Wednesday, May 22, 2024

273. What the Arabs have in relation to Israel is a purely religious matter. Before getting into that, the first thing to acknowledge is the fact that there are many countries in the world for Arabs to go, but nowhere for Jews to go except Israel, which was given to them as a gift by the United Nations


What the Arabs have in relation to Israel is a purely religious matter. Before getting into that, the first thing to acknowledge is the fact that there are many countries in the world for Arabs to go, but nowhere for Jews to go except Israel, which was given to them as a gift by the United Nations

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

What the Arabs have in relation to Israel is a religious matter- a purely religious issue. Before getting into it, the first thing to be acknowledged is the fact that there are many countries in the world for the Arabs to go to and make a residence, and there is no other country for Jews to go except Israel, which was given to them as a gift by the United Nations. When this supreme reality stares at us there is nothing else to say about those who forget this reality and raise other arguments, except that they are untruthful, selfish and very mean politicians and terrorists.

Their thoughts do not cross the boundaries of a country and reach the frontiers of the world. That's why they do not see the world countries during the World War II wondering where to locate and house after the war the Jews who were scattered all over the world and suffered for decades without their own country, holding elaborate deep discussions during brief respites of peace in the World War Second, and finally accepting the recommendations of the British who were the colonial rulers there even during the 1917 October Revolution to let it be in Israel itself, by splitting Palestine into two as prompted by America and Russia and others.

These leaders of the world countries who were more mature and had a bird’s eye view as well as a worm’s eye view of matters concerning countries and peoples in the world than those leaders of today, discussed in detail and examined infinitesimally all the various aspects of this subject from law to humanity, and some which these people whom we mentioned here have never even thought about once in their lives. That's how and why they decided to establish the state of Israel there.

In the Gaza plains- the peninsula that is named the Gaza Strip- which was the land of the most earliest and primitive Jewish settlements since the fifteenth century A. D., Muslim occupation and settlement began long since, only very late in history. The Jewish settlements there have been under threat ever since. Except that they are all descendants of Abraham who is known in different names among them, there is no unity among the Muslims, Christians and Jews of that area known as Palestine, the reason for which being the personal interpretation of the Qur'an, aiming at each one’s own wealth, splendor and pleasure life, that no one other than Muslims shall be let to live in this world. None of the educated and open-hearted Muslims who do not desire a pleasure life and excess wealth and sex through terrorist activities have anything iresome to do with and have no such problems with the non-Muslims in Gaza, the Golan Heights, Sinai, or Beirut, or as a fact anywhere in the world. Theoretically speaking, therefore, what the Arabs have in relation to Israel is purely a religious matter.

Have not the Muslims of India been living in harmony with the Hindus for hundreds of years in friendship, with the sense of being in one nation? Before the creation of Pakistan and it turned itself into a military religious state, weren’t the Muslims there fighting as one nation alongside the Hindus everywhere in the undivided India, including the present day Bangladesh, against the British for freedom? Then the problem lies not with these communities or their ideologies but with the militant Muslims, with their theocratic totalitarian regimes like those in Iran and Turkey, with their military leaders like those in Pakistan, and with the communist fascists who arm them like those in Russia.

Will Iran, Russia, Turkey, Lebanon and Pakistan, who encouraged and prompted these Palestinian Arabs to go to this inopportune and unwise war with Israel from 7 October 2023, accommodate and assimilate in bulk all of these 20,00,000 people who are isolated in Gaza alone in Palestine, who listening to the words of Iran and Russia gave the rod for getting the beating in return and got isolated there in the midst of attacks from the United States, Britain, France, and Israel who are interested parties forever there because of the presence of the Suez Canal and who have also been there for a long time? What’s wrong with and what’s the problem with these vast countries for accepting and accommodating these refugees? Shouldn’t actions go along with words? Did these Gazans remember when starting this war that it was Israel who gave them essentials for sustenance like water, electricity, petrol, gas and fuel for so long? And then while sitting there and sending killer rockets towards Israel, that too five thousand ones of them within twenty minutes in one shot, weren’t they to remember it? Was it not why the majority of countries in the world lost their sympathy for the Palestinians, especially for the Gazans, by overnight? Isn't fifty years since inception as a country a long enough period to develop wisdom and insight? Aren't Palestine and Gaza a region full of intellectuals, scientists, artists and writers along with just terrorists?

