Saturday, May 25, 2024

277. If the Marxist government of Kerala admits that K-Rail will not come, then the thousands of crores of rupees that were taken as bribes from around the world earlier will have to be immediately returned. So they keep saying occasionally governmentally that K-Rail will come!


If the Marxist government of Kerala admits that K-Rail will not come, then the thousands of crores of rupees that were taken as bribes from around the world earlier will have to be immediately returned. So they keep saying occasionally governmentally that K-Rail will come!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

If the Marxist government in Kerala admits that K-Rail will not come, then the thousands of crores of rupees that were taken as bribes from around the world earlier will have to be immediately returned. Even if by kidnapping them or their close relatives, they will get it back, and these will not be able to make even a foreign trip safely anywhere in the world without paying them back in money or as government profits in kind, because they are so much more terrifying than these. So they keep saying occasionally governmentally that K-Rail will come!

They explain away that it is just some temporary obstacles which will be removed through their slavish relationship with the BJP's Modi government at the Centre, to convince them for the time being, before they take severe measures. Moreover, they know in whichever parts of the world with which institutions and individuals these people who bought their money have their investments. If they get their hands on these after knowing that K-rail will not materialize, they will then surely get their money back within a moment, but the investments these made abroad for their future use will be lost, because they will not be getting back only what they gave. If they do not get these in their hands, they know how to bring them into their hands.

So the terrified Govindan, the secretary of the Marxist Party in the state, who is also one of the principal beneficiaries of this nefarious project with unbelievably huge foreign loans and commissions, and the project promoter Pinaraayi Vijayan who is a party leader and presently the Chief Minister of Kerala, along with their propaganda coolies in Face Book, are still writing and campaigning governmentally that K-rail will come, talk about it occasionally in selected business venues, party and public meetings and through media, bailing themselves out from those foreign forces, extends for a little more time the beatings and money-forced-out-of-hands at foreign venues. It goes on and on. When there is a statement coming from them that K-rail will come, you know that those characters called and asked for immediate return of money! The last statement thus made was on 16 October 2023 by the said party secretary M V Govindan.

Because whenever Govindan is talking about K-Rail, he is talking about sitting down and eating Appams (a kind of Malayali rice flour-made bread), and walking in trains selling appams, and drinking tea and eating meals, he seems to have been assured that, if this supposed Kerala Rail of the government comes under the bailiffship of the Marxist Party to which he is the state secretary, he would be guaranteed enough for eating appams and spending lavishly for 50 years.

Written on 16 October 2023 and first published on: 25 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 16 October 2023

1436. കെ-റെയിലുവരില്ലെന്നു് കേരളത്തിലെ മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റുസമ്മതിച്ചാലു് ലോകംമുഴുവ൯നടന്നു് മു൯കൂ൪ക്കൈക്കൂലിവാങ്ങിയ ആയിരക്കണക്കിനുകോടിരൂപാ തിരിച്ചുകൊടുക്കേണു്ടിവരും, അതുകൊണു്ടു് കെ-റെയിലുവരുമെന്നു് ഗവണു്മെ൯റ്റലായി ഇടയു്ക്കിടയു്ക്കുപറഞ്ഞുകൊണു്ടുനടക്കുന്നു





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