Friday, May 17, 2024

265. After the construction and inauguration of ten temples like this under the leadership of BJP and the corporations, the people will begin to think that the time for royal rule is overdue!


After the construction and inauguration of ten temples like this under the leadership of BJP and the corporations, the people will begin to think that the time for royal rule is overdue!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By William B. Graphics: Adobe SP.

After the construction and inauguration of ten temples like this under the leadership of BJP and the corporations, the people will have begun to think that the time for royal rule is overdue! It is clear the same is the intention. In Florence in Italy in the pre-Renaissance fifteenth century, it was for warning people that their ruler Sir. Lorenzo as a prelude to dictatorial rule was making festivals become an intoxicant among people through day-night state-sponsored dancing and singing and spectacular carnival-parading, to make people forget their political powers, the Dominican friar Savo Narola was captured, tied to a pole, dry grass scattered around, and burned at the stake. Isn’t the same that is happening in India verbatim, i.e. over-indulging people in festivities and making them forget their political powers?

There, the dictator designed carnival processions by inviting the famous artists Michael Angelo and Leonardo Da-Vinci and paying them money. The order was that they should be bright, brilliant and colorful, the people should never forget these spectacles, they should remain in people’s minds for ever and should be remembered, and that nothing else shall come into their minds! What else were Narendra Modi and his associate corporations and businessmen doing at the inauguration of the Rama Temple in Ayodhya on 22 January 2024?

The king, the castles, the courtiers, the ministers, the servants, the entourage, the queens, and the courtesans, have all started coming into the minds of the people. They are waiting, looking to see when it will become a reality. In abroad too, big celebrations were held. After India, the most celebrations and dances took place in France where socialism was born. No one even thinks if it is dangerous or not. That Rama temple was celebrated there is being celebrated here! It is the relief that the king has returned and been reinstated that they feel. There are those who think what danger is there in this. It was by decapitating the king that socialism and democracy came to France and following in its footsteps democracy to India and a type of a barbaric primitive communism to Russia. It makes one wonder if there are so many retards and rogues and primitives who want to go back.

An article has also been written in these lines that examined the possibility of declaring an emperor for the Hindu Nation without democracy. (Published in Malayalam on 13 July 2019 when the BJP came to power for the second time at the Centre):

114. Will the BJP be dissolved when the Reliance chief is declared the emperor of India? What will BJP do?

Written on 23 January 2024 and first published on: 17 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 23 January 2024

SM1514. ബീജേപ്പീയുടെയും കോ൪പ്പറേഷനുകളുടെയും നേതൃത്വത്തിലു് ഇതുപോലെപത്തുക്ഷേത്രങ്ങളുടെ നി൪മ്മാണവുമുലു്ഘാടനവുംകഴിയുമ്പോളു് രാജഭരണത്തിനുകാലമായെന്നു് ജനങ്ങളു്ചിന്തിച്ചുതുടങ്ങിക്കൊള്ളും






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