Friday, May 17, 2024

263. Just as nobody trusts Pinarayi Vijayan on economic matters, no one trusts Narendra Modi on religious matters


Just as nobody trusts Pinarayi Vijayan on economic matters, no one trusts Narendra Modi on religious matters

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Yuri B. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Just as nobody trusts the Marxist factional leader and Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on economic matters, no one trusts his super boss and lord the Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Union Prime Minister Narendra Modi on religious matters. People believe that Kerala Chief Minister Marxist Party's Pinarayi Vijayan, who throughout his score of years rule faced accusations, investigations and lawsuits in many financial scandals he himself associated with from the notorious Lavalin electricity corruption case, gold smuggling case and dollar smuggling case to the Life Mission poor people’s housing project scam and siphoning out from the Chief Minister’s Public Distress Relief Fund itself, shall not even be allowed to walk close to somewhere government money is stored. No matter how little it is, he will be tempted and can’t help laying not his hands on it. It is not a question for the people whether in those cases, investigations and accusations the law courts convicted him or acquitted him because of abundance or lack of evidence due to competence, incompetence, honesty or dishonesty of the investigative agencies assigned to them: his guilt is convinced to the people.

The people have adopted the same approach towards the Bharatiya Janata Party's Prime Minister Narendra Modi in religious matters. From the communal riots in Gujarat he led to the unconstitutional declaration of Hindu Rashtra through his cronies ranging from cabinet ministers and parliament members to his party’s and associated parties’ leaders and office bearers, the many things he has done while in power have convinced the people that he shall never be trusted in religious matters. All the things said here as he did and the rest regarding religion are viewed with extreme disbelief and discomfort by all the people and the Christian and Muslim sects except the extreme extremists and the superstitious in the Hindu religion.

He will not leave anything undone to arouse Hindu communal feelings among the people, if he has the power in hand. In the Gujarat communal riots case, the Gujarat Court and the Supreme Court acquitting him, the people are seeing with disbelief, they are unconvinced, and think it was foul play. The judges who set him free joining his Bharatiya Janata Party itself, securing parliament seats and seeking parliamentary pleasures, challenging the people and destroying the supposed neutrality of the judiciary not only irked the people but created contempt also. It was a political coup involving not only the executive and legislature but a part of the judiciary as well. That’s where India under BJP stands today.

In reality, these pairs are manifestations of the same evil nature- adult and the adolescent.

Written on 21 January 2024 and first published on: 17 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 21 January 2024 and first published on: 22 January 2024

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