Friday, May 24, 2024

276. The children who leave Gaza as refugees are the tears of the world: shouldn’t they be allowed a few more days to leave, assuring them that houses would be built for them when they return?


The children who leave Gaza as refugees are the tears of the world: shouldn’t they be allowed a few more days to leave, assuring them that houses would be built for them when they return?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Kalh H. Graphics: Adobe SP.

The children who leave Gaza as refugees are the tears of the world: shouldn’t they be allowed a few more days to leave, assuring them that houses would be built for them when they return? Whether they are Muslim children or Arab children aren't they children? Don't forget that it was seeing the Jewish children going this way that the tear-clad world gave them Israel to reside!

They have not yet been able to come to terms with the fact that there is no home, no community, no school, no playmates, no atmosphere, no father, no mother and no siblings anymore. They won't for a long time. They are not old enough for that. Unable to leave the beloved houses where they were born and brought up, they are still lingering there, staying around them, not knowing about the consequences, not knowing about the future. Are we not grown ups the same, of the same mold? Adults may be staying behind for political reasons at the behest of the terrorists, but children?

Left their own land where they were born and grew up, not knowing who they will find refuge with and where and when, lost confidence in the midst of this flight not knowing the future, having grown a sense that this world is a cruel thing, and bred a hatred towards the world at this very young age, are they too to be made to grow up as terrorists? How many of them will reach a destination somewhere, someday in life? What couldn’t happen along the way that could destroy their lives?

It was said they should be given a break for at least a few more days, that they should be assured that houses will be built for them when they come back, and that they sure will come back. Wouldn’t it only be that within those few days the terrorists who Israel is trying to subjugate now would have spent and depleted more food and water each day inside the tunnels in which they are hiding and nearing near exhaustion would only have helped the Israeli commandos who went to those tunnels to subjugate them? Who doesn’t know today that Israel's plan is to evacuate the people first from the surface and then bombard those tunnels with nerve gas that destroys the nerves!

The whole world now knows that the next step the Israelis who used high-temperature phosphorous bombs in terrorist areas would take is to use nerve gas, and also knows that, before that, the people are to be evacuated before isolating the terrorists inside the tunnels without letting them come out and annihilating them. What difficulty would the fifty-four member Organization of Islamic Countries known as O. I. C. which includes the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, known as OPEC also have, to put aside these farces, consider sympathetically and ethically these wandering and homeless children’s and women’s fate, and build at the maximum four hundred thousand houses for these hapless twenty four lakh people who will, as expected, return to Gaza within a year? The expenses will be only a fraction of what they use to export Islamic terrorism to other countries!

Since 9 October 2023, when Israel declared war against Palestine terrorists who entered their country, killed 1400 people, raped scores of women, and took away 300-plus people as hostages, they had been constantly warning through televisions and airplane pamphlets that the residents of Gaza should leave and go from the northern to the southern parts of Gaza, and that they could return to Gaza as soon as the place was freed of the terrorists. Israel had been continuously warning that it was not the Palestinian people or the people of Gaza that they were after, was their target of attack, but only the Palestinian-Gaza terrorists who oppress even the Palestinian people as well as invade and attack Israel in a humiliating manner, beheading, raping and even frying-in-pans-in-fire their women, children and soldiers.

But the terrorists who use the Muslim people of their own country, especially the women and children there, as human shields to escape from the counterattack of Israel, without allowing them to even temporarily escape to the southern sea coast, entered the Muslim houses and threatened, completely destroyed the roads and created obstacles in those areas, and from the houses with vehicles seized the keys of the vehicles and took away the money in their hands which they had kept for travel expenses on the way as refugees. They also threw bombs and killed many people who escaped and ran away from them. Have even the enemy Israel done any of these to these people?

Now these people have realized that it is not the Israeli soldiers or the Israeli government, but the Gaza terrorists who have ruled them for so long and have now led them to this plight, who are their terminators. Which man or woman born of a father won’t wish to free the world from these terrorists at any price? But from Iran, Russia and China, who are eager to rape and cut-throat as proved by their support to these rapists and cut-throats, to Kerala’s Pinarayi Vijayan's Marxist Party and its degenerated youth organization DYFI, all are positioned behind these terminators. This is the predicament of the women and children in Palestine today, which includes the West Bank and Gaza.

It was because Yasser Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization envisioned that a day like this would come and with far-sight left the guerilla warfare and turned to the path of peace, coexistence and secularism that this fall and flight of Palestine people was avoided for this long. And now it happened because due to some sightless and vision-less terrorists who have no responsibility and loyalty even towards these children they lost power in Palestine, and so hundred thousands of children are now running out of Gaza, carrying boxes of lifelong possessions which they cannot even lift up, without even a person or an organization to hold their hands, without a place to go, and without a place to rest awhile.

No one including the United Nations Organization, the UNICEF and the Organization of Islamic Countries, and also countries like China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon and Syria, should forget that this tear-some spectacle is making the world cry. Neither the Organization of Islamic Countries nor the United Nations which are now teeming and vibrating with terrorist fervor have demanded that Gaza terrorists end the war with Israel, stop attacking the people of Gaza, and leave Gaza and Palestine. The fact is no one is willing to accept them, these terrorists, who should not be touched even with a pole, even from a mile away. These countries and organizations even wish these terrorists all be killed by Israel in this war! Similarly, Russia, China, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which have now come forward as motivated appointees, have not asked for it either. If these countries and organizations had all demanded it, these terrorists would not have been able to hold on even for a minute. But they did not ask; they asked instead for many other things. And it also tells us many things. It seems that the aforementioned fatherlessness will have to be extended to these also.

By liberating Palestine in general and Gaza in particular from the grip and rule of the terrorists, there is a good hope rising among many that Israel's counterattack against the terrorists will pave the way for a permanent release and freedom for the women and children in that Muslim region. The reality is that if the State of Palestine survives and is freed from the grip of terrorists, it is the women and children of Palestine including the West Bank and Gaza who will be freed. In today's world, Israel cannot kill women and children who make up more than half of a nation of twenty lakh people because they are Muslims, and also cannot prevent them from being brought back to Palestine and reinstated, rehoused. Israel is also a nation and a religion in which it is not wont to convert Islams to become Jews. That is the basis for this optimism. To those who hope that the terrorists will return in force in Palestine and that it will become a state of Islamic slavery, it will be a heavy blow.

Written on 15 October 2023 and first published on: 24 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 15 October 2023

SM1435. ഗാസ്സയിലു്നിന്നഭയാ൪ത്ഥികളായിപ്പോകുന്നകുഞ്ഞുങ്ങളു് ലോകത്തി൯റ്റെകണ്ണീരാണു്; അവ൪ക്കുട൯തിരിച്ചുവന്നുപാ൪ക്കാ൯ വീടുകെട്ടിത്തരുമെന്നുറപ്പുനലു്കി അവ൪ക്കുപോകാ൯ മൂന്നുദിവസംകൂടിയനുവദിച്ചുകൂടേ?






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