു്ക്കുകൊടുക്കാ൯വയ്യെങ്കിലു് പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിപ്പദവികൊടുത്തുകൂടേ? ആറെസ്സെസ്സിനുനിലനിലു്ക്കാ൯ ബീജേപ്പീയെന്തിനു്! ആ രാഷ്ട്രീയപരീക്ഷണമവസാനിപ്പിച്ചുകൂടേ?







Monday, July 22, 2024

330. The impact of BBC's Modi video has begun


The impact of BBC's Modi video has begun

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Haroldas Bagdisanka. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Attacks started on Hindu temples in Australia. The BJP-appointed Australian Indian High Commissioner alleged that it were Sikhs, who are migrant residents from India, behind the attacks. The job itself of the Indian High Commissioners in Australia appointed by the BJP is to make accusations against Sikhs from India, because the Sikhs in Australia are better off than the Hindus in India under the BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Australia is a country that encouraged immigration for the prosperity of the country, due to its large land area and very small population. We must not forget that hard work was required from those who migrated in the early days, including the Sikhs. Today they are getting the reward for their hard work- a happy prosperous and contended life and recognition!

After the release of this Modi Video by the BBC, the resultant hatred of foreign peoples towards the genocidaire Modi is being unleashed on the Hindu temples that are near at hand and constructed out of fat money without discrimination everywhere in the world. Was it not in the name of Hinduism that Modi unleashed all the violence and the series of murders and Muslim genocide that took place in Gujarat and after Modi became the Prime Minister on the strength of Reliance and Adani and the Election Commission his followers are still continuing them anyway? So the walls of these temples are now full of anti-Indian slogans written by people wherever non-Hindu people live.

About BBC's standards of news reporting and the videos it continuously produces and broadcasts that have global acceptance and political relevance, Narendra Modi said very bad opinions through India's External Affairs Department and central BJP leaders. Using the freshly concocted draconian I. T. Law Amendments, he banned it from being displayed on the internet in India and asked Facebook, Twitter and YouTube also both officially and unofficially to remove it from their social media. Obviously scared! It is clear he is scared that from now onwards his entry into many countries will be impossible due to protests from the people whether he has a diplomatic passport or not, and that he will not be able to walk around anymore without touching the ground like before posing as a world leader!

It seems that Narendra Modi thinks that if he, sitting in the Prime Minister's chair of India and makes a comment about BBC, all Indians will take it at face value! Apart from those who participated in it, and those related to the various BJP organizations that see it as their way of liberation and release, the rest of the people of India today are giving Modi's words about the BBC what importance they will give to the words of a person who took people's salary and votes, sat in a position of power, planned genocide, and carried it out. Are the people of India who are almost as old as him to know about BBC after his telling them about it?

Until 1945, during the Second World War, the people and the soldiers who were in the trenches with communication links cut off knew who was winning, who was losing, who was advancing, and who was retreating, by listening to the BBC radio news which even at that time reached anywhere in the world, crossing seas and mountains. It was those simple battery-operated transistor radios that ensured the victory of the Allied Powers against Hitler and Mussolini on many fronts. Military messages against Japan and Germany to Allied soldiers isolated in remote areas were sent mixed with BBC news using strategic code words. The independence of India and many other colonial countries in 1947 after the Second World War was one of the results of that total political maneuvering.

Today, in 2023, seventy-five years after the BBC saved the world, the India's BJP Prime Minister Modi who is lamenting with the arrogance of power that BBC's revealing him, exposing him, is an insult to India, was then crawling in his knickers. Today, grown up and become a slave to Adani and Reliance, along with a number of other slaves of the same protectors like him, he stands up and shouts that it is an insult to India to call out his crimes with evidence. What insult to India? Was it Modi and the BJP or the BBC who committed the communal riots that killed thousands of people in India? Modi and the BJP are the disgrace to India! It is the response to this ‘insult’ that is happening throughout the world in wherever the Indians are, and where they are not, in the above manner. It is because Modi is a Hindu, because he is in power by selling Hindus in the name of Hindus, and because he is imposing a Hindu Rashtra on a democratically secular India, that the Hindu temples are attacked abroad, representationally. If Modi was a Muslim or a Christian, it would have been the mosques and churches that were attacked there.

