Sunday, June 23, 2024

308. Why can't the foreign Indian Hindus call and suffer the ethnic cleansing they face from the Muslims there a sacrifice made lying abroad in the name of Hinduism, for helping Narendra Modi and Reliance stay in power and jointly loot national assets in India?


Why can't the foreign Indian Hindus call and suffer the ethnic cleansing they face from the Muslims there a sacrifice made lying abroad in the name of Hinduism, for helping Narendra Modi and Reliance stay in power and jointly loot national assets in India?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Tim Mossholder. Graphics: Adobe SP.

As long as the Hindu extremist government in India overthrows and nearly-replaces by changing the government of India’s constitution, divides the Muslim majority states, and continues the ethnic cleansing and removal of Muslims in the Indian states, the communal segregation and removal of the Hindus in Leicester and other similar places in England will continue, is what the Muslim extremist organizations there promises us. This can happen not only in England but in other Muslim nations also. If the Hindu Government in India is not concerned about the similar problems of the Indian Hindus living in other countries, but if the Indian communities in foreign countries like England rejects the Hindu Government in India, then they can only stop the ethnic cleansing they are facing.

But they are not willing or ready to do it. It is in order to prevent such condemnation by them that the BJP government, which has a lower level of politics even than the anti-social elements in the country, threatened through the Indian External Affairs Ministry that if while living abroad they criticized India's government or the BJP’s administration and policies, the backing provided by the Indian government for them to live abroad will be withdrawn. The BJP leaders have such a degraded and revengeful mental structure. Looking at the world political standards, they should have been rejected by those Indians abroad long ago as just mentally ill! It was knowing well in advance that this condemnation by the Non-Resident Indians will come, and knowing also well what will be the reaction in the cities of the world after the BBC's video showing the role of Narendra Modi as a leader in the Gujarat riots, that the BJP has put such a hook on foreign Indians through their External Affairs Ministry. Now the agitation being carried out by these foreign Hindus there should have been against this withdrawal decision of Modi's. But in fact they need to worship Narendra Modi and BJP for what they are doing, they also wish the Muslim cleansing they do in India to be continued, but they want not to be attacked by the Muslim community in foreign countries in retaliation! Isn't it obvious that this is impossible?

Instead of maintaining restraint and following the natural Hinduistic path of open-minded cooperation and tolerance with other religions while abroad, if they think India's extremist Hindu government is their pride and it’s a pleasure while lying abroad to see that ultra-Hindu government and ultra-Hindu corporations joining and hunting the Muslims of India in multiple ways, then they will have to endure many hardships and damages like these. What not have many Christian sects and groups experienced during the Inquisition period! Cannot these foreign Indians bear all these silently without protest the Hindu way, believing that it was their sacrifice made in the name of Hinduism for keeping Narendra Modi and Reliance in power in India and jointly loot the national assets? Those who cling to religion instead of to a worldly society and humanity will have to sacrifice many things like a quiet life. Did they leave India and go to England generations ago for Hindu religious propaganda work or for working and living and looking after their children and improving themselves?

Narendra Modi has been around for quite some time saying that the BBC is an anti-Indian force because the BBC is making videos for Narendra Modi to lose the next election without compromising the freedom and impartiality and neutrality of the media, which enshrines a media in the hearts of the people and earns it the respect of the world, and not making videos for Narendra Modi to win the next election just like the media in India who live for favors, freebies and money from the government are doing. So following him that's why there are many stupid foreign Indian Hindus in England as well as in America and Canada who take it as their urgent duty to wipe out the BBC from the world before the Narendra Modi regime goes on the road.

Seated as the heads of many Hindu organizations and temples abroad and thinking that they are the cousins and brothers-in-law of some invincible ruler in India who is more powerful than Victoria, they are sitting in pose as if they are going to do what Trump and Johnson tried and failed. They are the ones who provoke the Muslim organizations in foreign countries and creating problems there. When Narendra Modi’s Kerala counterpart and political serf Pinarayi Vijayan went to America from Kerala, didn't the world see a lot of Oola Malayalis who went and stood around him, enveloping him? Just like that!

It is supposed that BBC is an independent media. No matter how its finances are, so are at least its attitudes. That is why the British people are paying to keep it going, to sustain it, to keep it as independent. It has been noted since long that they write and broadcast a lot of things which some foreign-residing Indians who do not have a world view and an independent and neutral thinking think are humiliating to them, which they think is to India. (As for the Hindus in India, any humiliation native or abroad due to government action is not an issue after BJP's arrival and staying on the scene; it has become a habit now)! But is India's television Door Darshan at least as independent a media as the BBC? Isn't that a Hindu political mouthpiece today? Do they criticize their government like the BBC does? Though considered governmental, doesn't the BBC criticize the British government too, even for the name’s sake? Is there at least one word, one bit of news of that kind, to point out about Door Darshan? So, because BBC is an independent media anyone can ride on it and rile too, and Narendra Modi can kick it on the street, but because Door Darshan is a Hindu media, especially a government-obedient and submissive media, it should not be criticized! It is in this ideological crisis that the Indian Hindus including in England are today.

Written on 29 October 2022 and first published on: 23 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 29 October 2022 and first published on: 13 June 2023

SM1327. വിദേശയി൯ഡൃ൯ഹിന്ദുക്കളു് മുസ്ലിമുകളിലു്നിന്നുനേരിടുന്ന വംശയുച്ഛാടനം നരേന്ദ്രമോദിയു്ക്കും റിലയ൯സ്സിനും ഭരണത്തിലിരുന്നു് പരസ്സു്പ്പരംചേ൪ന്നു് രാഷ്ട്രസ്വത്തുക്കളു്വെട്ടിത്തിന്നാ൯വേണു്ടി വിദേശത്തുകിടന്നുകൊണു്ടു് ഹിന്ദുമതത്തി൯റ്റെപേരിലു്ച്ചെയ്യുന്നത്യാഗമെന്നുപറഞ്ഞു് അതൊക്കെയങ്ങുസഹിച്ചുകൂടേ?


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