Friday, May 31, 2024

281. What’s the world's support for Gaza terrorists who are the suppressing enemies of their own people! Support even from Kerala!!


What’s the world's support for Gaza terrorists who are the suppressing enemies of their own people! Support even from Kerala!!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

If the Israeli soldiers have reached the close-neighboring Palestinian land of Gaza City, it means that the Gaza terrorists who have been hiding for so long and sending missiles to them without facing them directly will no longer be able to send missiles to them- if they get enough breathing time meanwhile, and except to far away Israel! How could you send missiles against enemy standing very close to you without killing your own people, and without dying at your own people’s hands in retaliation? It is revolvers and grenades that are used for that kind of close-range fighting. But in fact, even grenades will not be suitable for such close range fights. And revolvers are not fit anyway for these terrorists who do not have the courage to fight directly and face-to-face in front of the enemy.

If missiles are fired as before against the enemy who are at very close range now, in fact above them, the people of Gaza where they themselves rule as government will be killed. It is not that they are reluctant to do so, but then the restless, resisting, quarrelsome and rebellious people of Gaza who are eager to do anything against them now after their getting them killed will turn against the terrorists, join hands with the Israelis, and view the Israeli operation there as similar to the liberation of Bangladesh by the Indian soldiers from the Muslim-oppressive country of Pakistan (and that is exactly what Israel is saying and promising too- the liberation of Palestine from terrorists!), and the terrorists will never again be able to come out up from their tunnels. So, when the four months of rations at their disposal are exhausted, they will have to live by eating missiles and swallowing bullets, and the tunnels from which they can come out if time and political atmosphere allows will be fully defended by the angry people, and finally their end also will be there.

What H. G. Wells wrote in his famous novel Time Machine that the class war on earth progressed in such a way that one section of the people went to live underground and another section remained to live above-ground, fighting each other and occasionally making temporary truces and cease-fire will literally come true.

Not only in modern times but in ancient times too, those who have studied military strategy know whether lying in the tunnels and fighting to above or standing above and fighting those lying in tunnels determines victory or defeat, because those who stand on top can run somewhere to escape if they want to, if circumstances demand. But what about those who lie down in the tunnels? Where will they run but up, into the midst of their enemies? When they have descended from the top to the bottom and have lived there for a long time, as time has passed, whatever changes might not have occurred at the top, especially when the top is under the invasion, possession and control of the enemy?

It was on the assurance and belief that Iran, Russia, China, Turkey and Pakistan will all intervene, and Israel will never reach Gaza, that the Gaza terrorists entered Israel and carried out murders and kidnappings at the behest of Iran and Russia. But despite the opposition of a hundred nations, Israel did reach above the tunnels of terrorists in Gaza. The insurance of those Israeli soldiers was that even the terrorists of the world do not like one of them like those fell on Japan's Nagasaki and Hiroshima to fall on Tehran in Iran, because with that fall of Iran the world terrorism will be extinguished, and China and Russia who have helped them so far will never be again open to them all but closed.

The people of Israel are fighting so ferociously and brutally in the belief that out of the 240 hostages taken by the Gaza terrorists from their country, except for the four who were returned earlier, all of them have died. It is a fact that they returned four people. The fact is that only four people were there to be returned. What would one do if their 240 people were killed? That is actually what Israel is doing, and that is why the world's support for Israel. That’s the reason why Israel is saying that if all their 240 people were returned without a single person missing and without damage to any of them they may even begin to think about considering a ceasefire for the time being, and not stopping firing while. How to return those who they do not have alive or dead! Don't forget that even after a month since the war started the Gaza terrorists have not been able to release a single video as a proof that they are alive and safe in their hands.

The huge support the Gaza terrorists who coming to power in Palestine-Gaza through elections in 2005 and continuing in power never holding again an election after that and attacking powerful foreign nations like Israel and putting not only the people of Gaza but also the whole of Palestine in such great danger get from many places in India, especially from Kerala, has surprised and shocked the whole world. Except in the case of the Marxist Party it is illogical that in India they get that support not only from this Communist Party of India (Marxist) which has no democratic concepts or ideals but also from the Indian Union Muslim League which has democratic concepts and even from the Indian National Congress which ruled the country for so many decades after gaining independence and established democracy in the country. The basis of their lack of this world-understanding and awareness is that the Indian people who are other-ways engaged generally do not have the political sense or time to differentiate between and make out who the Palestinian people are and what the Gaza terrorism is, along with the greed of their leaders to secure the electoral votes of the minority Muslims in India who do not have education and the right religious consciousness and sense, by stirring them through issues such as these.

Except for the fact that it has cooperated with the erstwhile Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the leadership of the Non-Aligned Countries’ Movement when the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Yasser Arafat were there, the Palestinian people are a nation that has not provided any economic, military, scientific or cultural cooperation or assistance to the country called India. Not even one of those people has lived in India or Kerala. Other than the occasional and very rare sighting of Yasser Arafat's pictures, it is doubtful whether the Indians have ever seen a Palestinian in person. At the same time, the Israeli people are a nation that has cooperated and helped India economically, militarily, scientifically, and culturally since the nation's inception. It was their help that India has benefited from during the attacks from China and Pakistan. How many of them have lived or are still living in India including in Kerala, and like S. Coder and Spencer, have made a name for themselves in the general society and in the commercial field including in Kerala! There are even Jewish streets in Mattancherry and Kochi in Kerala!!

Therefore, the Marxist Party’s, the Muslim League’s and the Congress’ no-sense-of-internationalism in pushing out the Jewish people and supporting the Arab Muslims in Palestine is indeed doubtful. As far as the Marxist Party is concerned, it can be understood that this is because including in Kerala its top leadership's black money investments and illegal businesses are all centered on the Arab Muslim countries, but what about the Congress?

Written on 03 November 2023 and first published on: 31 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 03 November 2023 and first published on: 07 November 2023

SM1449. സ്വന്തംജനതയുടെയടിച്ചമ൪ത്തലു്ശ്ശത്രുവായ ഗാസ്സാഭീകര൪ക്കെന്തുമാത്രം ലോകപിന്തുണ! കേരളത്തിലു്വരെപ്പിന്തുണ!!



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