Wednesday, June 5, 2024

287. Like the Gujarat Judiciary became Hindu-fascistic under Narendra Modi's Chief Ministership, will the Kerala Judiciary become Marxist-fascistic under Pinarayi Vijayan's Chief Ministership? There are similar examples both here and there!


Like the Gujarat Judiciary became Hindu-fascistic under Narendra Modi's Chief Ministership, will the Kerala Judiciary become Marxist-fascistic under Pinarayi Vijayan's Chief Ministership? There are similar examples both here and there!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By PaeGAG. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Related to both the BJP’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Center, the Marxist Party’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan in Kerala, and the judiciary in both places they frequently deal with, what is seen now is both of them, exhausted without any political resistance and unable to defend themselves politically due to heavy corruptions and illegal transactions involving the taking of the country's money, are now dependent on the Judiciary for their continued survival- through filing false cases and ridiculous defamation cases that have no legal backing against political opponents. What startled and shocked the people of the country was the fact that the judiciary acted without any hesitation or compunction to take legal follow up action in those false cases and defamation cases.

As the Gujarat Judiciary became more or less Hindu Fascistic under Narendra Modi's Chief Ministership and during his Prime Ministership, will the Kerala Judiciary become Marxist Fascistic under Pinarayi Vijayan's Chief Ministership? As there are similar examples of the same situations in both places, isn’t it the responsibility of the people who are duty-bound to safe-guard and retain democracy and the impartiality in law and justice here to check whether it hasn’t been so in both places and if it isn’t the case now in the country and whether it will continue to be so, and if necessary, take corrective measures through appropriate channels. From what is seen now, even as while the Executive, Legislature, Judiciary and Media who externally and outwardly claim that they sustain and help maintain democracy and republicanism in the country to see to it that they prevails, they have not put even a need or an idea or any such demand like this in front of the people, then whose responsibility is it then now apart from the people’s who are the fifth estate and the original owners of all of these?

Today, the people know through the many cases that have come before these courts that many stations in the judiciary looked not at the law, but at these stalwarts of administration instead. The abundance of examples prevents from going into the details and specifics here. What the people are seeing today is the scene of that part of judiciary which has fallen victim to the touch of these untouchables passing from the stage of wayward judiciary to rogue judiciary, and that is what was seen in almost all these cases. Because it cannot be said without mentioning the names of those judges, those cases also are not attempted to be specified here. In any case, one thing can be clearly said here- this change, this change of step and stance, started including in the judiciary, ever since the programme of the formation of Hindu Rashtra to which both of them have become parties to came which is a subversion of the Constitution which the judiciary is said to be protecting. What are seen today are the subversives and the subversive-minded all assembled on one side and the 70-year-old constitution on the other side.

After taking a case on this statement on the complaint of some Modi-namebearer from somewhere, when the case came to trial in 2019, on realizing that Rahul Gandhi is a hindrance to Narendra Modi's corruption exercises in India and even to his political future, the Surat court asked him why he made that statement to which his reply was as a national leader of the country and a Parliament Member it was his responsibility and his right to find out and raise corruption issues.

What we expect from judges and jurors is not only a sense of law and justice but also a sense of logic. It is because of the idea that they are the ultimate incarnation and embodiment of the three and not any less, and only because of that, we give them and reserve for them a different kind of respect which is alien and we do not give to others and impute infallibility to them. Whichever of these three it seems to be absent, they lose that place and position in people’s minds. If it is lost in the minds of the people, then it position will not exist any longer as only in the law books.

When a defamation case like this comes before them, the first thing the court asks the complainant is whether Modi is the name of a community defined with clear boundaries or is it a personal or a family surname, whether it is supported by written documents, and if Modi is a community name rather than a general surname, then if the complainant has filed any cases in any court against Nirav Modi, Lalit Modi, and Narendra Modi who Rahul Gandhi, the accused in the present defamation case before them, says as to have defamed this community’s name by bearing that community name and carrying out the country's biggest embezzlement, frauds and corruptions.

When looked at the logic, isn’t it a graver, clearer and more concrete defamation going by the surname Modi and joining with the high officials in the government go doing and committing all financial scams, frauds and money laundering and after that fleeing the country and living abroad as fugitives, than as charged in this case as making a vague defamation by asking a question how come the term Modi comes after the names of all the liars in the country? Which of these is relatively derogatory? If the complainant says he has not filed any such complaint or case in court anywhere, shouldn't rationality ask him to immediately get out of the court with his that complaint? But it was none of these that happened here.

