Thursday, May 30, 2024

280. Cannot the Enforcement Directorate keep back from coming to Kerala, to insult not the history of crime investigation?


Cannot the Enforcement Directorate keep back from coming to Kerala, to insult not the history of crime investigation?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Cannot the Enforcement Directorate keep back from coming to Kerala, to insult not the history of crime investigation? It is cases if investigated even by the common people the highest-ranking suspects could be caught that the central Enforcement Directorate investigate in Kerala and submit ridiculous final reports, disgracing and staining the history of the world criminal investigation. Even if it is the people's courts that meet in shop verandas or street corners, they will tell them to take these reports out, will tell them to come with fully investigated reports, and will ask even with these resources, staff power and brain pool if they couldn’t catch the real accused.

Suppose a person named A asks person named B who is his lower subordinate- let it be his Principal Government Secretary- to transfer a consignment of smuggled gold to some place or to bring it in from some place! B smuggles the gold, the foreign intelligence agencies get hold of this information and hand it over to the India government, the Customs and Preventive Department of India which has been on a long sleep for a long time is roused from the sleep and B and his accomplices are caught, the whole lot is turned over to the Enforcement Directorate-ED, ED also investigates, ED investigates how B who has been sitting on that seat of authority and all that power for such a long time, without the knowledge and approbation or order of A who is his immediate appraiser, supervisor or controlling officer, could experience and enjoy the work of gold-smuggling for so long a time, and when the investigation reaches that stage it stops there, or is made to stop there. Need the Enforcement Directorate come to Kerala for this? Isn't it public money that’s going into these investigation carnivals and spent lavishly without restraints?

There is something called logical assumption in criminal history. The Scotland Yard or the Federal Bureau of Investigation will not say B doesn’t tell or reveal anything about the role of A in the smuggling; therefore they are stopping the investigation there. They will inquire whether there has been any increase in A's income, what his occupation was, has there been any increase in the income of his family members and other relatives, where has he kept his investments, where and how frequently has he traveled abroad, where has he stayed each time, who has visited and met with him there on each occasion, who provided him with funds and who bore his expenses, etc, etc, etc, up to even passwords stored on mobile phones and laptops, as well as in paid and free cloud drive services, being captured and checked. They will eventually find evidence and confront B about A's role in the enterprise. It will all be filmed live on video too to ensure undeniability.

The Central Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his political stalwarts like the ED and the CBI are walking around pretending that the people of Kerala do not have enough intelligence to know even these. Having said that, do these two agencies have any shortage of power or resources? Do they need any more authority or permission from anyone else to carry on these investigations and inspections? From Farooq Abdullah who was the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir to P. Chidambaram of Tamil Nadu who was the Union Minister for Finance (who was then also the ED’s own minister!)- did the ED’s raids invariably accompanied by media take place on them after obtaining their permission and asking them for their time and convenience as they seem to do in investigations in Kerala? Don’t they challenge the people of Kerala who know all these by showing them dirty lowly political tricks! Don't forget that there are tens of thousands of people who retired from the Central Criminal Investigation Agencies and the various State Criminal Investigation Agencies also today in the general society of Kerala. They observe not what the ED did, but what they did not do.

The Chief Minister's Principal Government Secretary Shiv Shankar took hold of bags of ill-obtined dollars from the official residence of the Chief Minister of Kerala which was heavily guarded by the government and took them to the Consulate of a foreign country named the U. A. E., ordered them equally heftily as the UAE’s Foreign Affairs Department orders that these should be packed and put into their diplomatic bags and sent to the Chief Minister’s destination abroad through their official channel to reach there even before he reaches there, his cousins the Arab officers dutifully obeyed him without asking him to getout, and the Chief Minister who is also the Home Minister of the state in which the Consulate is situated stood stupid watching all this with a blank face! Today the ED is telling the people of Kerala that they should believe all this and nothing else!!

When sitting in the Chief Minister's office the Chief Minister's Principal Secretary and a large team of top-ranking government officers smuggled tons of gold to India from abroad (32 times!) through foreign consulates through airports and ship ports continuously for two and a half years and sold it throughout the state and in other nearby states to the interested and invested parties, the governmental information and intelligence-gathering agencies including the state chief minister-controlled State Police, Intelligence, Crime Branch and Special Branch Agencies, and the Central Government's ED, the Intelligence and the Customs were without hands or legs or heads moving treating themselves for Polio, is what Kerala's fore-running media, the central and the state governments, the central-ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, the state-ruling Communist Marxist Party of India, tell us to believe as it is what they told the courts as well as us through their stalwarts and artillery the ED and the Customs!

This central investigative agency tells us to note in our memory and forget the rest that it was not the Chief Minister, the Co-operation Minister and the Finance Minister who originated and controlled the tens of thousands of crores of rupees worth of computerized fraud and money-laundering transactions in all of Kerala’s state-guided or controlled co-operative banks, but an unimportant member of their Marxist Party’s Thrissur Area Committee named Aravindakshan together with a man from Kannur and a few council members from the Thrissur Municipal Council, and that the Chief Minister, the Finance Minister and the Kerala Government have no role in the total disappearance of billions of other dollars given by foreign organizations and governments as charity for flood relief in Kerala!

These things said and questions asked here- the people of Kerala once expected that the judiciary would ask more questions. They asked nothing, even these!

Written on 19 October 2023 and first published on: 30 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 19 October 2023 and first published on: 21 October 2023

SM1439. കുറ്റാന്വേഷണചരിത്രത്തെ അപമാനിക്കാതിരിക്കാനായി ഈഡീയു്ക്കു് കേരളത്തിലു്വരാതിരുന്നുകൂടേ?

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