Monday, July 1, 2024

315. Modi, who failed in Manipur to implement the same law everywhere in the country, came down to implementing the same law in every religion in the country! Wasn’t the Manipur riots started by them exactly like they started the Gujarat riots?


Modi, who failed in Manipur to implement the same law everywhere in the country, came down to implementing the same law in every religion in the country! Wasn’t the Manipur riots started by them exactly like they started the Gujarat riots?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Modi, who failed in Manipur to implement the same law everywhere in the country, came down to implementing the same law in every religion in the country! Wasn't the Manipur riots started by them exactly like they started the Gujarat riots? When Modi and BJP say that there shouldn’t be many laws in a country but a few, should they go to Manipur where many laws exist and are being enforced on the same people at the same time and where their own BJP is ruling? If it is they say that it is the country that is important and not Manipur, then where is a country without many component state things like Manipur?

When Manipur was ruled by the Congress for many years, there was conflict, but there was no open war between the people. It started when BJP began ruling. It started when to create division among the people of the state the BJP appeased a section of the people as they do everywhere. Now sitting in government the BJP has been trying hard for a long time to make it a race war like they created in Gujarat. The central government which is obliged to quell the rebellion is inducing rioting with its BJP party organ which is the state in Manipur now. It is no longer relevant here whether the Meiteis or the Kukis (the two warring tribes in Manipur) were taken in hand, because the only thing that matters is whether any of these tribes was taken in hand. The truth is that one of them was. While they were in ruling power- and they still are- the BJP’s state government and party gave the opportunity to a section of that one tribe for attacking police camps and stations and taking away weapons including modern guns and rifles in thousands. To create an opportunity for that they pulled the strings at the administrative level, pretending not to see things which were obliged to be seen, committed anti-national crimes which should never have been committed, and saw to it that the normal reaction and resistance from the police officers ended.

Today, the BJP does not like anyone going to Manipur to create peace; anyone doing it is a fear for them. They fear that such visits will undo a situation that they have brewed and been creating for long. It is a fact that no matter how many people joins in and how intense the riots are, and for how long, ninety percent of these rioters and the rest of the common people who have no part in it will get tired eventually and wish for peace and quiet and truce. Can anyone hold hold and sustain breath forever? Shouldn’t it be released, shouldn’t the person be normal again, after a time? The sooner it is the better. That is what the people of Manipur and ninety percent of the rioters want. For that, they are not looking towards the BJP who started this rebellion by arming a section of the people, but at one of the national democratic parties, the Indian National Congress, which has ruled the country and ruled their state for 70 years in a favorable and tolerant manner. Congress understood this people’s wish and took up the responsibility. The next major step the Indian National Congress which went there as a large group and camping there was working as to reconcile the rioting groups, bring about peace among the people, and end the riots in Manipur took was to bring their national leader Rahul Gandhi there to give fruition to the efforts of peace and unity, but their proceedings on 28 June 2023 were obstructed by the BJP.

It should be remembered here that BJP which is new to administration in India had no experience in governing the trouble-brewing Manipur but Congress has decades of experience in leading the government in Manipur.

BJP did not take the stand of letting someone go and somehow putting a stop to these riots among the people. That is also the exact nature of race-riot creators. Twenty-eight miles from the Imphal airport, the capital of Manipur, they used the BJP's state police to block Rahul Gandhi's journey to the riot-torn and troubled areas. The reason given was that the people everywhere were standing armed and violent. Isn’t the BJP who are ruling the country and also the state ashamed to say this? Everywhere people are standing violent or roaming around with weapons, so don't go there! If he is ready to go, if he is sure that if he goes, those people will put down their weapons and come to the table? Why should the BJP, who through rigged court proceedings tried to oust him from his MP’s position and even evicted this supposedly the most-protected person in India from his official home and literally threw him out into the street, concern themselves with the life and security of that person?

Those people there were not standing with pitchforks, sticks or swords but with A K 47 high precision rifles. It was 4000 modern rifles and 50 lakh cartridges that were taken by the BJP’s beloved Meitei factions away from the police stations and the police armory only because the BJP's home department in the state and at the Center turned their heads away.

