Thursday, May 16, 2024

262. Is it correct to judge the events that happened 1.2 million years ago by today's social rules? Were not the social rules and behavior during the times of Rama and Ravana different?


Is it correct to judge the events that happened 1.2 million years ago by today's social rules? Were not the social rules and behavior during the times of Rama and Ravana different?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Franz Bachinger Austria. Graphics: Adobe SP.

A year of human beings on earth is a day and night of unearthly gods. Three hundred and sixty-five human years is a Deva year. Looking at it this way, it was human beings’ twelve lakh and ninety six thousand (1296000) years that the Treta Yuga which was the second of the Yugas in which Lord Vishnu manifested as Vamana, Parasu Rama and Rama, the fifth, sixth and seventh incarnations respectively three times in the same Yuga, existed. Even this was so many lakhs (hundred thousands) of years ago! It too is imagined, depicted and worshiped as having existed not in the extraterrestrial world but on earth itself.

It is these that many Hindus in India and abroad and the Hindu corporates who lined up in the ruling BJP which rose to power ascended on the wings of their superstitions are saying there are historical records, remnants and evidences for, and doing the lip exercise to try to establish as history. When we hear that the Hindu Rashtra fanatic Narendra Modi, the Hindu extremist organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s Chief Mohan Bhagwat, and the various Indian Hindu Theo Corporations’ forerunners Mukesh and Adani lined up, and built and inaugurated a Rama Temple in Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh, we should have understood the rest, but many people do not understand. Even the time of Christ which was comparatively very recent has been past for only two thousand years. Even the records of many things of that time could not be found. Even the Dead Sea Scrolls found recently and which were written very recently too has not been able to be proved authenticity.

The Krita Yuga which lasted for 17, 28,000 years began 38, 91,102 years before Christ and ended by 21, 63,102 B.C. If Christ Years 2023 too are added, the Krita Yuga ended 21, 65,125 years before today. The Treta Yuga which was the second to come and which lasted for 12, 96,000 years ended 8, 67,102 years before Christ in 21,63,102 B. C. If two thousand and twenty-three years of the modern era too are added, the Treta Yuga ended eight hundred sixty-seven thousand and one hundred twenty-five (8, 67,125) years before today.

The Dwapara Yuga that came after that and lasted for 8, 64,000 years started 8, 67,102 years before Christ and ended recently in B.C. 3,102. If Christ years 2023 too are added, the third Dwapara Yuga ended 5,125 years ago. With that, in 3102 B. C., the last of this cycle, Kali Yuga (or Kalkki Yuga), which is current and which will last 432,000 years began. It will end only after 4, 26,875 years from today. (The cycle will repeat, because nothing is imagined midst this that the earth and the universe will destruct!).

It is of the events that happened during this period of about one million years ago that they say there are evidence and records for! There have been major errors in chronology: if the chronology is correct, then the observations are wrong, and if the observations are correct, then the chronology is wrong. Because they say the chronology is correct, their observations are completely wrong. They know we are not going to Treta Yuga to see and verify things!

Here are some facts that confuse us. It was in the India which saw and was steeped in the full glory and the lush greenery of the agriculture of the Dravidian clans that stretched from the Indus River valley, passing the South India, and reaching to even Sri Lanka, that the Rama who came here and transitioned through generations and the Ravana who was here itself all lived- if they lived-, twelve hundred thousand years before, in the Treta Yuga. In those days, the social rules and the rules of human behavior were very different from those of today. The situation becomes even more different if we also take into account the fact that matriarchy and patriarchy alternated between tribes in the human society in the exact intervals of about thirty thousand years of history. Is it correct to judge the events of that day by today's social norms?

Does it say in any Ramayana that Sita was bodily carried away by Ravana and was defiled by keeping her inside his palace instead of under a garden tree outside always guarded? Still, Lord Rama insulted and accused Sita in the public forum as a defiled woman. Humiliated and disgraced, Sita prayed: 'I don't want to live anymore my mother... please come and take me away...’ And it is said in every Ramayana that Mother Earth, the Bhumi Devi, her actual mother, came and split the earth and took away her daughter- the most heart-rending and tearful scene in Ramayana. Is this not suicide? How will those who evaluate the events of that day in terms of today's social norms evaluate this? According to today's legal code, what do we do with the husband when his wife commits suicide? Why don't they answer any of these? Are not the Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the BJP who went all around India shouting the building of a Rama Temple, the Chairman of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Mohan Bhagwat, and those multi Hindu Theo-Corporates who tried to gain undue and immense profits in the coming years through various parliamentary legislations like the Agricultural Amendment Act made and enacted through these extreme Hindu fanatics who sold out Hinduism for reaching power, to answer these?

Were Sree Rama and his family and those who were with them herbivores or carnivores? Were there actually bipèd herbivores in the animal-plenty Treta Yuga? Was it because he did not know tree-climbing that Rama walked the forests wearing bows and arrows to fell fruits and berries from trees? Or was it to fell deer? Because many such issues that have arisen due to these people are irrelevant, it is not attempted to go into them here.

Written on 23 January 2024 and first published on: 16 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 23 January 2024 and first published on: 24 January 2024

SM1516. പന്ത്രണു്ടുലക്ഷംവ൪ഷങ്ങളു്ക്കുമുമ്പുനടന്നസംഭവങ്ങളെ ഇന്നത്തെസ്സാമൂഹ്യനിയമങ്ങളു്വെച്ചു് വിലയിരുത്തുന്നതുശരിയോ? രാമ൯റ്റെയുംരാവണ൯റ്റെയുംകാലത്തെ സാമൂഹ്യനിയമങ്ങളുംപെരുമാറ്റവുമെല്ലാം വ്യത്യസു്തമായിരുന്നില്ലേ?



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