Wednesday, May 15, 2024

260. BJP is moving towards the impossible situation of having to prove that the immortal Rama also participated in the Ayodhya Rama temple consecration ceremony along with the mortal Narendra Modi


BJP is moving towards the impossible situation of having to prove that the immortal Rama also participated in the Ayodhya Rama temple consecration ceremony along with the mortal Narendra Modi

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

BJP is moving towards the impossible and tragic situation, the evil liability, of having to prove that the immortal Sree Ramachandran also participated in the Ayodhya Rama temple consecration ceremony along with the mortal Narendra Modi. The world along with the people of India is waiting to see and watching how they will prove this. All the prominent people of the world and the country were invited to witness the performance of this ceremony.

When the Lord's soul is infused into the idol being installed, it means that the Lord is present there at that very moment! It means that by infusing the soul of the Lord into a stone, a mortal is giving birth to an immortal and performing creation itself. Is it proper for people to go and look at it? Did his parents Kausalya and Dasharadha give birth to Lord Rama in the middle of a crowd?

What is more condemnable and hard than the historical indiscretion of a mortal like Narendra Modi who abandoned his wife consecrating the temple and deity of an immortal like Rama who was also accused of abandoning his wife is, the BJP who vehemently and acrimoniously opposes the universal conviction that Rama walked forests wearing bow and arrows not to hunt, kill and eat animals but to down leaves and fruits to eat and stay alive and shrieks that he was a vegetarian, allowing Narendra Modi who was not merely accused of but even tried in court for shedding blood in communal riots and pogroms to install the idol.

All the four Shankaracharyas in the present generation of the Puri Govardhana Mata Peedt in Orissa in the East, the Sringeri Sarada Peedt in Karnataka in the South, the Dwarka Sarada Peedt in Gujarat in the West, and the Badari Jyothi Mata Peedt in Uttarakhand in the North, established in the Sixteenth century by the Malayali Adi Shankara, operating according to the classical four Vedas of Rig, Yajur, Samam and Adharvam respectively and the final word in Hindu theory, analysis and interpretation today in India and the world over, condemned this installation and consecration, and said the installation done here is not in accordance with and conforming to the Vedic Rules, it is not finished, the eyes and the head of the Lord are not completed, and it is a beastly act to infuse the soul into an incomplete Lord, and therefore they will not attend or participate in this consecration ceremony. They also asked if it is the Prime Minister who is going to do the installation on 22 January 2024 then why are the priests (Pujaris) there.

It is the first time in India after the time of Shankara that Hindus do not listen to what the Shankaracharyas have to say about Hinduism, but go listening after the RSS, Reliance and the BJP. That is the basis of the argument that this is not a Hindu installation but a political equipment for the BJP-Reliance corporate politics to continue and survive. The Indian National Congress, which misunderstood that all the Hindus of the country were behind it, without finding any other way to deal with it, finally said to boycott it.

Even though Rama deity installations and consecrations in India are carried out on the most appropriate day for it, i. e. the Rama’s birthday on 2024 April 17, the Rama Navami day, because it comes on a day when elected people’s representatives, administrators, ministers and prime ministers will find it prohibited and impossible for them to attend such functions due to Parliament Election Protocols, if they decided to simply advance it to January 22 and consecrate the deity and inaugurate the temple in as-it-is-condition whether the deity is completed or not (the elections were from April 9 to June 1) despite the Shankaracharya's ban, the Theo-Corporations above them all must have told them to! The last word in the Hindu Rashtra which they create by subverting the constitution of a democratic secular republic is not that of the Supreme Hindu Acharyas, but that of a few Theo-Corporations!!

Rama with Sita is what the country wants, but because if Modi who left his wife does it (the installation should be done with the wife of whoever does it on his left side; and Modi wants to do it too!) there will be riots, it was decided by the religio-corporate politicians that it needn’t be a Mature Rama of marriageable age but only be a Child Rama whose installation and consecration anyone can do, including anyone who dumped his wife. Such convoluted and diabolical-minded are the topmost leaders behind this new Ayodhya Rama Kshethra installation and consecration. It is this Kalkki Manifestation that Reliance and Modi qualify as Divine and Mission, BJP, RSS and Nine hundred Thousand Hindu organizations in India and abroad stomach, and hold as governmental! How sensible, Hindu law-conscious and disciplined were the crores of Indians who asked why they should need his generosity or invitation to go to see and visit Rama when it was convenient for them!!

Every time there is an election in India, the Bharatiya Janata Party will set out and take advantage of any weak point of the Hindus and non-Hindus in order to retain power. In 2024 it is in the name of the young prince Rama who did not go after power as them but actually relinquished power and left for the wild with his young wife and brother in the name of idealism, principles and a promise given to his father. They build a temple for Lord Rama, leave it unfinished, inaugurate it just days before the elections, and ask for vote, that they will finish the rest after the election….! Is the Prime Minister trying to tell Indians that Sree Rama is wandering homeless? He lives in the hearts of Indians and is with them, within them. That is the belief of Indians.

This writer also grew up in a house where Ramayana reading and worship were done regularly since the time of his mother’s father. It continued in his mother’s time as well. But this writer has different political views. Read a poem in Malayalam or listen to that song:

030. The Lute and the Sword. Poem. വീണയും വാളും. കവിത In Malayalam

MR 035 Veena and the Sword. Veenayum Vaalum Song. വീണയും വാളും ഗാനം In Malayalam. P S Remesh Chandran

Written on 14 January 2024 and first published on: 15 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 14 January 2024

SM1505. അയോദ്ധ്യാരാമക്ഷേത്രപ്പ്രതിഷു്ഠാച്ചടങ്ങിലു് നശ്വരനായനരേന്ദ്രമോദിയോടൊപ്പം അനശ്വരനായരാമനും പങ്കെടുത്തുവെന്നുതെളിയിക്കേണു്ട ദു൪ഘടയവസ്ഥയിലേക്കു് ദു൪ഗ്രഹബാദ്ധ്യതയിലേക്കു് ബീജേപ്പീനീങ്ങുന്നു







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