Today, Rahul Gandhi is the only leader who can restore peace in Manipur. Therefore, BJP's position is that only Rahul Gandhi should never enter there. The country has seen BJP leaders Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Home Minister Amit Shah not today but forever not as leaders who can unite all the people, not as leaders with a character and a history of doing that, but as the epitome of racism, hatred, misogyny and discrimination, because that is their history and background. Other than that, they have no other history or background, at least known to the people. When we hear about it, their introduction, the Uniform Civil Code they, which they got passed in parliament by ousting all the opposition members, may sound sweet, but because it comes from BJP, it is completely poisonous inside. Can something good come out of evil? Can racial friendship and brotherhood emerge from those who have committed racial riots? Will they ever improve and better themselves except in wickedness and sin?

Ever since Rahul Gandhi landed in Imphal, tens of thousands of people including women, in the midst of losing everything but needing some comfort or even a word of solace, with great hopes, to see him and share their troubles, miseries and sufferings, were waiting along the road throughout the forty kilometers distance from the airport to the refugee camps in the problem-affected areas that Rahul Gandhi intended to visit. This journey was stopped by the BJP government in Manipur and the women were lathi-charged and shot and one died. Why? Isn’t it what only cannibals do? What did the BJP have loose on account of this visit and him solacing the people in the refugee camps?

Rahul Gandhi is about the only national leader now who can solve the problems of Manipur. But BJP doesn't like Manipur's problems to be solved like that, because they are the ones who created it and keeps it going. It must continue because it is necessary for their existence; it is their political necessity. BJP does not want anyone who stands in their way to remain in active politics to ruin their theo-corporate schema. That is why they are trying to put Rahul Gandhi in jail through the lawless courts of Gujarat and ban him from contesting in the elections for at least two years and trying to remove this obstacle in their path.

The history is that wherever the BJP comes to power by stirring up the vicious and heinous Hindu religious sentiments and taking the majority in hand, through elections or by forcing MLAs to change parties by paying a price or by threatening to take cases against them through the various central financial crime investigation agencies like the Enforcement Directorate, a communal riot will be brewing right behind there. It is also a history that the BJP will prepare an igniting spark for it through some kind of a legislative act or a government action- here it was legislation. It is certain that those who participate in these race riots and enjoy the pleasures of communal riots such as raping the women of other religions and other communities, seizing their property, looting their money and acquiring their wealth, and also quenching their thirst for blood meanwhile, will stay with them for life. That is the situation since Gujarat. But in Manipur they do it with the double pleasure of completely annihilating an alien community- alien to them- because there are no Hindus in Manipur but only church-going Christians.

There, the Meiteis are taken in hand and the modern guns and rifles in the hands of the police are let open for them to rob at will, and by pretending not to see the weapons coming to them from China across the border, they arm the Meiteis and slaughter the Kukis. The government ignited the spark by bringing a new tribal law saying that it was for the benefit of the Kukis and gave the start. The Kukis but never wanted it as such and that way. Then they stand aside and watch with folded hands. When Rahul Gandhi went and tried to calm the riots down, the BJP quickly jumped down from their seat in government and intervened.

In the end, when only the Meitei domination is there in Manipur, BJP will devise the next split among the Meiteis themselves and weaken and destroy them too, then they will move on to and catch under political yoke the neighboring bordering states of Nagaland, Mizoram and Assam where the Meiteis usually go and live, and where the waves caused in Manipur reach. If Dracula wants to live, it must get someone's blood! To capture this North-Eastern Border-States Region which is full of Christians and where the most number of people in India speak English as their mother tongue, like Goa, and bring it under the complete domination of the Hindu-Theo-Corporate Rule, is the BJP's ultimate goal.

Written on 29 June 2023 and first published on: 01 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 29 June 2023

SM1342. രാജ്യത്തെല്ലായിടത്തും ഒരേനിയമംനടപ്പാക്കുന്നതിലു് മണിപ്പൂരിലു്പ്പരാജയപ്പെട്ടമോദി രാജ്യത്തെല്ലാമതത്തിലും ഒരേനിയമംനടപ്പാക്കാനിറങ്ങി! മണിപ്പൂ൪ക്കലാപം കൃത്യംഗുജറാത്തുകലാപംപോലെ അവ൪തന്നെതുടങ്ങിവിട്ടതല്ലേ?







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