Friday, July 26, 2024

335. Wasn’t it because they were sure that there was a criminal regime in UAE where there is royal rule the Kerala Marxist administration boldly took away eight crore rupees from the twenty crores they gifted for the Life Mission Poor People’s Housing Project?


Wasn’t it because they were sure that there was a criminal regime in UAE where there is royal rule the Kerala Marxist administration boldly took away eight crore rupees from the twenty crores they gifted for the Life Mission Poor People’s Housing Project?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Engin Akyurt. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Wasn’t it only because they were sure that there was a criminal regime in the UAE where there is a monarchical royal rule Pinarayi Vijayan’s the Kerala Marxist administration boldly took away eight crore rupees from the twenty crores they gifted for the Life Mission Poor People’s Housing Project? Isn’t it meaningful that of those eight crore rupees, four crore rupees were given back to the officials of the UAE Consulate in Trivandrum, they escaped with it from Kerala and India and reached UAE safely with it with the help of the central BJP, the UAE government is protecting them without showing them to the outside world, and keeping them without being thrown to the involuntary mockery of an investigation by the Indian government?

Isn't the role of the UAE government in this clear? Is it actually a government? Where is the international decency and decorum of UAE as a sovereign state in this? What if the condition from the first was that out of the twenty crore rupees, four crore rupees should be returned to the UAE through the officials of the UAE Consulate in Trivandrum? And didn’t it indeed reach back UAE too as intended to and agreed upon? What if it was to ensure the keeping of that condition that many expatriate Indian businessmen and industrialists were present when the deal was sealed?

How many times has the BJP-protected Kerala’s Marxist ruling team smuggled gold into India through their diplomatic channels and through their diplomatic bags under the control of their foreign affairs department, involving their embassy and various consulates in India- fifty or one hundred or five hundred? How many times has this group converted corruption and bribes money collected in India into dollars and smuggled them to UAE as freely as they wished? Why is the origin and destination of smuggling to and from India, especially to and from Kerala, always the same United Arab Emirates? Are there no governments both there, or are not both those sovereign governments?

Isn’t it like it is their wife’s house or father-in-law’s house that these criminals, smugglers and corruptors pick up UAE and use it for corruption, smuggling, money laundering and other criminal activities? Doesn't this all prove that the UAE cities and member states are laid open to smugglers, criminals, corruptors and anti-nationals? Why are not Pinarayi Vijayan and his Kerala Marxist administration smuggling to Saudi Arabia and back through their foreign affairs department, embassies, consulates and diplomatic channels?

How many crores of rupees worth of gold is being brought to Kerala every year by the central BJP government’s looking the other way with its eyes closed? How many other transactions like this are being conducted by the central BJP government, the Marxist government in Kerala and the top UAE government officials jointly? Why is it that all the major gold and dollar smuggling and money laundering activities involving India, especially Kerala, is from or to the UAE?

Even in the gold smuggling through the airports and diplomatic bags conducted by the Embassy of the UAE and the ruling team of Kerala jointly many times continuously since 2016 when they came to power in Kerala, is it because the relationship with a foreign country needn’t be worsened further, or because the current smooth and already comfortable relationship with a convenient ally country fit for smuggling to and from needn’t be deteriorated, strained and aggravated that the central investigation agencies by going there or summoning them to India lift those foreigners there who are involved? What obstacle is foreign diplomatic relations to lifting anti-nationals and international criminals- if those criminals and anti-Indians are not members of those foreign ruling families? Even if it be so, if foreign diplomatic ties with a ruling family are severed, how does that break the long-standing diplomatic ties with that country? Can a family become a country? Even the Muslim fundamentalist states like Saudi Arabia and Iran do not promote such smuggling into India! Isn't the UAE ruling team that destroys India's economy through such anti-Indian deals the central point of the BJP-Marxist smuggling syndicate and thereby the enemy of India?

Why doesn’t UAE catch this incessant smuggling into India at its source itself there? Isn’t that how they curtail the flow of contraband to America through their friendly countries? If UAE does not do that, then why is it presumed and promoted as a friend to the India government? If the UAE rulers who promote smuggling to India are friendly with the centre-ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the state-ruling Kerala’s Marxist Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan to make it easy, how is it becoming a friendship with India? Isn't it just a classy and clandestine business partnership?