We are going to see if this Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon and Russia will be ready and willing to admit and settle the one point two million Palestinians who will be displaced from Gaza and becoming refugees again, or if they will wash their hands on them! When we give armaments to a people, and giving them word that we will be with them send them and leave them fighting with another people, finally making them homeless and refugees, shall we not be prepared and willing to accommodate them also if need be? Is it right to wash our hands that way and get away easily?

The Israeli attack on Gaza has a lesson to teach us. If there are terrorists and religious extremists in our midst- be it Hindus or Muslims or Christians- if without looking into future we walk thinking that it is a comfort and safety to have them alongside, if we walk thinking that the comfort they get in oppressing, instilling fear and killing others is comfort we get, if we do not deal with them properly and ourselves suppress and ostracize them without raising their heads ever again in society, it means that we are going to perish. That is the price the people of Gaza are going to pay for handing over at the end of the P. L. O. and the Fatah Party the administration of Palestine to religious extremists, washing their hands of and sacrificing the covenants of the agreed-upon peace, cooperation and religious harmony. It is the same price the Indians have been paying by being isolated in the whole world for throwing out the Congress that standing firmly on these very principles of peace, cooperation and religious harmony and very similar to the P. L. O. in commitment had won the country's independence and been ruling the country somewhat democratically and non-secularly for a long time, and giving the administration to the Hindu extremist BJP. Foreign Indians are already familiar with it, i.e. experiencing this isolation on account of the corporate theocratization in their homeland.

Saddam Hussein's atrocities on his own family members, his political opponents and the innocent people in Iraq are indescribable. Assassination and conspiracy were his daily occupations. All wanted him dead except him and a few of his companions. Many in the Muslim community- even in the far distant land of Kerala- saw him as one of their prides. As a result of all this- this pride of other peoples- what only happened was he got drunk of pride and lost his life at the hands of the world including America and these people even in the far distant Kerala also lost one of their prides.

Because Bin Laden who ought to have and was expected to have lived with constructing buildings and building bridges went for sabotaging and destructing the Twin Towers in New York, USA, this pride of many people lost his life. The prides of many other people who were in ISIS and Taliban as well as in many other organizations also ended with the loss of their own lives. All that has happened as a result of this is, due to this unwanted position which they never wished for, the world's Muslim community is losing other peoples’ prides like these and the stage is becoming empty. Go learn that language and read on your own if these are what the Qur'an has said, if these are what it intended, instead of entering the mouth of a maulavi, mullah or imam and sitting inside there! You will see how peaceful a creation of study it is!

Do not please misunderstand and portray this author as anti-Palestinian! In the 1970s, it was this author wrote the only (best) poem ever written in Malayalam depicting the P. L. O.'s life and struggles. It can be read here:

082. Before The Dawn Risess. Malayalam Poem. പ്രഭാതമുണരുംമുമ്പേ. മലയാളം കവിത

Note: At the time when this poem was written, the Palestine liberation fighters who lost their lands and nests and the Palestine Liberation Organization, were a tearful throb of pain in the hearts of many people in the world. How many years have passed! Still, even today, these birds that lost their lands and nests are treading the world and wandering and floating around homeless, without a root!

The English work Tears And Laughter of Kahlil Gibran, a US-Arabic-Lebanese Poet who was the pride of the Muslims and the Arabs the world over, was recast in the true poetic form from the prose for the first time in the world, also by the same author.

Amazon Link:

Written on 08 October 2023 and first published on: 22 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 08 October 2023 and first published on: 10 October 2023

1429. ഇസ്രായേലുമായിബന്ധപ്പെട്ടു് അറബികളു്ക്കുള്ളതു് ശുദ്ധമായുമൊരുമതപരമായവിഷയമാണു്; അതിലേക്കുകടക്കുന്നതിനുമുമ്പു് ആദ്യമായംഗീകരിക്കേണു്ടതു് അറബികളു്ക്കുപോകാ൯ ലോകത്തൊരുപാടുരാജ്യങ്ങളുണു്ടു്, യഹൂദ൯മാ൪ക്കുപോകാ൯ ഐക്യരാഷ്ട്രസംഘടനദാനംനലു്കിയ ഇസ്രായേലല്ലാതെയൊരിടവുമില്ല എന്ന യാഥാ൪ത്ഥ്യമാണു്


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