Monday, July 22, 2024

329. Corporate tightening in the entertainment sector- YouTube downloads now only for the moneyed rich!


Corporate tightening in the entertainment sector- YouTube downloads now only for the moneyed rich!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Headway. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Corporate crackdown in the entertainment sector- YouTube downloads now only for the moneyed rich! This is not only done by Google, it’s done by all other corporates, and not only in the entertainment sector but in almost every other sector also, with the support of the anti-people governments in various countries. What are disappearing through this are the democratic freedoms and rights on information, knowledge and news that people have gained through mass uprisings and revolutions in Britain, America, France, India and Russia through decades and ages. The most important among them is the right to know! For instead of taking legal action and parliamentary decisions against these anti-knowledge dissemination decisions, depicting them as a normal thing in front of the people and not even reacting to it, what these country heads, national political leaders and their parties get in return from these corporations is the benefit of suppression of their dictatorial, autocratic and anti-people actions, their fascist measures, without coming to public attention. And it is an inherent characteristic of all corporates in general too.

It's not that YouTube is against people downloading the videos they host, they are facilitating it. They are against people downloading without paying for them! They provide the facility to download them for those who have paid memberships called premium memberships. That's why it was asked if it is after paying them and obtaining specific permissions from the political leaders and the crowds whose voices and images are used in the news videos sector that they are selling them. Even if the governments without principles, those in those governments and the representatives of the people who take their benefits- and the law upholders too- do not feel any illegality in it, but the people do.

After you download a video, you only have to pay the cost of your computer or other devices and its maintenance costs to watch it offline when you have time. But when it comes to online viewing, you have to pay your service provider the cost of staying on the Internet for that long. That is what this trap is for. Whether it is YouTube or others, they are all equal partners in this collective farming venture.

Governments are also involved in that partnership. The attitude is 'go and come back as a slave of the corporate...then will we give you any government service...’ Will they bring a citizen closer to any government service, as has been happening for some time, without getting hold of the information on his Google's G-Mailing or Microsoft's Hot-Mailing or Yahoo’s Yahoo Mailing, for re-selling? Even the government of the comrades of the Marxist Party in Kerala will not allow you to submit a single application to the government if you do not bring the records and documents of your corporate slavery, and unless by online they will not receive any applications to government too. These are the corporate dogs, monkeys and snakes!

In July 2024, with the temporary collapse of Microsoft, the online sector came to a standstill, all Internet services that were once supposed and advertised as never going to stop were stopped, and even flight services including bookings and ticketing were disrupted. The online transactions and the office dealings of the government of Kerala, which is a vicious, heinous, incompetent, evil anti-people government which makes a dollar wherever a dollar could be made by scratching the hind of a corporate, were but carried out without interruption, because the previous Congress governments of the state had moved them all from Microsoft Corporation which provides services for payment to Ubuntu which is free software that provides services without payment. When is this model going to be created on YouTube?

We are not talking about the proprietary videos like movies produced after paying money as remuneration to from producers, directors, actors, cameramen and editors to production boys, make-up artists, drivers and even wall poster-layers in which many have ownership rights which have been transferred, but news videos where the people and the people's leaders are filmed without paying them and released without obtaining their specific separate permissions.

Is there any corporate in the world that’s without greed? Have seen any government or political party that is not the ultimate miserable slave of corporations? All this is happening because political parties and governments are not able to make rules for businesses now as they used to. It means that there is still room for revolutions, still time for revolutions. That's why the Prime Minister of Bharatiya Janata Party, the most regressive political party in the world that made India, the most populated country in the world, into the slave of the most number of corporations in the world, said they are considering banning the word revolution in all languages.

Written on 17 July 2024 and first published on: 22 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 17 July 2024 and first published on: 19 July 2024

SM1616. എ൯റ്റ൪ട്ടെയി൯മെ൯റ്റുമേഖലയിലു് കോ൪പ്പറേറ്റുകടുംപിടിമുറുക്കലു്- യൂട്യൂബുഡൗണു്ലോഡുകളിനി പണമുള്ളവ൪ക്കുമാത്രം! ജനങ്ങളുടെ അറിയാനുള്ളയവകാശമോ? വാ൪ത്താവീഡിയോകളിലെ നേതാക്ക൯മാ൪ക്കും ജനക്കൂട്ടങ്ങളു്ക്കും പണംകൊടുക്കുന്നുണു്ടോ?




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