Tuesday, July 16, 2024

324. It’s because of the hatred and anger of winning elections and forming governments without the people’s voting that the BJP and the Marxist governments are hunting people brutally, continuously!


It’s because of the hatred and anger of winning elections and forming governments without the people’s voting that the BJP and the Marxist governments are hunting people brutally, continuously!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

When an election comes, people vote for a political party or a political front, they win with a good majority, and they govern the country or the state in a manner that never betrays their people, with the confidence that they have the full support of so many people. But what if a political party or front is fully aware that the people did not vote for them for any of the many reasons and they did not get the people’s mandate to form a government unless in a crooked way? As there is no other option, because there is no other way to move on, they will be in the opposition and work very hard to win back the trust of the people in the next election. This was the case in India until about 2016, the form of democracy until then in India. This changed in 2016. Many anti-democratic elements in political parties began to force Indian democracy into a new direction, an untoward and unprecedented one, and it became no more Indian democracy.

The reason for this change is not a lack of faith in democracy, lack of interest in democratic procedures, not even a lack of tolerance for both, of the RSS, BJP and the native Hindu corporates Reliance and Adani who rose up suddenly in Indian politics alighted on the wings of communal hatred and violence and who keep as their ultimate goals totally anti-democratic theocracy and corporate fascism, but their fusing together without cover on the calculation that it is time to fulfill their goal, and in the patent style of theocracy, corporatism and fascism, through intimidation, coercion, persuasion, threatening, using force and influence on the Election Commissions, Supreme Courts and Legislatures, Houses of Representatives and the bureaucracy of the country or through gifts and positions enticing, magnetizing and catching them and bringing them under control, starting the election subversive processes and finally making it permanent.

It can be said that the era of corporate election coups started in India with the election commission and the central government unilaterally agreeing to end the ballot paper and introduce electronic voting machines in a way profitable and beneficial to this political-theocorporate amalgam without the people ever asking for it anywhere anytime, and the Supreme Court’s upholding it. In fact, that only the Election Commission and the BJP have asked for the ballot paper to go and the voting machines to come itself is vexatious and reprehensible, suspicious. That move was their most concrete basic move to install a corporate theocracy. After that it was confirmed and became permanent and taken for granted that even if the people did not vote, they could win the elections and form governments using the existing scientific technologies.

Two governments thus formed were Narendra Modi's BJP government in 2019 at the center and the Marxist coalition government in the state of Kerala in 2021 with Pinarayi Vijayan as the chief minister. If we look at it logically, these two governments would never have been voted by the people due to the heavy corruption allegations and very cruel anti-people measures when they were in power just before that. When looked at in terms of power, it was possible without the people’s voting but with all the constitutional institutions which are the ones in the country to hold the electoral processes and install a government as members in their amalgamation, subverting the democracy of the republic in all moves, that is, whoever the people voted for, they could form governments. Overturning all the old concepts of coups after votes have fallen in the ballot box, it was a new system called pre-polling manipulation that they imposed on the Indian electoral process. Rejecting the people's objection to the electronic voting machines and their demand for bringing back ballot papers, with the Election Commission's forehand, it continues with the fist hand inherent in dictatorships and totalitarian theocracies, and they remain in power even if the people did not vote for them.

Swept away and flowing along with the new theo-corporate tide generated in the country, implementing unconstitutional procedures to install them all in rule, the Election Commission and Judiciary are all moving towards the single goal of Hindu Theocorparate rule. Their only fear is that if the people's clamor for the return of the ballot paper succeeds, the machines will go and their new masters- the BJP and the corporates- also with them, and all will be swept away from power and they too will be imprisoned for these anti-republican activities.

