Thursday, July 4, 2024

316. When the BJP needs money to buy MP MLA cattles and form governments, it will ban currency notes, print new ones and collect money in containers. The whole country knows this, but no one moves!


When the BJP needs money to buy MP MLA cattles and form governments, it will ban currency notes, print new ones and collect money in containers. The whole country knows this, but no one moves!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

When BJP needs money to buy MLA and MP cattle and win elections, it will ban currency notes, print new ones and collect money in containers. The whole country knows this, but nobody moves. Goa is the most noted of the places where this cattle trade of BJP took place. In Maharashtra, it was not just merely noticed, it became the most foul-smelling cesspool. That pool still lies there. The only doubt is whether the hoof marks of the sold cattle or the footprints of the BJP’s central leaders and ministers who orchestrated it is more there! No one went to count- because of the smell.

During the BJP's brief rule in India, defying the Anti-Defection Law, they purchased two hundred and seven Members of the State Legislative Assemblies in various states, spending six thousand crores of rupees, to topple the democratically elected governments in those states and creating anti-democratic and anti-people governments there, according to figures till the end of August 2022. They did not even win the elections in half of the states they rule in India: they overthrew the governments elected by the people and established governments that the people did not elect, by paying shockingly huge sums of money to the MLAs of the won party to defect. The governments in Arunachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are all created by them thus. Here all it was the Congress governments that were overthrown. The average price for each MLA was 35 crore rupees. In Bihar and Manipur, the BJP has thus made MLAs. They failed in the Congress-ruling Rajasthan. When BJP bought them, the price of Aam Aadmi Party MLAs in Delhi was Rs. 20 crores each.

To replace the Aam Aadmi Party government in Punjab and form a BJP government, which was in fact formed accidentally due to the ignorance and foolishness of the Punjabi Sardarjis in Punjab by defeating the then-ruling Congress Party in elections, to purchase ten MLAs the BJP paid a total amount of Two hundred and fifty crore rupees at the flat rate of Twenty five crore rupees per MLA. The money changed hands, but because of the severe opposition and agitations of the AAP, the government did not change. So, there was such a treachery too! Immediately after the Goa elections, in September 2022, the BJP demolished the elected government there and formed their own government by purchasing eight out of the eleven Congress MLAs by paying money. In October 2022, three BJP agents landing in Telengana and trying to buy four MLAs of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi became notorious and controversial. All three of them were arrested and taken into custody by the Telangana Police along with the money. The TRS MLAs were offered 100 crore rupees for each MLA and 50 crore rupees for each non-TRS MLA. They were attempting to purchase between twenty and thirty MLAs as an urgent need. The deal also had brokers. Telangana Rashtra Samiti is now known as Bharat Rashtra Samiti.

Where does the money for this come from? Is it black money or fake notes or the money that the Reserve Bank of India issued for the country but stolen and taken away in containers? Thus, in June 2023, the RBI itself admitted and informed that tons of notes, 500 rupee notes, were stolen and did not reach the destination even after being despatched from the place of printing. Why are the Reserve Bank, Enforcement Directorate, CBI, Judiciary, Press and the Election Commission completely silent on this? Doesn't that mean that a silent coup is going on over the constitution and the country's administrative system?

When the country is in financial ruin, how come money is only in the BJP's hands and it has become the richest party in the world? Where else did the black money in the country that disappeared in de-monetisation end up except in their hands? The money transferred from the oil companies through the petrol-diesel price hike has also been used for this. The money gained through de-monetisation has also been used in the same way. It is because of the intense pleasure from this making money easily that they are raising the petrol prices daily. Along with that, the pleasure of buying MLAs at a price and overthrowing governments and creating new ones also increases. By threatening with subterfuge ED and CBI investigations also are MLAs toppled and bought. Among these, there is also government money too which is being diverted and spent in a secret manner, apart from what was made by the BJP in clandestine deals like the handing over of national assets and properties like airports, industries, shipyards, railway. Didn't get a taste of what Hindu Rashtra governance is like? This is just the beginning. How will it be at the end of five years? Ten years? Fifty years?

In the states where the people vote and the BJP wins the elections, it is by stirring up caste and religious sentiments and inciting riots that go along with it that they win and form governments. In states where the people do not vote for them but for others, it is by purchasing the MLAs in those parties that won and each and everyone in the governments and legislatures thus formed by giving the MLAs huge amounts of money and to those parties’ leaders more than huge amounts of money that they overthrow governments elected by people and install governments not elected by people. The fact that it was for the manifesto of a party that the people have voted go without any value. It is the vote and the representational authority that people gave to a particular party, a particular manifesto, a particular candidate, that that MLA sells to the BJP and the BJP buys. Isn't it that we call those who do this kind of work extremely dirty? So, who are Amit Shah and Narendra Modi, etc, etc, of the BJP really?

