Monday, May 20, 2024

270. If the BJP government is uncomfortable with being called fascist, then why did they show the world's filth by expelling 143 members of the opposition in the 540-member parliament and passing crucial bills? Isn't that the ultimate proof of being fascist?


If the BJP government is uncomfortable with being called fascist, then why did they show the world's filth by expelling 143 members of the opposition in the 540-member parliament and passing crucial bills? Isn't that the ultimate proof of being fascist?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Marc Olivier Jodoin. Graphics: Adobe SP.

If the BJP government is uncomfortable with being called fascist, then why did they show the world's filth by expelling 143 members of the opposition in the 540-member parliament and passing crucial bills? Isn't that the ultimate proof of being fascist? For it to be proved this was a democratic butchery perpetrated jointly by the media, the legislature and the judiciary who consider themselves the pillars of democracy, one needn’t wait for months or years for the judiciary to decide on this case like in the Ayodhya Temple Case, Babari Masjid Mosque Demolition Case and the Muslim Girls’ Face Veil Case: People already know what the verdict will be. Unlike the earlier times, unlike the periods before the dawn of Reliance and BJP, unlike the old behavior of reacting on the spot, on the same day, why was there no response in India's media despite such a huge fascist move butchering democracy happened? Did anyone find at least one line in any medium in India condemning this as fascism and saying that it should be stopped?

Have anyone ever heard the outlier parties like the Marxist Party of India who claim to be hard-core anti-BJP or any of their state Chief Ministers (there’s only one now!) like Pinarayi Vijayan in Kerala who shocks the other parties and the political tree-chameleons by giving fire-spitting anti-BJP speeches, speak a single word that without the representation and consent of the people of the country's all 543 parliamentary constituencies, a few of the representatives of the BJP from a few of the constituencies sitting together in Parliament and passing unilaterally the most critical amendment laws of India that affect people in that 143 constituencies also completely, such as the Indian Penal Code, the Indian Criminal Procedure Code and the Indian Evidence Act after kicking out the opposition parties and members, is fascism?

Where else in the world, except in some fascist countries and old monarchies and under the BJP's Reliance rule in India, has the passing of a law by completely trampling and kicking out the opposition members been done? This is the second time this happens in India by challenging the people and their representational democracy. Don't remember when three Agricultural Reforms Amendment Bills were passed in the Indian Parliament for the benefit of the Indian Hindu Theo-Corporate called Reliance by the BJP by overriding and kicking out the opposition and the Supreme Court refused to interfere in it? Doesn't anyone see that this has become the nature of the fascists in the executive, legislature, judiciary and the media in India today? Otherwise, why had the BJP have to kick out the opposition on both occasions to pass these crucial bills? What is fascism other than this? Isn't this an indication that the future laws and regulations and legislations to be enacted in India that are going to totally change the nut and bolt of the social life and governance of the country to suit and to be in tune with the Hindu anarchic beliefs will be in the same way?

We did not hear a single voice from anywhere that it was a massive conspiracy against democracy that was going on here, is going on here. Today on the side of democracy there is no Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, Media or constitutional institutions like Election Commission- nothing, nobody. There are only people there. And without them there is no democracy anyway! Democracy is where they stand!! Everything else is just a part of something else. All the others by moving themselves through rapid political maneuvers and arbitrary law-making without the consent of the people reached a position on the opposite side and finally came to stand against the people and democracy. That is where they reached and stand now.

Have you not seen it written in the history books that there was once a head money called Jaziya realized from Hindus in India under the rule of the Muslim emperors? It is written there that there was this head money once, not today. Later, law makers revoked it, ruled that it was uncivilized and rejected it. Aren’t these Hindu religious Theo-Corporate legislations that came to be enacted by subverting the constitution, republicanism and democracy of the country with the help of constitutional institutions and the four supposed democratic pillars to ensure a ten-or-fifteen-year rule and existence of the religious corporations that sprang up under the BJP regime going the same way?

Fascism is thinking they themselves only need consulting among themselves and making laws that affect the millions of people in India's five hundred and forty-three parliamentary constituencies without asking them, without knowing their opinion, and without obtaining their permission. Or instead of taking these decisions of law making in the corporate political board rooms, why don’t hold national referendums before that in a democratic way to know what the people’s say on these things are? It was heard that they are against calling Bharatiya Janata Party as fascist, and that they have filed some cases against it somewhere. Then what are they to be called- Democratic Party, or Religious Theo-Corporate Party?

Written on 20 December 2023 and first published on: 20 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 20 December 2023 and first published on: 21 December 2023

SM1482. ഫാസ്സിസ്സു്റ്റെന്നുവിളിക്കുന്നതിലു് ബീജേപ്പീഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റിനസ്വസ്ഥതയെങ്കിലു് 540അംഗപാ൪മെ൯റ്റിലു് 143പ്രതിപക്ഷാംഗങ്ങളെയും പുറത്താക്കിയിട്ടു് നി൪ണ്ണായകനിയമബില്ലുകളു്പാസ്സാക്കിയ ലോകവൃത്തികേടുകാണിച്ചതെന്തിനു്? ഫാസ്സിസ്സു്റ്റാണെന്നതി൯റ്റെ പരമതെളിവല്ലേയതു്?





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