Tuesday, May 21, 2024

271. Anyone standing with a gun anywhere in the world is a thrill for the state committee of the Marxist Party of Kerala and the desperate communists down under


Anyone standing with a gun anywhere in the world is a thrill for the state committee of the Marxist Party of Kerala and the desperate communists down under

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Janko Ferlič. Graphics: Adobe SP.

The sight of someone standing with a gun somewhere in the world is a thrill, and then worship, for the State Committee of the Marxist Party of Kerala and the desperate communists down under. Even while during the day they are doing gold smuggling, dollar smuggling and drug trafficking in Kerala, like those terrorists and administrators in Gaza ascending to the government and taking bribes of up to 40 to 60 percent in requests that come to government from people and going to and stashing the loot in the UAE and the USA, during night after taking the opiotic medicines from the old Kodieri Pharmacy they are filling up their wild dreams with Eastman and Technicolor scenes of leading international bloody communist revolutions throughout the world and wetting their beds.

So from the world's most brutal murderers the Gaza terrorists, the Houthis, the Hizbollahs and the Russian raiders and invaders, to the Iranian religious eliminators, have all become their co-night riders and co-bedders. From their General Secretary Sitaram Yechury down to their state leader and Kerala’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, telling their lowly and under-ranking party members that their communist revolutions and communism that were arrested midway or doused midday would be resumed, with their usual money-grabbing programmes in government and in party, are walking towards the BJP’s Hindu Rashtra which they think is just days away.

The instincts and habit of violence is inherent in these animals, and the gun is their symbol of it. These were the people who a long time ago, with rising pressure and throbbing fears had heart-attacks when saying their revolutions were not enough and a treachery a dissatisfied few among them went out of the party, painted guns on wooden boards with the inscription 'power is through gun barrel' and displayed them in streets of Kerala, placed there at the middle of the night. These supposed Kerala Marxists and Communists condemned them as Naxalites and Maoists. These had heart failures for fear of after a few of their past comrades doing this they couldn’t look again in the face their capitalist masters! Still revolution is preached, class struggle is proclaimed, and gun is symbolized, by them. Communism can be desired, dreamed of and worked for, or even implemented, even by those who want peace. Even in the primitive communism of the centuries earlier, it is believed, there were no extreme riots or violence.

Because it was a conditional system instituted for the existence and subsistence of the society, such that everyone worked hard and every resources and products were distributed equally to everyone- to those who contributed of course-, there was no need for violence. But Marxism functions in not that way, and Maoism and Leninism. In all these three there is nothing but violence. It came to that because the monetary system and the weapons system were introduced and interwoven in due course and they changed and evolved themselves with time.

Unlike primitive communism, Marxism along with Maoism and Leninism operates through subjugation. Even if we temporarily allow them the title and status of ideologies and look at them for a moment, let us say we will see it is strange that subjugation has become not only its means but also its goal and entertainment finally. Take any modern-day self-proclaimed Marxist, Maoist or Leninist... we shall see that subjugation permeates- spurts- in his words, deeds, thoughts, writings, actions and even his body movements throughout life. That fountain of his speech does not spring up from and come down except through those rock clefts. Except through violence, bloodshed and revolution, Marxism has a thought or a way forward. For those who use it, and those who think they are using it, and those who claim they are carrying it, a part of their dreams are leased and chartered for violence and bloodshed.

Even as this article was written, the Israeli embassy in Delhi was attacked and bombed. Which political party is there today in India to do that by taking money from Gaza terrorists, and with having a bit of political inclination and clout to go in hand with it on the side? If it was not them who did it, then the central BJP government, that also has control over the police force of the Union Territory of Delhi through its Lieutenant General, that has been screaming non-stop that they were on the side of the Israelis, and which deployed fleets of naval forces including warships in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean against attacks and hijacks by terrorists in tie-up with the ones who entered Israel and killed 1,400 of their people through attacks, would have caught those perpetrators.

Written on 24 December 2023 and first published on: 21 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 24 December 2023 and first published on: 27 December 2023

SM1489. ലോകത്തെവിടെയാരെങ്കിലും തോക്കുംകൊണു്ടുനിലു്ക്കുന്നതുകണു്ടാലു് കേരളത്തിലെ മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുപാ൪ട്ടിയുടെ സംസ്ഥാനക്കമ്മിറ്റിയു്ക്കും താഴോട്ടുള്ള ഹതാശ്ശക്കമ്മ്യൂണിസ്സു്റ്റുകളു്ക്കും രോമാഞു്ചമാണു്

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