Tuesday, July 23, 2024

331. If BJP cannot give the post of Speaker to the constituent parties, why not give them the post of Prime Minister? Why should RSS need BJP for its survival? Why not end that political experiment?


If BJP cannot give the post of Speaker to the constituent parties, why not give them the post of Prime Minister? Why should RSS need BJP for its survival? Why not end that political experiment?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Mana 5280. Graphics: Adobe SP.

If the BJP cannot give the post of Speaker to the constituent parties, why not give them the post of Prime Minister? Why should the RSS need BJP for its survival? Shouldn’t the RSS end that political experiment called BJP? Was it not a big mistake of theirs almost a quarter-century earlier like once-deciding not to partake in India's Freedom Struggle? What did this political experiment of theirs achieve except that it could tire and wear down the Indian National Congress which gained independence for India, alienate India from the rest of the religious world, and make people's lives more miserable by bringing in a corporate-controlled society, not to mention the alienation the Rashtreeya Swayam Sevak Samgh feels from the people of India?

If when a man named Adityanath in Uttar Pradesh, the BJP’s present chief minister in UP, with the blessings of the RSS locked horns with his supposed leader Narendra Modi BJP's seats fell in UP and it lost the majority to rule singly at the Centre without depending on other parties for suppor in the Parliament- it should be noted here that this happened when Narendra Modi’s team stood together healthy and was strongly ruling India-, what if within the BJP and still with the blessings of the RSS other Adityanaths rise up in other parts of the country in today’s situation where Narendra Modi is totally dependent on the constituent parties and remains weak with barely a majority in the Parliament? Because, unlike BJP, is not the RSS spread and strong and deep-rooted in all the states in India? Except for the RSS, who can guarantee that this will not happen in these circumstances of today? Seeing that the RSS did have to subjugate the BJP in the parliamentary elections in 2024 in their stronghold that is UP, can even the RSS make such an assurance? Isn't it the meaning of this last heavy-handed defeating of the BJP by the RSS in UP that there are other powerful forces too in Indian politics and economy and they can bring about the fall of the BJP- and even that of the RSS- if necessary?

Who is going to make sure that those who shifted allegiances and came together from different parties into the Bharatiya Janata Party to seek power won't fight each other in the name of that power and split? When a tiger gets wounded, don't all the other creatures in that forest attack it- sometimes singly and sometimes in groups? Isn't that what happens in that division of BJP where sectors other than the RSS are segregated? Doesn't what happened in UP mean that without any homogeneous elements including ideology but with only heterogeneous components, the cement that was RSS that united them so far has peeled off and broken away? Was there any cement other than that?

It was predicted long ago by sensible and knowledgeable people that the work of stopping Narendra Modi at where he should be stopped will have to be done anyday by the RSS! The question whether the BJP can survive without any government as the RSS did in India for decades also tells us the answer to that question. The implication is that in order for RSS to survive and move forward, there is no need for them not to drag down Narendra Modi and the BJP from the Prime Minister's chair and administration. That signal has already been given too from their Nagapur meet, because with ten years of BJP’s rule and corporate servitude, rot and disintegration have arisen and spread in the ranks and leadership of the RSS too. It is also predicted that if it does it, if it cuts off BJP and ends that political experiment which never should have begun, it will be able to survive for a longer period of time.

Written on 18 June 2024 and first published on: 23 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 18 June 2024 and first published on: 19 June 2024

SM1606. ബീജേപ്പീയു്ക്കു് സു്പ്പീക്ക൪പ്പദവി കൂടെയുള്ള ഘടകകക്ഷികളു്ക്കുകൊടുക്കാ൯വയ്യെങ്കിലു് പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിപ്പദവികൊടുത്തുകൂടേ? ആറെസ്സെസ്സിനുനിലനിലു്ക്കാ൯ ബീജേപ്പീയെന്തിനു്! ആ രാഷ്ട്രീയപരീക്ഷണമവസാനിപ്പിച്ചുകൂടേ?







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