Tuesday, July 23, 2024

332. Seeing no other way to save the Hindu corporate Adani who is crumbling throughout the world after share market manipulation, as usual, freshly brewed news that lithium has been found in Kashmir and dropped rumor that mining is for Adani!


Seeing no other way to save the Hindu corporate Adani who is crumbling throughout the world after share market manipulation, as usual, freshly brewed news that lithium has been found in Kashmir and dropped rumor that mining is for Adani!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Manuel Cortés Núñez. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Seeing no other way to save the Hindu corporate Adani who is crumbling throughout the world after share market manipulation, as usual, the centre-ruling BJP freshly brewed news that lithium has been found in Kashmir and dropped rumor that the mining rights are for Adani!

It was known long ago that there is lithium in Kashmir. The British Government, which conducted very detailed studies on the mineral wealth of undivided India before the partition of India into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, kept many of them secret, considering their industrial potential and future competition for it in the world. Many of the most important study reports were never published anywhere, even in India. However, studies had come out in the last hundred years that there is lithium in Kashmir. The extent to which lithium mining is viable in troubled and conflict-ridden Kashmir and how hard the mining, refining and marketing of this mineral on an industrial basis is in the political conditions there was realized even at that time, because Kashmir which was located at the crossroads of world cultures and world trade routes, not only during the time of the British era but even before that was always full of complex problems.

The demand for lithium which is essential for making electric vehicle batteries has skyrocketed in this century as the world moved into the electric vehicles market. Even a long ago, based on old studies, many world industrial giants had thought of mining lithium in Kashmir, but the political instability of the region pulled them back. It was then that the Adani Hindu Corporate Group, which is one of the pillars of BJP's Hindu Rashtra construction programme, collapsed in the world market after revelations of its manipulations in the stock market, and the Hindu Rashtra dreams of Reliance Industries, Adani and BJP fell apart. The BJP’s Narendra Modi’s central government's attempt to save Adani by taking government money and investing it in the Adani's market through national institutions and public sector banks was exposed, thwarted, defeated and doing so was thus made impossible by the opposition Congress Party's relentless intervention- though the effort is still going on. It was the attempts to help finance and save the fallen-apart Adani by bypassing the angry and agitated shareholders in his companies that failed.

So it was when the stage reached when all the ways to save Adani were closed, the old news that there are lithium reserves in Kashmir was re-released. The news of lithium reserves in not only there but in many other parts of the country also was released again immediately after. As in all things with BJP and the Narendra Modi’s government, there was no need for spreading the rumor also that it’s mining, refining and marketing will be handed over to Adani or Reliance: it was understood. Everyone knows it now.

After the stock market system came along, by spreading as illegal insider information before it is officially released and is available to others that there is oil in that part of the sea that is his, and gold has been found in his piece of the desert, how many people in how many parts of the world have saved how many such fraudulent and collapsing companies like these from total collapse for a while! But the ambition that the money of the usual greedy people, who mistakenly believe that good times have come for Adani and join and invest money in shares of such companies who they think have good times to make a good profit, could be got hold of was not fulfilled in this. That dream did not take off because it still remains a bad claim because it is rooted in the politically turbulent and volatile Kashmir.

Even when the Modi-Adani Syndicate released this news, the indigenous terrorist groups inside Kashmir have already come forward claiming the right theirs. By the time Adani is moved there and plants for mineral extraction and processing are set up as a long-term project, it will take at least ten years if it is in Kashmir and that too only if the unexpected and unpredictable battles with the local people are won. Even long before that Adani’s enterprises will have disappeared from this earth! So the current program is not to open that plant and operate it there, but to spread new promises and hope that the good times have come for Adani and just grab a few more bucks before the sunset from the stock market which he has already collapsed. It means that despite the collapse, the manipulation of him and his close friend BJP’s for him does not stop but continue.

Written on 11 February 2023 and first published on: 23 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 11 February 2023 and first published on: 18 February 2023

SM1217. കൃത്രിമംകാണിച്ചു് ലോകംമുഴുവ൯തക൪ന്നുകൊണു്ടിരിക്കുന്ന ഹിന്ദുക്കോ൪പ്പറേറ്റദാനിയെരക്ഷിക്കാ൯ മറ്റൊരുവഴിയുംകാണാതെ കാഷു്മീരിലു് ലിഥിയംകണു്ടുപിടിച്ചെന്നു് പുതുതായിവാ൪ത്തയുണു്ടാക്കി, പതിവുപോലെ ഖനനം അദാനിയു്ക്കാണെന്നു് ശ്രുതിയുമിറക്കി!



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