Saturday, July 20, 2024

326. It’s like in some mountain passes, some judges take away a stone from somewhere and a stream begins, some Hindu great floods break out in India!


It’s like in some mountain passes, some judges take away a stone from somewhere and a stream begins, some Hindu great floods break out in India!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Wilson Ye. Graphics: Adobe SP.

There are no laws in India to prevent a former Supreme Court judge from accepting a political appointment from the ruling party after his retirement, or asking for such a political appointment. There is no other way to protect the trust of the people in the legal system of the country except for that person himself, who gets an exorbitantly generous pension of a good and high amount and does not need any new job to live on after retirement other than to show off his position of power and commit corruption, by exercising his own discretion decide for himself that he will not go after such low bad behavior. Ninety percent of the retired judges in India make such a decision too. When the judgments while in service of a judge who accepts such political appointments like this after retirement are, in addition, infamous judgments that blatantly protected the interests of the said ruling party too, it becomes a challenge to the independence of the Indian judiciary and its respectability and honor in the field of world justice today. In March 2023, New Delhi made such a political appointment.

The central BJP government made this political appointment, appointing as the Andhra Governor a judge named Abdul Nasseer who, worrying the Muslim community had issued judgments such as demanded by the BJP in the Triple Talaq and the Ayodhya Rama Temple Construction cases, which judgments raised concerns among India's Muslim community that a Hindu Rashtra regime is emerging in India, and that their existence as religious minorities is at risk and in danger at the hands of the Bharatiya Janata Party which is a new ruling party notorious for inciting race and communal clashes, riots and genocide. The appointment was given to him within forty days of his retirement as if otherwise he would have starved! Now, that judge and the judgments he issued before his retirement are worthless and a shame to the Indian judiciary in the minds of the people. So in the judiciary and in the public mind, he became a pariah no one wishes to touch, except in the eyes of the BJP.

He ordered the construction of the temple regardless of the site of Muslim worship that has been there since ancient times. In the rush and clamour of capturing the chair by pleasing the BJP-Reliance administration, while giving the judgments, he did not take into account the secularism and equal justice which are the hallmarks of the Indian Constitution that appointed him, did not consider the background of communal riots of the BJP leaders accused in the case, and did not even like to consider, let alone see, the historical background of the whole issue under his consideration.

Before determining the status quo regarding the temple and the mosque, to determine where each was when at a given time, if we go back through time without first fixing a cut-off date for going upto when and where, like if the cut-off date is to be the day of independence or the day when the British rule started in India, what would happen if we go back all the way to the time when there was no Rama or Krishna in the world or even in the universe, when the Aryan conquest had not even begun in India, and the present land of Rama temple was the land of Dravidian confluence then? Or will it go back even to the day the earth was created, or the day civilized human race began in India?

It was a verdict against secularism and equal justice- one the BJP had been waiting for and enthralled by, one which they demanded for. In fact, they had gone far ahead with other scheduled political works with a firm belief and determination that this one judgment could sure be made to be issued by someone in this way when the time came. If such a verdict had not come, BJP's Hindu government would have lost the trust and support of the Hindu extremists, would have lost the stability of the government, collapsed and gone out of power, with the senior leaders all in jail for directing illegally dismantling the mosque. Hindu corporatism rewarded that judge who avoided all these by giving him the post of governor and the administrative power of a state as salaried gifts. It is because he wanted this reward that he issued that verdict. It is when a person commits a bad low deed that it is examined and judged whether his previous deeds were also all bad deeds. Here that happened through this.

After a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who heard the Gujarat communal riot cases in which all the top BJP leaders were involved and would have been arrested and imprisoned but for such unholy acquittals, despite the thousands of evidences and witness testimonies said he did not see any evidence at all and set free all the accused to move themselves higher in politics and ascend to the highest offices in the country, and himself barefacedly joined that very same BJP of those accused as their Rajya Sabha MP in the parliament, India and the whole world had been watching who else in the Supreme Court were seeking such positions after retirement by joining the Hindu communal party. With the Andhra Governor’s appointment, they identified one more. It is certain that there will be many more sitting there silent now but aspiring. People feel disdain and contempt for them.

In some streams and in some canyons and ravines and in some mountain passes, if a stone comes rolling and covers and closes the source, some streams will be blocked, and they will stop there where they start. If someone takes away that stone a great flood will break out too from there. Justice Ranjan Gogoi, who went to Parliament as BJP's Rajya Sabha member, has done exactly that- taking away that stone and making that stream start! It is because of this simple lowly act that the Hindu communal fascist organizations, BJP, and the Gujaratis and Maharashtrians Adani-Reliances and other Hindu corporates have all come to power in India, state properties have been steadily looted by them, and the lives of not only other religious groups but also those of the poor among the Hindus are in danger. He removed that stone with the full knowledge of what he was doing.

Given the abundance of evidence and witness statements, had the Supreme Court punished the present prime minister, the home minister and the many others in the Bharatiya Janata Party who were either accused or co-accused in those communal riot cases, none of this would have happened: secularism, democracy and republicanism would have continued to exist in India, the Constitution would not have been sabotaged and incapacitated, there would have been no currency demonitization or the advent of a citizenship registry, Kashmir and Jammu would not have been cut into two or three, the Supreme Court would not have become a Hindu court, and Pakistan and China would have all been brought to stand where they should stand. That single judge, who has done all this with full knowledge of what he was doing, is responsible for all these.

BJP's aim is to capture more people by spreading the word that if they stick to BJP, which is the centre-ruling Hindu communal party, if they issue the rulings they want without looking at the law while in service, even a Muslim can get positions of good power after retirement. What better way than this to get hold of men of authority, what better means of propaganda, advertisement?

Written on 16 February 2023 and first published on: 20 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 16 February 2023 and first published on: 02 May 2023

SM1286. ചിലനീ൪പ്പ്രവാഹങ്ങളിലു് ചിലമലയിടുക്കുകളിലു് ചിലജഡു്ജിമാ൪ ഒരുകല്ലൊന്നെടുത്തുമാറ്റിക്കൊടുക്കുന്നതുപോലെയാണു് ഇ൯ഡൃയിലു് ചിലഹിന്ദുമഹാപ്പ്രവാഹങ്ങളു് പൊട്ടിപ്പുറപ്പെടുന്നതു്





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