Written on 26 January 2023 and first published on: 22 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 26 January 2023 and first published on: 27 January 2023

SM1205. ബീബീസ്സീയുടെ മോദിവീഡിയോയുടെ ആഘാതമാരംഭിച്ചു







329. Corporate tightening in the entertainment sector- YouTube downloads now only for the moneyed rich!


Corporate tightening in the entertainment sector- YouTube downloads now only for the moneyed rich!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Headway. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Corporate crackdown in the entertainment sector- YouTube downloads now only for the moneyed rich! This is not only done by Google, it’s done by all other corporates, and not only in the entertainment sector but in almost every other sector also, with the support of the anti-people governments in various countries. What are disappearing through this are the democratic freedoms and rights on information, knowledge and news that people have gained through mass uprisings and revolutions in Britain, America, France, India and Russia through decades and ages. The most important among them is the right to know! For instead of taking legal action and parliamentary decisions against these anti-knowledge dissemination decisions, depicting them as a normal thing in front of the people and not even reacting to it, what these country heads, national political leaders and their parties get in return from these corporations is the benefit of suppression of their dictatorial, autocratic and anti-people actions, their fascist measures, without coming to public attention. And it is an inherent characteristic of all corporates in general too.

It's not that YouTube is against people downloading the videos they host, they are facilitating it. They are against people downloading without paying for them! They provide the facility to download them for those who have paid memberships called premium memberships. That's why it was asked if it is after paying them and obtaining specific permissions from the political leaders and the crowds whose voices and images are used in the news videos sector that they are selling them. Even if the governments without principles, those in those governments and the representatives of the people who take their benefits- and the law upholders too- do not feel any illegality in it, but the people do.

After you download a video, you only have to pay the cost of your computer or other devices and its maintenance costs to watch it offline when you have time. But when it comes to online viewing, you have to pay your service provider the cost of staying on the Internet for that long. That is what this trap is for. Whether it is YouTube or others, they are all equal partners in this collective farming venture.

Governments are also involved in that partnership. The attitude is 'go and come back as a slave of the corporate...then will we give you any government service...’ Will they bring a citizen closer to any government service, as has been happening for some time, without getting hold of the information on his Google's G-Mailing or Microsoft's Hot-Mailing or Yahoo’s Yahoo Mailing, for re-selling? Even the government of the comrades of the Marxist Party in Kerala will not allow you to submit a single application to the government if you do not bring the records and documents of your corporate slavery, and unless by online they will not receive any applications to government too. These are the corporate dogs, monkeys and snakes!

In July 2024, with the temporary collapse of Microsoft, the online sector came to a standstill, all Internet services that were once supposed and advertised as never going to stop were stopped, and even flight services including bookings and ticketing were disrupted. The online transactions and the office dealings of the government of Kerala, which is a vicious, heinous, incompetent, evil anti-people government which makes a dollar wherever a dollar could be made by scratching the hind of a corporate, were but carried out without interruption, because the previous Congress governments of the state had moved them all from Microsoft Corporation which provides services for payment to Ubuntu which is free software that provides services without payment. When is this model going to be created on YouTube?

We are not talking about the proprietary videos like movies produced after paying money as remuneration to from producers, directors, actors, cameramen and editors to production boys, make-up artists, drivers and even wall poster-layers in which many have ownership rights which have been transferred, but news videos where the people and the people's leaders are filmed without paying them and released without obtaining their specific separate permissions.

Is there any corporate in the world that’s without greed? Have seen any government or political party that is not the ultimate miserable slave of corporations? All this is happening because political parties and governments are not able to make rules for businesses now as they used to. It means that there is still room for revolutions, still time for revolutions. That's why the Prime Minister of Bharatiya Janata Party, the most regressive political party in the world that made India, the most populated country in the world, into the slave of the most number of corporations in the world, said they are considering banning the word revolution in all languages.

Written on 17 July 2024 and first published on: 22 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 17 July 2024 and first published on: 19 July 2024

SM1616. എ൯റ്റ൪ട്ടെയി൯മെ൯റ്റുമേഖലയിലു് കോ൪പ്പറേറ്റുകടുംപിടിമുറുക്കലു്- യൂട്യൂബുഡൗണു്ലോഡുകളിനി പണമുള്ളവ൪ക്കുമാത്രം! ജനങ്ങളുടെ അറിയാനുള്ളയവകാശമോ? വാ൪ത്താവീഡിയോകളിലെ നേതാക്ക൯മാ൪ക്കും ജനക്കൂട്ടങ്ങളു്ക്കും പണംകൊടുക്കുന്നുണു്ടോ?