Sunday, July 14, 2024

323. No Indian court would dare to say that the Puja should be performed in the same way for Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva and Goddess Bhadrakali, but it would say that there should be a unified Qurbana. That's BJP's new India!


No Indian court would dare to say that the Puja should be performed in the same way for Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva and Goddess Bhadrakali, but it would say that there should be a unified Qurbana. That's BJP's new India!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Sonika Agarwal. Graphics: Adobe SP.

No Indian court would dare to say that the Puja should be performed in the same way for Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva and Goddess Bhadrakali, but it would say that there should be a unified Qurbana, unified prayer, in churches. That's BJP's new India! In India, where freedom of worship is said to be mentioned in the law books and protected, it is the judiciary that decides and says for the government how to worship gods other than Hindu gods, and sons of gods, and what should be the rules of worship and what are to be the rituals, that it is the state's right to judge and decide these. Then they go and wash their hands and sit in high chairs with self-assumed purity, like gentlemen, asking themselves whether they have not dispensed justice. It is to be remembered here that it is from the judiciary which in the pre-BJP era firmly believed that the Fundamental Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion is protected under Article 25 of the Constitution that this wavering happens. It is from a judiciary that held that unless a religious practice violates fundamental rights, like the Triple Talak, it cannot be struck down, and that religion is a matter of faith and not of logic, that these infirm observations and orders are coming now.

The BJP and the Marxist Party are running around to bottle up the Christians in Kerala. The Bharatiya Janata Party, which is itself Hindu-fascist, has no traditions other than hunting Christians across the country, burning missionaries and pastors, and beating and in other ways persecuting nuns. But despite ruling India twice consecutively, not a single priest or bishop who knows his calling has joined their party, except for a few rejects and a few who depend on foreign donations for their sustenance. In the wake of 2024 when the parliamentary elections are held, fearing they will no longer win except through electronic voting machines, but fearing also that if they win this time too in this way the news of this method of winning and falsehood will eventually come out and their winning may even be nullified, they are running around in Kerala to net a few Christians to prove that it was due to Christians voting en-mass for them that they won. They also got a few bishops in net who were traitors to the clan for this.

With many things behind them from the rape of parishioners' daughters to black money laundering and private foreign financial deals, it can be said that the fraudsters in the church were easily accessible and capturable for the BJP. Through them, a new party is now being formed in Kerala as a constituent party of the BJP’s alliance. These renegade churches and bishops, who have a history of Judas, treason, thirty silver coins and backstabbing, forget the terrible communal riots in Gujarat and cooperate with BJP, and have no shock at all in teaming up with them. And in the hands of the Marxist party, who are ideologically anti-Christian, there are not just individuals but whole Churches and Dioceses of clan traitors, to ring bells and lay beds for them.

Upon a verdict of the Supreme Court, in some places in Kerala, a terrible clash is going on between different sects of the same Christian religion regarding possession of churches and properties. There are also many other issues originated from the apex authority in Rome itself, regarding the method of worship. These have been going on for some time and tormenting the peace-loving community of Christians. One of the main though mundane issues now is, if the priest is to show his hind part to the people and worship, or to show it to the God and worship! This conflict is really to capture churches, mosques, colleges, convents, hospitals and related institutions and other properties which are the routes the money comes in for them primarily and to worship in their own way secondarily.

One verdict is that there should be unification in the way of worship and Qurbana of both the sects, i.e. unified mass. The stance of the ruling Marxist Party and their government which runs the Kerala administration is, let them fight among themselves and die, or let them all come together and vote for them. The same is the position of the ruling BJP at the centre. None of them said that the judiciary should not interfere in religious matters and worship practices. The Supreme Court also did not think that if it does not interfere with Hindu worship, it will not interfere with Christian worship.

Written on 21 April 2023 and first published on: 14 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 21 April 2023 and first published on: 25 April 2023

SM1282. ശ്രീകൃഷു്ണനും പരമശിവനും ഭദ്രകാളിക്കും ഒരേരീതിയിലു് പൂജനടത്തണമെന്നുപറയാ൯ ഒരി൯ഡൃ൯കോടതിയുംധൈര്യപ്പെടില്ല, പക്ഷേ ഏകീകൃതകു൪ബ്ബാനവേണമെന്നുപറയും. അതാണു് ബീജേപ്പീയുടെ പുതിയയി൯ഡൃ!





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