Friday, May 31, 2024

282. It is now difficult for its practitioners to reconcile Islam and terrorism as complementary


It is now difficult for its practitioners to reconcile Islam and terrorism as complementary

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Hosny Salah Gaza Strip-Palestine. Graphics: Adobe SP.

From what happened with and done by from the Taliban to the Gaza terrorists and from Afghanistan to Palestine so far, its practitioners are now extremely worried and finding it unwholesomely difficult and troublesome to carry on Islam and terrorism reconciled as complementary to each other, because the Muslim people of Gaza who rejecting and ousting the Palestine Liberation Organization which turned to pacifism and secularism gave the ruling power in Gaza to the terrorists through an election, are stunned at the violence these terrorists committed by entering and attacking Israel on the basis of the mandate given to them in that election, and terrified at the massacre and the backlash they are getting back not only from Israel but from other democratic nations as well.

They are fleeing from their own country for their lives, are facing a big setback for their existence on account of a decision taken in an election, thinking that it is the internal affairs of Palestine and so they will never have to come before the world community and proclaim peace. That is the indicator of whether Islam and terrorism will go together anymore. China, Russia and Iran, who were firmly behind their terrorism, are afraid to even voice that position now, because none of these are democratic countries, they do not like to be noticed by the world, and they do not have the capacity and internal strength to undergo and endure a Jasmine Revolution too in the midst of the democratic world.

Thus a very silent and permanent change is coming very quickly in the world conditions surrounding Islam-related terrorism. After many deliberations and planning, the democratic world, the democratic countries, have wisely got them pushed into the unwilling, undesirable, unavoidable and forced condition of coming to the front and jumping headlong into the war with democracy, peace and secularism by declaring support for the Gaza terrorists who have destroyed through their wicked, unripe and untimely actions all the terrorist organizations in all the countries that are related to that Religious Terrorism System and destroyed even their own Palestine beyond recovery.

The reason why in front of a well-organized intellectual movement with such a unity held in the democratic world like this, nothing including any counter intellectual moves could be taken by the organizations, peoples and countries that link Islam with terrorism was, before the rapid, quick and intelligent democratic moves the United States, Britain, France and other European Union countries took making use of the Gaza terrorists’ attack on Israel at the end of October 2023 and Israel’s counter-attack, the terrified reversal of China, Russia and Iran, who have been the lifeblood and promoters of Islamic terrorism until now. What will they who want to continue to exist in this world do without turning back- will they commit suicide like the old Japan and the today's Iran, will they willingly end up in a war in the name of religious terrorism? Even this most ancient Persian Empire which is called Iran today- wasn’t it ended many times before this in the hands of many people like this?

So these are all the intellectuality of terrorism and fascism that and who have been working against the democratic intellectuality of the world until now. Their sudden backsliding in front of this new world movement differentiating democracy and religious terrorism has created a terrible vacuum in world Islamic terrorism that has been a first-time since the medieval crusades. The world sees it as a relief. That was why it was done by the world too. Now then?

Written on 03 November 2023 and first published on: 31 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 03 November 2023 and first published on: 07 November 2023

SM1450. ഇസ്ലാമും ഭീകരവാദവും പരസ്സു്പ്പരപൂരകങ്ങളായി ഒരുമിച്ചുകൊണു്ടുപോകാ൯ അതി൯റ്റെപ്രയോക്താക്കളു്ക്കിനി വിഷമമാണു്





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