Monday, July 22, 2024

330. The impact of BBC's Modi video has begun


The impact of BBC's Modi video has begun

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Haroldas Bagdisanka. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Attacks started on Hindu temples in Australia. The BJP-appointed Australian Indian High Commissioner alleged that it were Sikhs, who are migrant residents from India, behind the attacks. The job itself of the Indian High Commissioners in Australia appointed by the BJP is to make accusations against Sikhs from India, because the Sikhs in Australia are better off than the Hindus in India under the BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Australia is a country that encouraged immigration for the prosperity of the country, due to its large land area and very small population. We must not forget that hard work was required from those who migrated in the early days, including the Sikhs. Today they are getting the reward for their hard work- a happy prosperous and contended life and recognition!

After the release of this Modi Video by the BBC, the resultant hatred of foreign peoples towards the genocidaire Modi is being unleashed on the Hindu temples that are near at hand and constructed out of fat money without discrimination everywhere in the world. Was it not in the name of Hinduism that Modi unleashed all the violence and the series of murders and Muslim genocide that took place in Gujarat and after Modi became the Prime Minister on the strength of Reliance and Adani and the Election Commission his followers are still continuing them anyway? So the walls of these temples are now full of anti-Indian slogans written by people wherever non-Hindu people live.

About BBC's standards of news reporting and the videos it continuously produces and broadcasts that have global acceptance and political relevance, Narendra Modi said very bad opinions through India's External Affairs Department and central BJP leaders. Using the freshly concocted draconian I. T. Law Amendments, he banned it from being displayed on the internet in India and asked Facebook, Twitter and YouTube also both officially and unofficially to remove it from their social media. Obviously scared! It is clear he is scared that from now onwards his entry into many countries will be impossible due to protests from the people whether he has a diplomatic passport or not, and that he will not be able to walk around anymore without touching the ground like before posing as a world leader!

It seems that Narendra Modi thinks that if he, sitting in the Prime Minister's chair of India and makes a comment about BBC, all Indians will take it at face value! Apart from those who participated in it, and those related to the various BJP organizations that see it as their way of liberation and release, the rest of the people of India today are giving Modi's words about the BBC what importance they will give to the words of a person who took people's salary and votes, sat in a position of power, planned genocide, and carried it out. Are the people of India who are almost as old as him to know about BBC after his telling them about it?

Until 1945, during the Second World War, the people and the soldiers who were in the trenches with communication links cut off knew who was winning, who was losing, who was advancing, and who was retreating, by listening to the BBC radio news which even at that time reached anywhere in the world, crossing seas and mountains. It was those simple battery-operated transistor radios that ensured the victory of the Allied Powers against Hitler and Mussolini on many fronts. Military messages against Japan and Germany to Allied soldiers isolated in remote areas were sent mixed with BBC news using strategic code words. The independence of India and many other colonial countries in 1947 after the Second World War was one of the results of that total political maneuvering.

Today, in 2023, seventy-five years after the BBC saved the world, the India's BJP Prime Minister Modi who is lamenting with the arrogance of power that BBC's revealing him, exposing him, is an insult to India, was then crawling in his knickers. Today, grown up and become a slave to Adani and Reliance, along with a number of other slaves of the same protectors like him, he stands up and shouts that it is an insult to India to call out his crimes with evidence. What insult to India? Was it Modi and the BJP or the BBC who committed the communal riots that killed thousands of people in India? Modi and the BJP are the disgrace to India! It is the response to this ‘insult’ that is happening throughout the world in wherever the Indians are, and where they are not, in the above manner. It is because Modi is a Hindu, because he is in power by selling Hindus in the name of Hindus, and because he is imposing a Hindu Rashtra on a democratically secular India, that the Hindu temples are attacked abroad, representationally. If Modi was a Muslim or a Christian, it would have been the mosques and churches that were attacked there.

Written on 26 January 2023 and first published on: 22 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 26 January 2023 and first published on: 27 January 2023

SM1205. ബീബീസ്സീയുടെ മോദിവീഡിയോയുടെ ആഘാതമാരംഭിച്ചു







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