When a party or a front contests several candidates in an election under a manifesto, it is because the people like and accept that manifesto and express their confidence and support through vote that that party or that front and that candidate and all three win. If one of these is not accepted, even if the other two are accepted, then the candidate will lose. In this way, if you are defecting after winning the people's mandate, or if you are selling yourself to another party than the one contested you, then you are stepping down from that manifesto, that party, and that recording of people's mandate. The mandate of the people will no longer exist there for you alone, if not accompanied by that manifesto and that party. Because of that, he who has lost the backing of all three will have to resign immediately. That is the law of the people who voted, but that is not the law of the non-voting parliament, government and courts. Therefore, he does not resign, despite losing the mandate given to him by the people; he continues to hold his position in the Legislative Assembly without the support of the people.

So, because of this disrespect of the people’s law, there is trade, exchange and auction of MLAs. If he has to resign, then how could he defect and trade himself? Thousands of crores of rupees, which should have been used for the development of the country and the welfare of the people, are being misused thus for this defection and trade by the central ruling party, the BJP. To prevent people from getting angry at this, there is also a nonsensical foot-switch ban named Anti-Defection Law written. It is written in it that if such and such percentages of elected-representatives switch foot, and then the switch is valid- written by the same switch-foots! Even today, the Indian democracy and judiciary are scared to review and explain meticulously and convincingly, in the context of that manifesto, after the defection and self-sale, how the mandate of the people given once in an election through their voting will survive, no matter how many percentage of people switches foot.

There is also the question of whether the party that wins these candidates should not put them up for auction, and whether they shouldn’t help the party that buys the most number of MLAs from them through the auction form the government, because it is because there are cheap candidates who are ready to sell themselves to another party for a price, and it was this party itself that fielded and won these candidates who do not have an awareness of and commitment to principles and faith in the party that fielded them and made them into MLAs! One advantage of doing this is that the party that fielded them in the elections itself will get the prices for selling them each, and they will not get anything like what they are getting now. If that is the case, then there is the question of why not these parties be a little more straightforward and take these MLAs to the stock market and register and list them and offer them for sale in the Stock Exchange and sell them to other parties by themselves at the maximum price they will bring.

Can you buy BJP's MLAs like the BJP is buying other parties’ MLAs? The appointed-president of Tripura Pradesh Congress Committee in 2019, and within months of bickering and splitting up the Congress the chairman of the self-created Tipra Mota Party, and the son of the last king of Tripura, Pradyut Bikram Manikyadeba Verma, was the only one who first publicly announced in India on 16 February 2023 that he is thinking about buying out the MLAs of the BJP to form a government in Tripura even if by tearing down his palace and selling it piece by piece, if his party did not get the enough seats of 30 in the elections to form a government, while contesting in 42 out of 60 seats in the Tripura elections. BJP who contested in 55 seats formed the government by winning 32 seats. Tipra Motha Party got 13 seats and Bikram Manikya Deba ended by being the leader of the opposition.

In the May 2023 state assembly elections in Karnataka, after the election results were declared, the Kerala state interim secretary of the Marxism Party, M. V. Govindan, whose party in Karnataka had contested against the Congress for splitting opposition votes and helping BJP and lost all seats without winning a single seat anywhere, gave a piece of advice to the Congress, which defeated the BJP and formed the government with a very big majority- that they should try to not let their MLAs be bought off by BJP, that the Congress is too weak to stop the BJP, and that only they who lost all seats could do it, and so please add the Marxist Party also to their front and please give them something to chew on for a while while in recuperation! He said this while in Kerala. A number of newspapermen went to his verbal exercise and carefully wrote it down and printed it. If someone says worthless and meaningless things, even if they write it down, can’t they keep not printing it?

Like the Marxist party, another fascist party, the BJP, which hates the ever-evolving partly-undefined concept of democracy and democratic procedures, takes forty percent of the money to run things while in power. This corrupt money is then being used to buy MLAs and subvert regimes in new places. In recent times in Kerala, the Marxist party has increased that commission to 50 percent, that is, half and half- fifty percent for the people and fifty percent for the party. The bridges made at that rate are collapsing, the school buildings are crumbling, and the Life Mission poor people’s housing projects are leaning and leaking. It is the same in the BJP-ruled Centre, where bridges are collapsing as such into rivers and roads are sinking entirely under the ground as soon as they are built.

Written on 16 December 2022 and first published on: 04 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 16 December 2022 and first published on: 03 July 2023

SM1345. ബീജേപ്പീയു്ക്കു് എമ്മെല്ലേയെംപീക്കന്നാലികളെ വിലയു്ക്കുവാങ്ങാനും തെരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പുജയിക്കാനും പണത്തിനാവശ്യംവരുമ്പോളു് നോട്ടുനിരോധിക്കും, പുതിയതടിച്ചുകൊണു്ടുവരും, കണു്ടെയിന൪ക്കണക്കിനുപണംശേഖരിക്കും. രാജ്യത്തിനുമുഴുവനിതറിയാം, പക്ഷേ ആരുമനങ്ങുന്നില്ല








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