Saturday, July 6, 2024

318. It has been eight years since 2014, when the Election Commission left the independent path and slipped up towards Hindu Rashtra partisanship, that India's corporates have become the world's number one rich by siphoning off the nation's wealth and getting it as a donation from the BJP!


It has been eight years since 2014, when the Election Commission left the independent path and slipped up towards Hindu Rashtra partisanship, that India's corporates have become the world's number one rich by siphoning off the nation's wealth and getting it as a donation from the BJP!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Fikry Anshor. Graphics: Adobe SP.

It has been eight years since 2014, when the Election Commission left the independent path and slipped up towards Hindu Rashtra partisanship, that India's corporates have become the world's number one rich by siphoning off the nation's wealth and getting it as a donation from the BJP! So what is the role of the Commission? Though this is new in India it’s not new in the world. In the path of growth, corporates have not left any constitutional institution behind, not let any of them stand in the way. What immunity do institutions with human beings have from this? As for constitutional institutions, because they are headed by human beings collectively or singularly, isn’t a moment enough to change a decision, to make a mistake? Hasn't only this happened from wheat countries to rice countries where corporations are growing? Isn't their becoming the world's richest the growing of corporations in India? It became clear that even the judiciary could not hold back when three new agricultural laws were enacted for the benefit of a corporation in India and it became challenged before the Supreme Court. Only the organized popular force, the farmers, held back and forced withdrawal of those laws by using the force of struggle and agitation. Are the Judiciary and the Election Commission any such popular forces? Do not they exist only on the strength of agreements and papers? How can the Election Commission hold back when even the judiciary is not holding back?

In connection with the speedy appointment of the new Election Commissioner by the BJP government, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in March 2023 made a remark that the Election Commission should be made an independent institution, that it should be built on the model of the Supreme Court Collegium, and appointments should be made from it, and the central government should stop appointing election commissioners as at present they do like subordinates and underlings who are at their beck and call and benevolence.

So what was it until now, and what is it now...? After T. N. Seshan who shook the governments, has the Election Commission have a real Chief Election Commissioner who is not a shadow of anyone? So, now, who conquered all those powers, who stole them, and who sold them to whom? In 2014, it became infamous for being an anti-democratic neutrality organization which holds the umbrella to the Bharatiya Janata Party and which would use any partisan means to win elections for them. Many and many accusations were raised against it which was not there till then. In 2014, thus, BJP itself came to power. In place of the political administration that existed till then, the corporate administration also started in India. That is why the commission did it- with a clear intention and full knowledge of what was going to happen next. Understanding well that if they did not win the elections in 2019 then it would be the end of the corporates who had controlled the government until then, it came out naked without any cover for the Hindu Rashtra formation forces subverting the Constitution. People now feel and think this is not a constitutional institution but an anti-constitutional corporate Hindu Rashtra institution.

Due to the biased actions of this organization that the corporates tightened their grip on and made ballot-paperless and with only machines, with the last eight years after 2014, the Indian corporates by siphoning off the country's wealth or buying it as a gift or alms from the BJP became the world’s number one rich, just as they intended. The Election Commission was the corporate manoeuvre for that. Seeing that it was during the eight years since 2014 when the Election Commission left the independent and impartial path and strayed towards Hindu Rashtra bias that this inordinate growth of the Indian corporates happened, what other proof is needed about the role of the Election Commission today? The elections in 2024 will be the Hindu Rashtra killing spree of the Election Commission- along with the Executive, Legislature, Judiciary and Media jointly! Thrashing the MP position of Rahul Gandhi through the Gujarat Judiciary (which was later condemned by the Supreme Court and invalidated, observing as totally illegal!) and eliminating any effective opposition to the Hindu Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Parliament till 2024 elections is just the beginning, a sample demonstration of what Hindu Rashtra will be like!

It was criticizing the Narendra Modi government’s taking its own decision in haste within twenty-four hours of originating the file to appoint the Chief Election Commissioner and give the post to one of his loyals, which selection and appointment should have been done very carefully and with great care that the Constitution Bench headed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court itself made this remark and asked if the central government can appoint them like its subordinates unlike from a Collegium that appoints the Supreme Court judges. It was like in the states, for example in Kerala, the Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan appointed his Chief Secretary Vishwas Mehta who when the Marxist rulers of the state, fearing the Customs investigations on their gold smuggling, to destroy the paper and electronic evidence in protocol department files, set fire to the secretariate stood guard and protected him. That slave-appointee is now sitting on the chair of the State Election Commissioner and going to conduct the elections in 2024 to gain the maximum votes in the state for Narendra Modi!! (Later the election results showed that he and his CM succeeded in sky-rocketing the BJP’s votes unprecedentedly in the state).

What is bothering the people now is, if some things get into chairs where it is only someone who is good, honorable, polite, and loyal to the constitution and has the freedom to take decisions with equanimity and impartiality should sit, whatever is it to call them. If an illegal and irregular appointment takes place in a place, should the people respect the person sitting in that chair as they respect the other person? Are they to respect? Is it the people’s fault that they do not make transparent and credible appointments where that respect from people for that chair would always be got? If the government does not have the quality orientation which it should have, will the people see it as a government? This is how the credibility of the Election Commission was lost in various ways and people were led to judge that it is a corporate slave organization. He who ascends a chair by a straight path alone will get the respect meant for that chair.

Written on 28 March 2023 and first published on: 06 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 28 March 2023 and first published on: 29 March 2023

1253. ഇലക്ഷ൯കമ്മീഷ൯ സ്വതന്ത്രപാതവിട്ടു് ഹിന്ദുരാഷ്ട്രപക്ഷപാതിത്വത്തിലേക്കുപിഴച്ച 2014മുതലുള്ള എട്ടുവ൪ഷംകൊണു്ടാണു് ഇ൯ഡൃ൯കോ൪പ്പറേറ്റുകളു് രാജ്യത്തി൯റ്റെസമ്പത്തൂറ്റിക്കുടിച്ചും ബീജേപ്പീയിലൂടെദാനമായിവാങ്ങിയും ലോകത്തെയൊന്നാംനമ്പ൪സ്സമ്പന്നരായിത്തീ൪ന്നതു്!






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