Monday, May 13, 2024

257. If only you vote, it can be changed into some another candidate’s symbol in the EVMs...! If you do not vote, what will they manipulate and change?


If only you vote, it can be changed into some another candidate’s symbol in the EVMs...! If you do not vote, what will they manipulate and change?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Cliff Hang. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Isn’t it if only you vote can someone change it into some other person’s symbol in a machine? If your vote is not cast, what will they manipulate and change? That is the revenge the new generation of India is taking on the authorities who claim that their voting machines are infallible and never can be manipulated or tampered with- in a world where tampering is rampant and there is only manipulation in the electronics field. So they are not casting votes. The number of people casting votes is dwindling with each election. No one likes to have one’s vote cast in a machine in an election changed in an electronic coup that is prearranged to change a certain percentage of votes caste in a machine to a particular symbol, i.e. even before the votes are cast. In their eyes the electronic voting machines have no credibility as a democratic apparatus and they prefer the time-tested ballot paper. Today, the young generation of India who is mobile-phone-and-computer-tech-savvy is fully aware that only the Election Commission, the Central BJP and the Reliance-Adanis who are behind this rule and who are the only beneficiaries like it today, i.e. this changing of votes in the voting machines, because that is how they came to and remain in power and are able to loot and annex state's properties.

The young generation is the majority of voters in India today. The trend of not voting is spreading among them today. When an Election Commissioner asks them to vote either through a campaign or a legislation, when the Commission decidedly drains crores of rupees to the corrupt bureaucracy to campaign for voting, this young tech-savvy generation thinks that the Commissioner is a Hindu Rashtra partisan and not a well-known democratic campaigner, that being an IAS appointee his seat could be had anytime by them through their cleverness and competitiveness but one they chose not to have considering it as a political slave’s job after the incorruptible T. N. Seshan’s time, and that he is inferior to them intellectually and patriotically and therefore they needn’t or shouldn’t listen to him. That is the well-conceived decision of the new educated generation of India today. No one can alter their convictions arrived at through observations and results.

It is not because the Indian Nation Congress which is now in the opposition does not know that if the ballot papers are brought back, the picture will change and also the administration with it but if the ballot papers are not returned, they are not ready to take a decision and protest that the people will not vote. That is their deception. It is not intended here to go into what their intentions are today, but in today's Indian political conditions, the Congress need make only that one protest, only one struggle, and it would have its results too, but they are not making it. But without anyone's struggle or call, many people in India have taken a decision that they will not vote unless the ballot papers are brought back. They are the silent opposition in India today- the real defenders of democracy. Accordingly, the total number of polled votes is generally declining. If you ask whether this is good for democracy, in today's circumstances, it is good for democracy for a while, because it will show eventually that it is a government of fascists and manipulators in power who have no mandate of the majority of the people, who remain in power only with the help of manipulated in voting machines and rigged elections.

That’s the people’s daunting challenge that ‘you can go and do whatever you want, whatever you like, but remember that it is without our vote that you are in power’. What else can a section of people who always believe only in democracy, secularism and republicanism do when the constitutional institutions are apparently fighting with the constitution itself without any shame, fear or concealment to establish a corporate-controlled Hindu state?

Being in power without the vote of a large section of the people is weak, a fragile situation, no major decisions can be taken, and it will always be a fear for the government. If the nexus of the BJP, the extreme Hindu organizations and the vacillating constitutional institutions decide to seize, come to or remain in power through mechanized voting systems, and on the other hand even if the opposition parties including the Indian National Congress do not take any decision on this or anything at all, there are some people on the other hand today here who take some decisions. What shakes the government and the entire number of people who got entangled in that shanty group is that if a tally of the number of non-voters is taken, if that information is collected caste and religion-wise, the majority of them would be shown to be Hindus themselves. This is an element of optimism that this phase will pass and democracy and ballot paper will return.

Written on 05 February 2024 and first published on: 13 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 05 February 2024 and first published on: 25 April 2024

SM1574. വോട്ടിട്ടാലല്ലേ അതുമറിച്ചു് വേറേചിഹ്നത്തിലാക്കാ൯പറ്റൂ...! വോട്ടിട്ടില്ലെങ്കിലെന്തുചെയ്യും, എന്തിനെയെടുത്തിട്ടുമറിക്കും?





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