Saturday, July 27, 2024

337. Either the institutions built by the old governments are sold and cashed in and the commissions collected, or the old buildings built by others are renamed, and the PM of BJP is sleeping with the relish that he has built a new India, feeling fulfillment!


Either the institutions built by the old governments are sold and cashed in and the commissions collected, or the old buildings built by others are renamed, and the PM of BJP is sleeping with the relish that he has built a new India, feeling fulfillment!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Zanyar Ibrahim. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Either the institutions and industries built by the old governments are being sold and cashed in and the commissions collected collectively, or the old buildings erected by others are being renamed, and the PM of BJP is sleeping with the relief and relish that he has built a new India, feeling fulfillment! Why should a person who has no contribution of his own to the country and people other than hatred and alienation among the people and a number of motionless statues go for the job of this Prime Minister?

The Ashoka Hall of the President’s residence in New Delhi was renamed as Ashoka Mandapam and the Durbar Hall as Gana Tantra Mandapam in July 2024, as notified by the President herself. The President's statement says that the names from the British Pre-Independence Era have been changed to protect and keep up with the country's culture and customs, notwithstanding these two beautiful halls having been built combining the Pre-Indian Moghul, the Indian and the Italian architecture. It looks like the next name change will be that of New Delhi! India's name had already been changed to Bharatham by them. Why are these who are afraid that if they change the English names in the country to Hindi names or other Indian language names ​​and not to Sanskritized names, they will lose the support of a number of Hindu ghost souls and evil spirits who are still existing in the body of the nation by embracing and clinging to this language which was not ready and never willing to grow up with the world by assimilating new words from other languages like an untouchable outrage and is dead cold long past, and that if so they will fall from power, not closely following if not strictly adhering to, the old true Indian Hindu tradition and custom which they shout they are following and holding on to and protecting, not following that one single Hindu tradition that, though foreigners can be welcomed and received by them, they will lose and will be out of Hinduism if they cross the Indian seas and go abroad? Isn’t that what the President and the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who are making so much noise and clamor and claiming they are doing so many things in the name of the country's culture and customs, should have done in the first place personally?

Shouldn't they have in the first place taken the Hindu Bharatha pledge that they will not cross anymore the Indian seas and go to England, America, Russia or China for a dinner party, not even for attending a conference, and will spend the rest of their lives lying on the special native soil of India? Why show all this farce without doing just that? Don't they remember that even Gandhi was expelled from the Hindu community for crossing the seas when he went abroad for studying law? So that’s the Hindu tradition, the Indian custom they say. These people who mention and speak in the name of Hindu tradition, Indian customs and Indian history and follow only those of them which they can pleasurably follow without inhibitions on their making money and enjoying pleasure, and completely reject those by following which they cannot do both, are people who think if they take the clothes of Patel and Chandra Boss and put them on, they will become Patel and Boss.

If a country like Hindu Rashtra is considered to be a welfare state, if it is self-sufficient in all respects as envisioned, then why does one pass the boundaries and go across the sea even for pleasure! Isn't happiness part of self-sufficiency like in neighboring Bhutan?

Written on 26 July 2024 and first published on: 27 July 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 26 July 2024 and first published on: 27 July 2024

SM1618. ഒന്നുകിലു് പഴയഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റുകളുണു്ടാക്കിയ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങളു് വിലു്ക്കുന്നു, പണമാക്കുന്നു, കൂട്ടമായി കമ്മീഷനടിക്കുന്നു, അല്ലെങ്കിലു് മറ്റുള്ളവരുണു്ടാക്കിയ പഴയകെട്ടിടങ്ങളുടെ പേരുമാറ്റുന്നു, പുതിയ ഇ൯ഡൃ കെട്ടിപ്പടുത്തെന്നു് ആശ്വാസമടഞ്ഞു് നി൪വൃതികൊണു്ടു് ബീജേപ്പീയുടെ പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിയുറങ്ങുന്നു!




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