Thursday, May 23, 2024

275. The tunnels in Gaza, which would have sheltered at least two lakh people, are becoming alien to the Muslims of Gaza due to the selfishness of the terrorists they raised


The tunnels in Gaza, which would have sheltered at least two lakh people, are becoming alien to the Muslims of Gaza due to the selfishness of the terrorists they raised

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

It seems that the terrorists, who made the kilometers and kilometers long tunnels under Gaza that go with branches and sub-branches and branchlets and took shelter inside them, will never come to the outside world to see the light of day again. All their plans and blueprints have already been negotiated and handed over to Israel by renegade terrorist groups itself, in exchange for their lives. Israel is now thinking about carpet- bombing them for several kilometers. How many years later, when the earth is dug again or when the earth collapses, will even their remains be found!

The hope in the Muslim world that in these kilometers-long tunnels they might have given shelter to the other Arab Muslims in Gaza too came to be misplaced: the Muslim community who produced the most number of terrorists in the world must know that there is no such selfish and intolerant group of dissatisfied souls in the world as these products of theirs! Not only that, they will not even be willing to share the air, water, food and arms resources in the tunnels that are necessary for their survival for a month or at least even a week as the circumstances dictate, with their non-terrorist Muslim brothers or even with those who belong to terrorist groups other than theirs too. Remember that at the time of death, they too like all other people call Mother…, not Allah….!

Thus, the tunnels of Gaza, for the Muslim people of Gaza who are running for refuge from the Israeli counterattacks, are becoming new theaters of the selfishness and deceit of their own terrorists, whom they protected once by giving places for hiding, food, refuge and power, and even their women and children to fornicate. Out of a population of 20 lakhs (2 million), these tunnels of Gaza, which would have been a refuge in their own land for the 200,000 people who fled the country during the war which was created not by them but by the activists and terrorists through attacking Israel and receiving in return what was ten times higher in magnitude, and for another 200,000 people also, remain inaccessible and alien to the Muslims of Gaza.

Like the Talibans in Afghanistan who bore into mountains and made sanctuaries, they created such an elaborated tunnel system as safe havens and went underground to live, collect and store weapons, and challenge democratic countries by sending warhead-carrying rockets from there. Had they spent the human effort and resource they spent on this for the happiness, welfare and prosperity of their brethren Muslim people, the world would have praised them. But they didn’t. (Even these tunnels were made through forced slave labor at gunpoint by force-recruiting the poor people of Gaza!). Out of habit, disposition, nature and convoluted religious beliefs they chose to spend those resources and manpower this way. If the Muslim people in other parts of the world including in India are prepared to gulp down and swallow these terrorists’ interpretations of the Qur'an that the Qur'an says to do what they do, it is their business, but at the same time, do not any of them dream of the day when the whole world could be led to the same stupidity. The world is not that short-sighted or closed.

Even the Muslim rulers of Egypt do not give shelter to the Muslim people of Gaza who come seeking asylum. Their thinking is why they should allow the terrorists fleeing from Gaza without success in Israel’s counter-attacks and infiltrating the refugee columns in search of salvation to endanger their country also. Despite not only Israel and the United States but also the United Nations Organization and many other countries requesting them, Egypt does not open their borders to refugees.

Iran which walked spreading its horns is now begging its bitter enemies like Saudi Arabia to tell the Americans not to attack them. This mercy-discussion was started on the advice of Russia which instilled in them spirit, gave them courage and weapons, and sent them away to fight with the Israeli forces, and which is now terrified at and watching with fear what is happening right now, and also on the co-advice of China, which is using its administrative power, police, army and everything else at their disposal to slaughter the Muslim people in provinces like Xinjiang and Yunnan through serial genocide. How many people’s legs should one go and hold to stay alive!

Even Saudi Arabia, which tried to get away from this melee, soon understood that if it is isolated in the modern world, it will be isolated like Iran, and like Syria and Lebanon it will have to live in fear of everyone forever! In the midst of this throes a death dirge and lamentation also was heard, from the Gaza terrorists who were crashing down all around, that their desire for domination is of the whole world, starting with Israel!! Where is the Muslim dream of world domination now brothers? Who are with you? When we think about it, in the end, we will all have to deal with and co-exist with other religious people of our own country, and pass the world with the elation and peace of brotherhood- just like they do in India! Have not the Hindus in India who did not want world domination but wanted an autocracy or a dictatorship in kind also had to face the same thing?

Written on 12 October 2023 and first published on: 23 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 12 October 2023

SM1433. രണു്ടുലക്ഷംജനങ്ങളു്ക്കെങ്കിലും അഭയമാകുമായിരുന്ന ഗാസ്സയിലെത്തുരങ്കങ്ങളു് തങ്ങളു്വള൪ത്തിയഭീകരരുടെ സ്വാ൪ത്ഥതകാരണം ഗാസ്സയിലെമുസ്ലിമുകളു്ക്കന്യമാവുകയാണു്








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