Wednesday, July 17, 2024

325. Jammu-Kashmir was cut into three, not two, as Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh- happily for the world terrorists and separatists: their long-time dream has come true!


Jammu-Kashmir was cut into three, not two, as Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh- happily for the world terrorists and separatists: their long-time dream has come true!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Until the arrival of the Muslim rule in 1320 A.D., the place known today as Kashmir was comprised of three regions namely Maraz, Kamraz and Yamraj. After the Muslim rule and the British rule, the first Congress government in Independent India assimilated the Kingdom of Kashmir under an agreement and merged all the regions into the twin states of Jammu and Kashmir, and because as unlike any other state in India was situated at the crossroads of the world's prime cultural and economic routes, by giving it a special state status ruled smoothly- something the dark minds in the present BJP administration in India can never even conceive and execute. And so, the Jammus and the Kashmiris settled comfortably in India. All these decades it had been the dream of the separatists of the world to cut this unique state into two, three or four, especially those terrorists, extremists and separatists based in and operating out of Pakistan, China and Afghanistan. To make it become a reality they had to wait until 2016 when this absurdity called the Corporate Hindu Rule came to India through the Bharatiya Janata Party.

In 2019, it became a reality through the BJP, their Prime Minister Narendra Modi, his cabinet and the many Reliance-created MPs in the BJP. Jammu and Kashmir was cut in their hands not into two but into three- Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. Where the world expected at most a bifurcation, a trifurcation took place- although that was not the language used. World terrorists and separatists rejoiced. BJP tried to spread the word that this was not division but national integration but failed. Narendra Modi was branded a separatist and a traitor. How is dividing parts of the country national integration? Isn't it only so for the splitters and the separators?

In Jammu and Kashmir, without any significant income other than tourism and was completely dependent on central aid, with the departure of Kashmir which had at least some income, Jammu took the stab. The central BJP government is now trying secretly to flow the money of the people of the other states lying with the central government to close this hole. In these two states and Ladakh, which were already completely dependent on central aid, the situation came into existence that now if they do not get central aid, they will become bankrupt like Pakistan lying just beyond and people's lives will be in chaos- a situation only an enemy will create on a people! The three lost their state status and became only territories and also lost their economic security- all in one single move from New Delhi. Welfare movements in other parts of India are suffering a huge decline due to this stupidity of Narendra Modi and RSS and their Hindu Rashtra mania, because the money meant for those states is now diverted and flowing into this political stupidity. Now the Indian people are suffering more than usual to feed these three newly created Union Territories. The figures for this are only going to come out from now onward.

With Kashmir being cut off and gone, trends seen and possibilities formed are that Jammu is likely to be cut off more. Poonch and Doda are yearning to separate from each other and walk separately. If the government increases and nourishes the existing tendency of cutting something into two into three, who is there to assure that then it will not be into six? Perhaps isn’t it their intention? Even India got this Kashmir only because the King Gulab Singh of Jammu purchased it from the British government in 1846 for 75 lakh rupees and the King of Jammu of the 1940s later was willing to join the Independent India Union under certain conditions. What it would have been if he had joined the Pakistan Union in 1947 or even sold it to Pakistan under other conditions? Will it be sold again by BJP by repeating history- to Pakistan China or Reliance? In Kashmir where no outsider had the right to buy land till then, wasn't it to the Reliance that the BJP first sold land by removing its special state status and opening up Kashmir as a real estate?

The same governor who was appointed to Kashmir by BJP during that controversial and critical times who was always with them, is now walking around professing that when the 2019 parliamentary elections came, it was to establish and prove that the Bharatiya Janata Party which was a seditive and divisive party at least as far as the united state of Jammu and Kashmir was concerned was actually not that but a national defensive party and to win the elections, finding no other way for it, that these spawns of darkness conspired and ignited anti-Pakistan Indian sentiments among the people by using more than 300 kilograms of explosives purportedly propagandized as to have come across the border as if from Pakistan- which they could not prove- and skillfully detonating it on the Jammu-Srinagar Highway on 14 February 2019 in Pulwama in Kashmir killing 199 Indian soldiers instantly, and that, like taking an equally terrorististic revenge, crossed the border and attacked Pakistan.

And that election that was held from 11 April 2019 to 19 May 2019 was won hot too- whatever the means used. Exactly five years later, under the impression that people have forgotten everything, seeing no other way to win the 2024 Parliament election also hot that way, they try to win that election by organizing on behalf of Pakistan an attack on Rajouri in Jammu, which is said to be heavily disciplined and defensive under the BJP rule, not on time but a little sufficiently earlier on the 1st and 2nd of January 2023, that too in the name of Pakistan which is economically wrecked to the roots, starving without resources even to feed its people and unable even to take care of its own internal affairs! What else do fraudsters continue doing but frauds- from whatever chairs they cling to?

Written on 18 April 2023 and first published on: 17 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 18 April 2023 and first published on: 20 April 2023

SM1277. ജമ്മു-കാഷു്മീ൪ ജമ്മുവും കാഷു്മീറും ലഡാക്കുമായി രണു്ടായല്ല മൂന്നായാണുവെട്ടിമുറിക്കപ്പെട്ടതു്. ലോകതീവ്രവാദികളു്ക്കും വിഘടനവാദികളു്ക്കും സന്തോഷമായി, അവരുടെദീ൪ഘകാലസ്വപു്നം സഫലമായി!






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