Sunday, May 12, 2024

256. It is not the first time that Britain and the United States betray Israel: Arab countries and their oil have always been important to them. This has been going on since the birth of Israel in 1948. Israel knows that too. That is why they disobey them


It is not the first time that Britain and the United States betray Israel: Arab countries and their oil have always been important to them. This has been going on since the birth of Israel in 1948. Israel knows that too. That is why they disobey them

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Brett Wharton. Graphics: Adobe SP.

It is not the first time that Britain and the United States betray Israel: Arab countries and their oil have always been important to them. This has been going on since the birth of Israel in 1948. Israel knows that too. That is why they disobey them.

When according to the decision of the United Nations Palestine was cut into two for the Israelis to establish their own state, like what happened in India at the same time when Britain was retreating from the other side of Asia, knowing well that there will be a fierce and bloody war between two religious groups to capture places including Jerusalem, Britain who had been ruling there for over a quarter century and allowing weapons supplied by the Arab countries to reach the Arabs in Palestine, till they vacated their mandate in Palestine and evacuated, prevented the arms Israel purchased from many countries by paying money from reaching the Israelis through continuous raids and intercepting them wherever possible by branding them as illegal.

Harry S. Truman who was the American President then also took the same stand. Britain and America both deceived Israel through their treacherous decisions on the ending of the British Mandate. These two countries that made the decision to cut Palestine into two and establish an Israel nation there themselves drained weapons to the Arabs while at the same time preventing weapons from reaching the Israelis such that in the fight when Britain withdraws the Arabs will gain a dominance. Their positions were that, if Israel would become a still-birth and vanish from the world, then why bother the Arabs anywhere in the world unnecessarily. The irony, the biting wit, was that Israel was not going be a still-birth. It survived and continued. Do not forget that all the vehicles including the armed personnel carriers used by the Arabs who carried out the explosions in the Israeli quarter in Palestine belonged to the British military. It was the British military officers who accepting from American Dollar to whiskey as bribes used to give the Arabs in advance military secret information on when and how they were going to retreat from Israel and Jaffa, giving the Arabs an opportunity to sneak in and gain control in those places in advance of the Israelis.

Today, seeing the military exercises and diplomatic maneuvers being conducted by America and Britain who pose as the saviors of Israel, it will seem that the after-generations of Golda Meir, Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Rabin have forgotten the treacheries of America and Britain towards them since 1929. It is the exact and mathematically-equated and balanced retaliation for every Arab bullet that has fallen there with their help that after ninety-four years Israel has been raining down on Gaza including Khan Yunis, Ghaza City and Rafa and the West Bank along the Jordan River. They are asking the same question that the world also is asking, that, if there are seventy beautiful women reserved and kept in that heaven for each of them when they go there after killing each other and others, then why not the Arabs go there happily.

Written on 27 February 2024 and first published on: 12 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 27 February 2024 and first published on: 28 February 2024

SM1542. ഇസ്സ്രായേലിനെ ബ്രിട്ടനുമമേരിക്കയുംചതിക്കുന്നതു് ആദ്യമായല്ല: അവ൪ക്കെപ്പോഴുമറബിരാഷ്ട്രങ്ങളും അവരുടെയെണ്ണയുമാണുപ്രധാനം. ഇസ്സ്രായേലു്ജനിച്ച 1948മുതലിതുതുടരുന്നതാണു്. അതിസ്സ്രായേലിനുമറിയാം. അതാണവരിവരെയനുസരിക്കാത്തതു്








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