Wednesday, July 24, 2024

333. To study the change in India after Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, just look at the way the gold and dollar smuggling cases went in Kerala- what there was something called law, disappeared totally!


To study the change in India after Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, just look at the way the gold and dollar smuggling cases went in Kerala- what there was something called law, disappeared totally!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Dima Pechurin. Graphics: Adobe SP.

To study the change in India after Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, just look at the way the gold and dollar smuggling cases went in Kerala- what there was something called law, disappeared totally!

Even though there have been countless such cases of gold smuggling in Kerala, what now being called ‘the gold smuggling case of Kerala’ is the smuggling of gold from abroad to Kerala under the initiative and the control of the high-ranking officers including the principal secretary to the chief minister who is also the senior-most government secretary to the Marxist party leader, polit bureau member, and the chief minister of Kerala, Pinarayi Vijayan, which they were carrying out continuously through airports since they took the reigns of the government in 2016, by giving official chairs to people from outside the government and positioning them near or around or at the centre of the administration, and by engaging willing and corrupt staff through and with the help of the consulates and embassies of foreign countries like the UAE.

That this is going on like this was well known to the Indian Customs, Central Intelligence Agencies, the Department of Revenue Intelligence and the Bharatiya Janata Party which rules at the centre. Using the chaos and opportunism in both these official criminal investigation areas created since this BJP which runs a very loose administration in the country and uses these investigating and intimidating agencies for political objectives came to power, this smuggling rampage which is chiefly centered on the state of Kerala and the Marxist party that is ruling there continued, destroying the financial system of the country and using the money obtained from these sales for anti-national as well as terrorist activities.

In 2019, through a hint received from abroad, the Indian Customs was forced to come to grips with this. Only a few people standing next to the administration and one person inside the administration itself were arrested and charged by the Customs, and because black money was involved the Directorate of Enforcement also had to take a case, but before being forced to arrest the person in the central position of the administration who is the planner and the beneficiary of these deals, they had to end the investigation with whom they already got and leave the state, upon strict directions from the centre-ruling BJP. Though the Hindu-activistic Bharatiya Janata Party and the Communist Party of India-Marxist are ideologically supposed to be in the opposites, it happened so, because the top leaders of both are parties to the Hindu Rashtra. It also came out through this brief and unfruitful investigation that the customs centers of the Centre are full of mercenary agents and fraudsters of the Marxist party and that the central BJP government tolerates them in those agencies for political and Hindu theocratic preferences. Therefore, through them, the smuggling of including dollar and contraband and the flow of gold continue still through the airports like Kozhikode and Kannur in Kerala without any hindrance from the center or the state.

The investigation of the Directorate of Enforcement was shaken and the Central Government itself dispersed it in many ways. Among many other things, this festival of investigation revealed that one of the former officers of the National Investigation Agency which was investigating the anti-national activities of various magnitudes in this was a serving DGP of Kerala and that he was hanging on the tail of the Marxist party and its government and swinging for obvious reasons. There is terrorism in Kerala according to the statements of this investigating agency in public and in court, but that the Kerala government is not responsible for it! Then who is responsible- the opposition? Yet, a long list of officers in the Kerala government and the police who are involved in terrorist activities came out!

Before BJP came to power at the Centre, such an incident had never happened in India, and would not have happened also. Even before Pinarayi Vijayan who is the first party politburo member to have his own corruption case in the Marxist Party of India came to power as the Chief Minister in Kerala, there were no such cases either. What gained through these investigations by multi agencies is that the people of India and the foreign intelligence agencies that got hold of that information and handed it over to India understood well with that that he is totally corrupt, and that Narendra Modi is his absolute protector. These agencies were not even willing to find out where all this gold went and was sold. It was not because it was not possible, not because they can’t, but because Pinarayi Vijayan's BJP-Marxist government in Kerala would fall. Why is this kind of information from abroad given to those who have no interest in investigating and to those who are going to protect people who are the prime suspects? Wasn’t it enough for them to sit there and advertise that information in the first place?

The same thing happened in the case of dollar smuggling in Kerala, which directly involved Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. Since 2016 when the Marxist government came to power in Kerala, the money collected through various corruptions and bribes will be in the thousands of crores. This cannot all be kept in Kerala. If you do that, you will not be able to use it when you escape from the country. So, it were illegally converted into American dollars through their own unauthorized and illegitimately functioning money-exchanges (when Marxist Party’s state secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan's son was arrested for drug dealings in Bangalore, the existence and activities of many such money-laundering exchanges even in Trivandrum came to light in the investigations by the Narcotic Control Bureau and the Enforcement Directorate!) and smuggled abroad to foreign countries during the chief minister’s official foreign trips itself, using the unregulated diplomatic protection afforded by the BJP's central government, and a part invested there, while a lot of it is used to buy gold from there and bring it back to India through the same smuggling routes. The BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi tried to make us believe that India's Foreign Affairs Department, Finance Department and Home Department were not aware of this despite these having been going on for a very long time.

In the case of the gold smuggling, through the statements of the accused who were arrested from the UAE Consulate in Trivandrum by the central investigating agencies, it came out that when this smuggling was got caught for the first time after such smuggling being carried out through airports and ship ports for so many years, the CM set out for a foreign trip, a bag was taken from his official residence by others as if he had forgotten to take it along with him on that trip but let it behind or presuming nothing at all and pretending it is normal for him as usual and part of the routine, and was delivered to the nearby Consulate of a foreign country- the UAE’s- as if it was the house of his father-in-law, they X-rayed it as usual and on finding stacks of US dollars inside, without reporting it to their government and the Government of India as well as if they had received orders from their ambassador himself, got that bag into their diplomatic bag and air-delivered it to the CM’s destination through their own diplomatic channel which reached there even before the Chief Minister had arrived there. It was predicted that earlier that finding the presence of the central government there unnecessary if not inconvenient for his smuggling operations this liar and thief will set up his own Foreign Affairs Department of his state!

Don't forget that the first thing one takes with him when embarking on a foreign trip is the bag containing money and the travel ticket! The accompanying wife, relatives or secretary would have reminded it exactly. Isn't there a limit to how much one can carry abroad? Only that afraid of being caught on the way if he carried too much on his person, he used the nearby and convenient way of the UAE’s embassy whose consulate in his state or even their embassy in his country is lying loose and opens like an inn for anyone to enter and do things! It was not him who was caught but the consulate staff and the person who brought the bag there. Which country is said to be ruled by Narendra Modi?

Written on 08 March 2023 and first published on: 24 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 08 March 2023 and first published on: 10 March 2023

SM1238. നരേന്ദമോദി പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിയായശേഷമുള്ള ഇ൯ഡൃയിലെമാറ്റംപഠിക്കാ൯ കേരളത്തിലെ സ്വ൪ണ്ണ-ഡോള൪ക്കടത്തുകേസ്സുകളു്പോയവഴി അന്വേഷിച്ചാലു്മതി- നിയമമെന്ന ഒന്നുണു്ടായിരുന്നതു് അപ്രത്യക്ഷമായി!



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