Not this being written without seeing the tens of thousands of Indians working in that country and living with dignity and pride, and forgetting the help with body and soul the UAE’s people and the ruling royal family gave to Kerala in times like flood, but what does UAE have to say about even that help completely disappearing in the hands of Pinarayi Vijayan's administration like the rain that fell in the desert sands of the UAE? Did not hear anything about it from there! Isn't it the truth that that money was diverted back to UAE itself to private accounts as black money by this Kerala administration? Or did it go as such to private accounts even without reaching there? If there was a royal government in the UAE that asked for an accounting too of the money when it was given, or if there was a democratic government there, would the Kerala administration led by Pinarayi Vijayan, who is only a state people’s representative elected for only five years, have had the courage to do this?

What the Central Investigation Agencies and the newspapers and television media who are secret members of the Pinarayi Vijayan's drug-dollar-gold smuggling ring in Kerala both trying to establish now is, even though UAE promised 20 crore rupees to the Life Mission housing project in Vadakkamcherry, Thrissur, only 19 crore rupees was released and received, and only 4.5 crore rupees from it have been stolen by the Chief Minister's administration team. If it is made to be so, they hope that it can be proved that of this amount one crore rupees was recovered from the joint bank locker kept by one of the accused Smt. Swapna Suresh, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s right-hand man and special Principal Government Secretary Mr. Shivsankar, and his private chartered accountant, that the remaining three and a half crores rupees were distributed among the ruling politicians and high-ranking officials in government, and the Chief Minister saved by establishing that the Chief Minister did not get anything.

But Swapna Suresh, the co-accused and the one who they all say sitting next to Pinarayi Vijayan as his specially and personally-appointed Space Park Officer with the highest salary conspired, planned and organized this heist, sabotaged this grand scheme of saving the Chief Minister and imprisoning all except him, by stating before the media and also signing it as an affidavit before the investigation agencies and before the court both that there indeed was twenty crores rupees exactly, and out of this, eight crore rupees was taken away by the Chief Minister and his family. Kerala can assume that the four crore rupees which is in the accounting by the co-accused and not in the accounting by the investigators and the media, has been directly taken away by the Chief Minister.

There is also another deal of twelve to fifteen crore rupees which has been so worked up and made to disappear from this picture. It is an amount close to what is said here which the Government of Kerala has given the Administrative Sanction for and released funds under the prescribed head of account as in any other normal government scheme for building this Life Mission Poor People’s Housing Project, even before bringing the UAE into this picture and their offering to fund this very same project.

It is the method in the corruption-saturated Kerala government, especially with the Marxist Party in administration, to withdraw the funds from the treasury immediately, probably within hours if not in minutes, no sooner than the A. S. (Administrative Sanction) was accorded and along with it the funds allotted, usually both done simultaneously in a single order. After the funds collected from the people of UAE were allocated for the purpose of construction of the same building in Vadakkamcherry and the amount released through the UAE Red Cross which in itself was illegal, the Kerala Government or the Chief Minister or the Finance Minister or the Central investigative agencies which supposedly investigated this or the media, even though it has been 4 years since the incident, have never mentioned anywhere whether funds previously sanctioned by the Government for the same purpose and drawn from the treasury had been surrendered, and the administrative sanction against it has been cancelled or withdrawn. The amount in the administrative sanction and the funds in the specified head of account is the amount that comes closest to the said amount.

Written on 21 March 2023 and first published on: 26 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 21 March 2023

SM1245. രാജഭരണമുള്ള യൂയ്യേയ്യീയിലൊരു ക്രിമിനലു്ഭരണമാണെന്നുറപ്പുള്ളതുകൊണു്ടല്ലേ ലൈഫു്മിഷ൯ഭവനപദ്ധതിയിലവ൪നലു്കിയ ഇരുപതുകോടിരൂപയിലു് എട്ടുകോടിരൂപയും പിണറായിഭരണസംഘം ധൈര്യമായടിച്ചുകൊണു്ടുപോയതു്?






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