India is a nation that welcomed Plato, who some two thousand years ago fled from Athens in fear of powerful anti-learning enemies, and Christ, who fled from Jerusalem in fear of political enemies and murderer rulers, regardless of religion, caste, or country, and accepted them with open arms. Both of them did not even have a drachma in their purses except for the knowledge inside their heads when they came to India. Still, India sheltered them, educated them and sent them back to their native lands when it was time for them to continue their wars. The students of various countries, mostly poor, who came only in search of knowledge were given money and expenses, waived fees, and taught in the world-renowned ancient international universities at Nalanda and Takshashila where thousands of elephants and tens of thousands of horses were given to teachers for travel at the state’s expense, and were sent to recapture the world. Ancient India did not care about anyone's caste, religion, economic status or citizenship. After that, through time, how many thousands of refugees, including the Dalai Lama and his team who fled in fear of China arrived in India!

It was saying they will recreate this unforgettable and impressive ancient India that Reliance, BJP and Adani together created a new Hindu corporate India government by regularly saboteuring through elections without any democratic guilt, with corporate pleasure. After that the first thing they did was to threaten to open a National Register of Citizens to evict lakhs of people who sought asylums and were living in peace in India. And they did it too. Lakhs of people in India are living today in constant fear that they will be kicked out of their beloved Mother India. In such a way as to create such fear for the first time in the history of the country, are the brains of these aspiring rulers so small, narrow and malicious? Hasn’t Indianness ever not touched them, has it not even passed beside them even through a wind? Are these just narrow-minded, intolerant theocratic corpuscular bundles, religious pundtas, which walk around dressed up with sandal-signed foreheads and saffron-clad limbs?

The basic trait that ran through all these anti-republican actions was the hatred, anger, vehemence and animosity of having had to form government without anyone, including their closest, voting for them! The same hatred towards the people was seen in Narendra Modi's central BJP government's demonetization programme. Those who used to keep their meager day-to-day savings in pots, kitchen dug-ins, and closets wrapped up and saved, without knowing anything about this prohibition became bankrupt by overnight and their lives were ruined. It was again seen in the income tax reforms after which the tax revenue from people multiplied many times and that from corporates shrank drastically. When the administration came into the hands of those who have Hindutwa only in their names and the tails in their names denoting their castes, and who do not have it in their hearts, India finally became like this!

So, how many such cruel actions like these have not come from the central BJP government, which was angry with the people for not having voted for them! The exact same experiences like these were the ones experienced by the people of Kerala too from the Pinarayi Vijayan's Marxist party and its government, a serf party and government of the central BJP, which was born in the same way through the window and so was angry at the people. He joining with his children sold all the seas of the fishermen of Kerala and took money in America- an extreme act of hostility towards working people at par with and with permission from the central BJP Hindu extremist government.

It was just a beginning. Undaunted by the inaction of the central government in the above sea sale by a mere state administration, that too to a foreign entity with a track record of many illegal things, saying the world’s grandest Indian Railways is not enough for him and his party's drug trade and so he is building his own Kerala Rail, with the help of rogue police teams illegally entering people’s homes and planting huge yellow demarcation stones marked K-Rail all inside the people's homes, even in their kitchens and toilets and courtyards and vegetable gardens and access pathways making the lands and houses unable to be sold if and when needed, tried to confiscate ten thousands of acres of their precious cultivated land as his party did in the West Bengal and collapsed, and tried to sell it to foreign land traders through his family members.

He raised land, building, property and electricity and water taxes of the people many times for collecting money and going abroad with his wife, children, grand children and hordes of dummy officers at the state’s expense and spend lavishly- himself one who born in a poor family didn’t do any honest work in his life and earn a single honest rupee, all because the members and secretaries in the Central Committee and the State Committee of his Marxist Party, a supposedly Communist party, became vegetables. Thousands of party workers and dummy leaders who do no jobs in their life but live by exploiting the people are lying hanging and swaying on the tail of this family corruption ring like dumb owls.

Written on 21 April 2023 and first published on: 16 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 21 April 2023 and first published on: 25 April 2023

SM1281. ജനങ്ങളു്വോട്ടുചെയ്യാതെ തെരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പുജയിച്ചു് ഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റുണു്ടാക്കേണു്ടിവന്നതി൯റ്റെ പകകൊണു്ടാണു് ബീജേപ്പീ-മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റുകളു് ജനങ്ങളെക്ക്രൂരമായി നിരന്തരംവേട്ടയാടുന്നതു്



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