Thursday, May 23, 2024

274. Will the Palestinian government eventually become a government-in-exile in Iran or Russia?


Will the Palestinian government eventually become a government-in-exile in Iran or Russia?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

If Israel continues bombing in Gaza in Palestine, they would kill the 150 Israelis they had taken hostage after crossing into Israel- that is what the terrorists who turned to terrorism after Yasser Arafat, ruled Palestine for long since, based in Gaza now attacked Israel and made Gaza a mess, say. If the hostages are all killed, then when the war tightens, what will they bargain with? Seeing as the war is going on, it seems that the terrorists who seized control of Palestine after Yassar Arafat and ruled there for a long time will have to finally go with those who remain un-killed in this war to Iran, Russia or Egypt and establish a government-in-exile there and live there for the rest of their lives. How many people who ran away from their countries like this in the past have put up their governments-in-exile in London! It looks they don't allow it there now anymore.

A government or people that have lost control of all the land and administration that was under them and migrated to another country are called a government-in-exile. In adverse conditions and during occupation by foreign countries all have that happened, such governments born. Even in London itself, the governments-in-exile of Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Greece, Norway and the Netherlands have functioned. The expelled Luxembourg aristocracy’s has worked in Montreal, Canada also.

Each of these hostages in the captivity of terrorists knows that the Gaza terrorists motivated, misguided and completely insane by religion will kill them all in the end no matter what. They remain in imprisonment knowing they are going to be martyrs for their country. Even the little ones among these prisoners know it. Every citizen of Israel also knows this, and their government, their army, and every nation in the world. That is why, by overnight, Palestine and Gaza lost the support they had received from the world for the past fifty years. That is why, and because of that, the world came to the firm decision that if those babies are sure to die, then none of these animals shall live to enjoy sunlight and fresh air again. That is how the 1,500 terrorists who entered Israel on their Sabbath day went to a world where there is no sunlight and fresh air and that's why every time they remember a Gaza terrorist it is Saddam Hussein’s and Bin Laden’s faces they remember. That is why Israel is now waging war as if there were no hostages in the custody of the Gaza terrorists with a no-prisoners-taken policy. All people on the opposite side are killed- no one is taken prisoner. In countries like Israel, where the state is considered more important than the citizen, arguments and bargaining with hostages are worth nothing, it will not sell.

The number of scumbags in the world who favor hostage situations and the practice of this kind of bargaining with hostages are not small. Wherever there are undemocratic rogue countries and parties in the world, they are all on the side of the Gaza terrorists against Israel- Russia, China, Qatar, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Syria, North Korea, even the Marxist Party of India, and so on. Even a few European countries like Ireland, Norway and Spain have joined their side on 22 May 2024 as a joint decision- not a political decision but an economic decision, to bargain with the USA in future. It means these Gaza terrorists are not alone! Moreover, as for the pseudo-communists like those in India, Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba, the Qur'an of Muhammad is now placed high above the Das Capital of Marx. It is money, not ideology that has moved in this and turned them upside down. It means that Muhammad purchased Marx for a price for his next uprising in the world. It's just that many who shout slogans of Marxism at the maximum of their throats even in Kerala do not recognize it!

Now there are only the drug exporting countries and the gold and silver smuggling countries to join this. World leaders such as Prakash Karat, Sitaram Yechury and Pinarayi Vijayan of the Communist Marxist Party of India may, undertaking this mission, visit these countries to unite them! Many of these countries are already on the businesses travel itinerary of these leaders. Now this itinerary will expand.

Palestine which is separated and designated as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip is governed by sixteen governorates and four hundred and five regional administrations under a president. The total area is six thousand square kilometers and the language is Arabic. Only a very few countries in the world including India have recognized their government. It’s changing and Europe, and even England, is turning towards and arguing for recognition of the Palestine government which they did not for fifty years since its formation but remembered now! Although there are many areas under the Palestinian presidency, the administration of Gaza has been in the hands of terrorists due to the fall of Yasser Arafat who ran the affairs in a manner favorable to the world and his Palestinian Liberation Organization and the consequent disappearance of many leaders from the public political scene, and also due to indiligence of the people.

Although many countries in the world have turned backward from assigning the same status they gave to the PLO and the Fatah Party which remained critical and decisive in liberating and establishing the Palestinian state and in gaining world recognition for it to the terrorists who seized power in Gaza after PLO, Yazar Arafat and Fatah Party, in India the old Indian National Congress and the Communist Party in India (Marxist), without recognizing the new realities and changing policies and positions, are still walking declaring support for these terrorists, to buy the votes of Muslims who neither acknowledge nor accept the same realities and changes. And now Ireland, Norway and Spain…!

Written on 09 October 2023 and first published on: 23 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 09 October 2023 and first published on: 11 October 2023

SM1431. പാലസ്സു്റ്റീ൯ഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റൊടുവിലു് ഇറാനിലോ റഷ്യയിലോ പ്രവാസ്സിഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റാകുമോ?







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