Sunday, May 19, 2024

268. Why don’t the DYFI, SFI and Marxist Party send volunteers to Palestine for relief work instead of preaching? Are they afraid of body cuts and pain?


Why don’t the DYFI, SFI and Marxist Party send volunteers to Palestine for relief work instead of preaching? Are they afraid of body cuts and pain?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Why do not the Marxist Party, DYFI and SFI send volunteers to Palestine for relief work instead of preaching? Are they afraid of body cuts and pain? It is as if the entire weight of the Palestinian state has fallen on their shoulders that the Communist Party of India (Marxist), its youth wing Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI), and its students’ organization the Students Federation of India (SFI) act, their Kerala Chief Minister and other leaders speak. Have they ever purchased or collected and donated a dress, blanket, sari or medicine for today's Gaza refugees in Palestine? Whatever avenues of help were there! Did they open any one of them?

Communist parties are active as an ideology and an organization, as a social tool, that has its own interests in and the willingness to meddle in with compassion and help and to serve in troubled countries, especially in situations where refugees are fleeing in search of sanctuaries. Party organizations have often worked as machinery for that. Regarding Palestine-Gaza, in the case of the Gaza refugees who were formed as a handiwork of Israel as the resultant effect of the aggression of the Gaza terrorists who invaded Israel with the sole intention of killing and abducting people, the communist parties in India in general and the Communist Party of India (Marxist) in particular are more interested than they in other parts of the world and have expressed their opinion many times, and have continued to express those opinions. The question here is why it did not rise to action rather than mere expression of opinion. The question here is whether it was not just to stir and lift the narrow and irrational religious sentiments of many Muslims in India, especially in Kerala, to secure votes in elections while they, these pseudo-communists, sitting inside capitalist creature comforts of corruption, bribery and lecherous sex, made only oratory speeches, without anywhere near damaging their own corpuscular bodies.

Communism has not only helped refugees, but communism has also created refugees. According to estimates of October 1959, i.e. two years after the Communist Party first came to power in Kerala, when the Second World War ended in 1945, while the population of Hungary, which became a Communist state, was only nine million, the number of refugees- women, children and men- who fled for their lives from communist-captured countries including Hungary was a much higher twelve million. (Report No. RDP81-01043R004100140007-0 de-classified by CIA and released on 03-04-2014). From China, North Korea, Vietnam, Tibet, East Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania, Czechoslovakia and Romania all have originated refugee flows fleeing from communist cruelty, inhumanity, totalitarianism, and total suppression. Now that many of these countries have since then become non-communist, in many of these European countries which are now shifting to the right wing, a question has been raised as to why people from here who once supported the communists should now be accepted as refugees. Anti-communism is now seen as equaling anti-Islamism in these places. Therefore, when the communist leaders of Kerala sermonize about Gaza refugees, they should be careful!

A resolution was passed in the 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) held in Kozhikode, Kerala from April 4 to 9, 2012, demanding that the Bengali refugees who came to India from the former East Pakistan, which was later liberated and split by India from Pakistan and became Bangladesh, should be recognized as Indian citizens and given Indian citizenship in accordance with the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2003. Eleven years have passed since then. Let the Gaza refugees stand there for the time-being: have the rights of these Bengali refugees who are inside India and who were covered and honored by the resolution in the Party Congress been secured and protected by the party through any followed-up continued struggle?

Written on 08 November 2023 and first published on: 19 May 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 08 November 2023 and first published on: 15 November 2023

SM1458. മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുപാ൪ട്ടിയും ഡീവൈയ്യെഫൈയ്യും എസ്സെഫൈയ്യും പ്രസംഗിക്കുന്നതിനുപകരം ദുരിതാശ്വാസത്തിനു് പാലസ്സു്റ്റീനിലേക്കു് വോളണു്ടീയ൪മാരെയയക്കാത്തതെന്താണു്? ശരീരംമുറിയുമെന്നുപേടിച്ചോ?






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