It was for mistakenly thinking illogically and personally that some Modi-namebearers through that embezzlement and financial fraud slandering the Modi name throughout the world- if there is such a thing as a Modi name and a Modi community- is irrelevant, but someone asking the first-said question is relevant and punitively punishable, and by sentencing him to the harshest punishment in the book- imprisonment for two years- revoking his position as a representative of the people as the Member of Parliament from the Wayanad constituency in Kerala and expelling him from Parliament, and because of judicial stations from the Surat District Court in Gujarat that gave that verdict to the Gujarat High Court that upheld that verdict and made slandering personal comments also having initiated and moved legal proceedings for his removal from parliament and imprisonment in jail that it was said here that they became Hindu Fascistic under the touch and long contact of Narendra Modi who ruled Gujarat as Chief Minister for so many years- fifteen years to be exact.

Calling the judgments of both these courts completely illegal and outrageous and excessive, the Supreme Court in August 2023 canceled the disqualification imposed on Rahul Gandhi by these two judges. How are those who have a sense of law and a sense of boundaries to describe these except as two dogs who seeing the Hindu Rashtra coming and thinking that if stick close to it will get still higher positions immediately, jumped barking and biting for Modi?

Accept cases in Gujarat for what happened in Karnataka, bypassing the jurisdiction take cases in another state to favour the Prime Minister and his BJP's religious theocratic rule, without pointing out this circumventing of jurisdiction, without pretending to be going beyond jurisdiction, hear that case, take the stand that ‘I don't want to know if there is a community called Modi or not’, disregard the Supreme Court judgment that the Freedom of Expression Act is above any other law in the country, for an offense punishable by fine imprisonment the person for two years as the maximum punishment, break into and carry out a coup d'état in the Legislature and destabilize the MP position of the Wayanad constituency in Kerala in the name of a statement- all these come, came, into that fascism carried out by the judiciary in states under the touch of BJP, Narendra Modi, their theo-corporates and the associated cronies of theirs. The entire things done by these two Gujarat Courts were annulled by the Supreme Court of India through a judgment in appeal, unwinding the menace, malice and abuse these two lower judicial bodies created. What else is there to describe those two court justices other than anti-constitutionalists and fascists?

Except for Narendra Modi's long-term touch and contact what else could be causing this? Had this person was not even born in India would this legal aberration all have happened? Not limiting to the case that came before them these courts, having carried away, even asked the elated rutting extraneous question in the courtroom of whether the grandson of a man named Veer Savarkar (the creator and godfather of the Hindu-rightist RSS!) hasn’t filed another complaint in another court against the accused Rahul Gandhi- the young former president of the Indian National Congress and the direct descendant of three former Prime Ministers of India.

It is to asking the same kind of such extraneous questions in the same way in court that some ones in the Kerala judiciary which is seen by the public as has become Marxist-fascist after the long term-touch of the Kerala’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, who keeping in hand cases which have no legal backing and finding no other way to move forward and proceed with them, passed. We have clearly seen that the rot in the Executive has passed on through those rotters in the Executive to the Judiciary also. (In the Media in Kerala that rotting is already completed long past)!

The recent similarity between the Gujarat Judiciary and the Kerala Judiciary in relation to many other cases related to Pinarayi Vijayan's Marxist government in Kerala is striking, shocking. As in Gujarat, the Supreme Court rejected these extraneous questions in Kerala and quashed their judgments.

The Solar sexual accusation case against the former Congress Chief Minister Oomman Chandy filed by the present Marxist Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s party that came before a judge named Shivarajan who went to the extreme sexual entertainment with the case, a high court judge in Kerala jumping in to ban the news channel Media One, two Lok Ayukta Judges who forgot themselves and participated in a liquor party given by Pinarayi Vijayan, came back, and acquitted him from the charge of embezzlement in the Kerala Chief Minister’s Emergency Relief Fund which was in his own custody and abusing the complainant by calling him dog in the open court and threatened, some judges in Kerala who thought that the time for the final inquisition was come joining the hunt by Pinarayi Vijayan's extra-governmental team against the editor of the online media Marunadan Malayalee, the high Court Chief who seeking a job with dignity and at least a little authority after retirement dismissing all cases against his government and even before retirement going standing before the Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on the guise of attending his menu-rich party and offered the position of the Chairman of the State Human Rights Commission, are all examples. The question in the minds of the people is why people are paying these people salaries for doing this kind of work while in service and for that other kind of work after their retirement.

Written on 04 August 2023 and first published on: 05 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 04 August 2023 and first published on: 08 August 2023

1386. നരേന്ദ്രമോദിയുടെ മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിഭരണത്തിലു് ഗുജറാത്തുജൂഡീഷ്യറി ഹിന്ദുഫാസ്സിസ്സു്റ്റായതുപോലെ പിണറായിവിജയ൯റ്റെ മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിഭരണത്തിലു് കേരളജുഡീഷ്യറി മാ൪കു്സ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുഫാസ്സിസ്സു്റ്റാവുമോ? രണു്ടിടത്തും സമാനയുദാഹരണങ്ങളുണു്ടു്!








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