Thursday, June 6, 2024

289. When America and Russia started the moon mission series as if they had nothing else to do, experts said the country would collapse as money for agriculture and medicine would be gone. It happens in India!


When America and Russia started the moon mission series as if they had nothing else to do, experts said the country would collapse as money for agriculture and medicine would be gone. It happens in India!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

When America and Russia, as if they had nothing else to do and as if the country had already achieved whatever it needed essential for the country, started the lunar mission series, experts had said that deprived of the money for agricultural and medicinal research the country would collapse. And the same thing happened. In both places, the rulers who wanted to hold on to power took public money and ventured into these adventures. The same is happening in India too. Actor Prakash Raj from the South India, who mentioned this and gave a warning to the country and its administrators, was insulted and hunted as a traitor by these types of administrators and their supporters who are carrying out reckless moon mission ventures for taking money out of treasury which is otherwise safe and unreachable there to divide and share it among them even when there is no money left for agricultural and medicinal research and development in the country. It seems that someone somewhere has even filed a case against him. It was the only voice of sanity heard in the midst of this madness.

How can it be treason saying and giving a warning that taking away the national resources set aside for research and development in the fields of agriculture, medicine and other basic sciences and also the revenue income newly generated by other means and sending them all to space research will break the backbone of the country's economic life in the coming years? Isn't it the other that is treason? Aren't those who sabotage the country's top priority issues who are the traitors?

At the end of Russia's Soyuz space exploration series, that country was devastated and wrecked and later scattered into many pieces. It was at the end of America's Apollo missions that the nation fell into the worst economic crisis and paralysis which broke the country's back. In both places, this policy of super leap and reckless adventure caused indeed a leap in space technology and knowledge and in allied sciences but a huge breakdown and collapse in agriculture and medicine that actually sustains the life of the people in the country. For both these fields the money that was there in the country until then was gone. So, then, which are the top priority subjects? Who doesn’t know it is in the European countries which kept themselves back from excessive space research, exploration and travel programmes (even when they did it, they did it jointly by many countries joining together and pooling their wealth and resources and allocating enough money to agriculture and medicine) that, in general, the people of the country live the healthiest, the long-lived and the most prosperous lives!

India, under the rule of Bharatiya Janata Party leaders such as Narendra Modi who have no foresight nor any long administrative experience like many other leaders in the other parties of India like the Indian National Congress, after contending with the world and laying its hands on the sky alone, and after driving every penny of money towards it, had to impose a ban on the export of rice and onion from the country which was done at the same time as its moon landing, remains indisputable evidence of error in deciding the priority matter. Was it because enough money had been poured into the production of rice and onion to sustain the life of the people and created plentiness and prosperity that the exports of both were banned?

Written on 21 August 2023 and first published on: 06 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 21 August 2023 and first published on: 23 August 2023

SM1394. അമേരിക്കയും റഷ്യയും മറ്റൊന്നുംചെയ്യാനില്ലാത്തപോലെ ചാന്ദ്രദൗത്യപരമ്പരകളാരംഭിച്ചപ്പോളു് വിദഗു്ദ്ധ൪പറഞ്ഞതാണു് കൃഷിക്കും മെഡിസ്സിനുമുള്ളപണമില്ലാതായി ഉട൯രാജ്യംതകരുമെന്നു്. അതുതന്നെസംഭവിച്ചു!







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