Sunday, July 21, 2024

328. When the British government's intelligence report that the Gujarat riots were a Muslim genocide perpetrated by Narendra Modi came out as a BBC documentary, BJP Marxist and Adani Reliances became isolated in the world, and the hunt was begun across the country. And what when the secret intelligence report made by the American government comes out as a movie?


When the British government's intelligence report that the Gujarat riots were a Muslim genocide perpetrated by Narendra Modi came out as a BBC documentary, BJP Marxist and Adani Reliances became isolated in the world, and the hunt was begun across the country. And what when the secret intelligence report made by the American government comes out as a movie?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Haroldas Bagdisanka. Graphics: Adobe SP.

When the British Government's intelligence report that the Gujarat riots were a Muslim genocide perpetrated by Narendra Modi came out as a BBC documentary, the centre-ruling party BJP, their serf party the Marxist Party which is now limited to Kerala, and the Hindu corporates behind the present rule Adani and Reliance, became isolated in the world. And the hunt and the run began across the country and the world. Ultimately it resulted in BJP's overall defeat and loss of majority seats in the 2024 parliamentary elections, making the government wretchedly dependent on other minor parties and remaining unstable in a state of miserable disarray from day-to-day. There was even a situation where the BJP had to accuse Israel of interfering against BJP in this election. So now what when the secret intelligence report made by the American government comes out as a movie?

Terrorizing and shocking the Indian Judiciary, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, dozens of organizations of the Bharatiya Janata Party in India and abroad, the Hindu Indian corporates Reliance and Adani, and people like Chief Ministers Pinarayi Vijayan in Kerala, Arvind Kejriwal in Delhi, Amarinder Singh in Punjab and Ghulam Nabi Asad in Kashmir hanging in power holding on to the tail of the central BJP, relegating them to their destined places in world history, and trembling the world, the British Broadcasting Corporation which is the nightmare of Prime Ministers and Presidents from Churchill to Trump to Modi to Putin and to Boris Johnson, released worldwide in January 2023, ahead of India's Republic Day, their documentary video ‘India: The Modi Question’, made after a two year research based on the British Government's Secret Intelligence Report on the Gujarat Mutiny, which describes Narendra Modi's role in that Muslim genocide and released with it the abundant evidence (which were abundant even then!), eyewitness statements and victims’ statements in the Gujarat Hindu extremists-led racial riots, the three-day Hindu extremist event in Gujarat in India in February 2002, pre-meditated and organized at the behest and planning of the then Gujarat BJP Chief Minister Narendra Modi, in which 1926 people including 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed, 223 people missing, 2500 people wounded, and hundreds of women and children were raped and almost murdered- a genocide that a chief judge in the Supreme Court of India shook the world by saying there was no evidence and dismissing it, despite the abundance of evidence and plentiness of witnesses’ and victims’ statements which were easily available in the field even to the American and British Intelligence.

With the release of this video, from Narendra Modi in Delhi to the son of A. K. Antony in Kerala, a young man who had been secretly hiding in the top of the Indian National Congress as a sleeper warrior of the BJP, and even Sashi Tharoor, who remains in Congress as a political refugee until he reaches the BJP, knowing well the world knows everything now, immediately rose up shaking their manes and condemned the BBC’s video, saying that Narendra Modi’s past cruelties coming out is an insult to India and demanded that this ‘outrageous disgrace’ be banned throughout the world.

Twitter and YouTube, which make a good income out of India condescended, have stopped showing it in India for the time being- that is, until any judgment comes from the international court or any courts of the American state in which they are registered, and they continue to show it to the world except in India too. Face Book which has bigger revenue than the other two in India is wagging its tail to ban it in India even while acting the democratically free white man abroad, in places outside India, lest being prosecuted or even banned for violating the freedom of press there. Today on India's Republic Day, the whole world sees it, except India, people shout, cry, clamour, angrily demand that Narendra Modi's entry into their country should be banned, and proclaim that Modi has the same genocide last pit reserved for Putin and Trump, and India's Narendra Modi-led Republic Day celebrations in Delhi go on amid shame for the person leading it. None of them has been able to explain to the world how, and why, Narendra Modi's actions outside the peripheries of law are India's actions or their coming out is a disgrace to India.

Narendra Modi did not say anything about this video, instead banned it using draconian emergency laws. What is the emergency and what is the harm for the country, except for Modi, because of the exposure in this video? Even if there is harm, let the truth prevail! Can India, which has written wherever there is a board or a wall including in courts that the Truth Alone Will Triumph (‘Satyam Eva Jayate!’) turn her face away from truth? Prominent foreign media were also asked to ban it. India's foreign affairs department condemned the BBC's video as false propaganda.

The Department of Foreign Affairs of the United States Government responded that it does not know anything about the BBC's video, and that it has a good relationship with the Government of India with 'emphasis on freedom of the press'. Accurate, sharp, knife-edged words of course! Doesn't it also mean that there will be no good relationship if there is no emphasis on the freedom of the media in India, including for the BBC-India? The America, which banned the entry of Narendra Modi into the United States stating because he led communal riots in Gujarat and killed people, and denied him visa through its State Department for many years, that is, until he got hold of a diplomatic passport as the Prime Minister of India- something which even Britain did not do!

Written on 26 January 2023 and first published on: 21 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 26 January 2023

SM1202. ഗുജറാത്തുകലാപം നരേന്ദ്രമോദിനടത്തിയ മുസ്ലിംവംശഹത്യയാണെന്ന ബ്രിട്ടീഷു് ഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റി൯റ്റെ രഹസ്യാന്വേഷണറിപ്പോ൪ട്ടു് ബീബീസ്സീ ഡോക്യുമെ൯റ്ററിയായിപ്പുറത്തുവന്നപ്പോളു് ബീജേപ്പീമാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റദാനിറിലയ൯സ്സുകളു് ലോകത്തൊറ്റപ്പെട്ടു. നെട്ടോട്ടമാരംഭിച്ചു. അപ്പോളു് അമേരിക്ക൯ ഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റുനടത്തിയ രഹസ്യാന്വേഷണറിപ്പോ൪ട്ടു് സിനിമയായി പുറത്തുവരുമ്പോഴോ?






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