Friday, July 5, 2024

317. The Koo app which Narendra Modi locked horns with Twitter and started by giving an award was closed. His loyal friend and fan Sunak lost the British Prime Ministership on the same day only because he is a loyal Hindu fan of Modi!


The Koo app which Narendra Modi locked horns with Twitter and started by giving an award was closed. His loyal friend and fan Sunak lost the British Prime Ministership on the same day only because he is a loyal Hindu fan of Modi!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By LuxStorm. Graphics: Adobe SP.

The Koo app which Narendra Modi started by giving an award after locking horns with Twitter in India was closed. His loyal friend and fan Sunak lost the British Prime Ministership only because he is a Hindu loyal fan of Modi on the same day! Both happened on 4 July 2024, after the whole world knew that Narendra Modi had barely won the elections in India with just a precarious margin, not like before, and sometimes may even have lost himself. In India and Britain, the money empires of the same powers were collapsed simultaneously, by the voters. Incidentally, Koo in Malayalam actually means boo!

There is a campaign going on, especially in India, that the British did not like an Indian to be their Prime Minister, so they defeated his Conservative Party in the 4 July 2014 elections to the British Parliament known as the House of Commons and made not a prime minister anymore of the British Indian Prime Minister Rishi Sunak who, without patiently and decently waiting till the next elections in 2024 which happened now, made a stable rebellion and riot in his party, ousted the then prime ministers of his party Boris Johnson and Lisa Truss, and hastily and without foresight became the prime minister while being the finance minister in that very same cabinet.

If the British did not like an Indian to be their Prime Minister, then how did he become the Prime Minister in the first place? The real reason is not that he is an Indian. When he was made Prime Minister, he was thought to be just of Indian descent. But after that, when he loudly declared that he is a staunch Hindu and appeared to have a kind of allegiance with Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, who has created bad news in the field of governance and religious tolerance, it was beyond the tolerance of the non-colored section of the Christian and Muslim England. Because of that, his party was completely defeated by the British as similar as to a revenge. The opposition Labor Party won 410 seats out of 650. Although Rishi Sunak retained his seat in Richmond, the feeling against him was very strong in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Similar to the Parliamentary elections held in April-June 2024 in India, the British voters have also adopted the same policy of advancing the opposition against the religious extremist-minded rulers. It is doubtful that if Narendra Modi and the Hindu-dominated BJP had got a big majority in India's elections like they did the last time, this would have happened in Britain now. But they didn't get that majority, so it got happened in Britain. The Indians in Britain have also played a part in it. Their patience was broken and brought to the extreme by the riots unleashed by the BJP activists and Modi fans in Britain aiming the Muslims as a target of a racial riot in favor of Narendra Modi.




Written on 04 July 2024 and first published on: 05 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 04 July 2024 and first published on: 05 July 2024

SM1612. നരേന്ദ്രമോദി ട്വിറ്ററിനോടുടക്കി അവാ൪ഡുകൊടുത്തുതുടങ്ങിച്ച കൂ ആപ്പു് പൂട്ടി. ഒക്കച്ചങ്ങാതി സുനകു് ഹിന്ദുവും മോദിയുടെയാരാധകനുമായതുകൊണു്ടുമാത്രം ബ്രിട്ടീഷു്പ്പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിപദത്തിലു്ത്തോറ്റു!

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